
Smith Wac LE ON SOUBATTERS FONTEIN 3017 BA. Here is referred to the Jkhanu, the Acacia Nebrownii, the well-known water thorn or sleep thorn (cf. Wiss HJ 1973-4 Botanische Mitt 8), as we may think of the sound, but to the diospyros sp. Cfg. Furthermore, cannabis (dune) about the canoe berry that occurs very much and is also captured. Elsewhere, the Canobe is also known as the Kraaibos, so called because the leaves, after movement, as the nest of a crow smell when they are crushed.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3017 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Smith Wac LE ON SOUBATTERS FONTEIN 3017 BA. Here is referred to the Jkhanu, the Acacia Nebrownii, the well-known water thorn or sleep thorn (cf. Wiss HJ 1973-4 Botanische Mitt 8), as we may think of the sound, but to the diospyros sp. Cfg. Furthermore, cannabis (dune) about the canoe berry that occurs very much and is also captured. Elsewhere, the Canobe is also known as the Kraaibos, so called because the leaves, after movement, as the nest of a crow smell when they are crushed.
afr Smith WAC 1978 Afgetrede onderwyser Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof 'Tjannoebeeberg, die Tjan met 'n tongslag uitgespreek, so genoem omdat daar baie tjannoebeebosse groei wat soet bessies dra wanneer hulle ryp is, en graag deur mense en diere en voels geeet word' Die berg le op Soubattersfontein 3017 BA. Hier word verwys nie na die jkhanu-, die Acacia nebrownii, die bekende waterdoring of slapdoring (vgl. Wiss HJ 1973-4 Botanische Mitt 8) nie, soos ons op die klank af mag dink, maar na die Diospyros sp. Vgl. verder KANNABIE(DUIN) oor die kanobe- bessie wat baie hier voorkom en ook onomasties vasgelê is. Elders is die kanobe ook bekend as die kraaibos, so genoem omdat die blare, na bewe- ring, soos die nes van 'n kraai ruik as hulle gekneus word.
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