
The farm name 'Canaries Fountain ...' is early before, eg. on the census card 1891 and at Veillet. Now survey get a name of a mountain bask that lies on the farm Canaries fountain. Subsequently, the communication of Mr Kruger, and as can also be made of the old-fashioned (Dutch) spelling, is the name old. We know that such old farm or place names are often translated from the original Khoekhoen name. Is this also the case here? It can sometimes prove from the language or if it is not true, weather. Unfortunately we have little reliable data T.O.V. The name of the canary feel under the Namas. There is, however, one feature from 1685 by Claudius, the draftsman who has Van der Stel gangelêi, viz. Thoucocos. The T- is for the suction patch. This is all we possess, cf. Also Hott 326. is good - possibly a people's fatigue deformation of eg. The thou, or of the -co-? The -boe-S also does not want to insert well. We only provide the facts we have at our disposal, hoping someone can help.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3017 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveyor of Kruger AC 1978 Questionnaire 'Goodboss, 45 km South Springbok. Old name for a bowl between the mountains and for the countries. Presumably Nama ... '
afr Opmeting per Kruger AC 1978 Vraelys 'Goeieboes, 45 km suidsuidwes van Springbok. Ou naam vir ’n kom tussen die berge en vir die lande- rye. Vermoedelik Nama...'
eng The farm name 'Canaries Fountain ...' is early before, eg. on the census card 1891 and at Veillet. Now survey get a name of a mountain bask that lies on the farm Canaries fountain. Subsequently, the communication of Mr Kruger, and as can also be made of the old-fashioned (Dutch) spelling, is the name old. We know that such old farm or place names are often translated from the original Khoekhoen name. Is this also the case here? It can sometimes prove from the language or if it is not true, weather. Unfortunately we have little reliable data T.O.V. The name of the canary feel under the Namas. There is, however, one feature from 1685 by Claudius, the draftsman who has Van der Stel gangelêi, viz. Thoucocos. The T- is for the suction patch. This is all we possess, cf. Also Hott 326. is good - possibly a people's fatigue deformation of eg. The thou, or of the -co-? The -boe-S also does not want to insert well. We only provide the facts we have at our disposal, hoping someone can help.
afr Die plaasnaam 'Canaries Fontein...' kom al vroeg voor, bv. op die Sensuskaart 1891 en by Veillet. Nou kry Opmeting ’n naam van ’n bergkom wat op die plaas Canaries Fontein le. Blykens die mededeling van mnr Kruger, en soos ook uit die outydse (Nederlandse) spelling afgelêi kan word, is die naam oud. Ons weet dat sulke ou plaas- of plekname baie keer uit die oorspronklike Khoekhoense naam vertaal is. Is dit hier ook die geval? Dit kan soms uit die taal bewys of, indien dit nie waar is nie, weerle word. Ongelukkig beskik ons oor min betroubare gegewens t.o.v. die naam van die kanarievoel onder die Namas. Daar is wel een opteke- ning uit 1685 deur Claudius, die tekenaar wat Van der Stel begelêi het, nl. Thoucocos. Die T- is vir die suigklap. Dit is al waaroor ons beskik t.o.vdie naam, vgl. ook HOTT 326. Is Goeie- moontlik ’n volksetimologiese vervorming van bv. die Thou-, of van die -co-? Die -boe-s wil ook nie goed invoeg nie. Ons verstrek hier net die feite wat ons tot ons beskikking het, in die hoop dat iemand kan help..
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