
In th a ** 739, we expressed the opinion that the member is Koeroe- such as Nama 11Guru- = 'quartz'. One of our peoples there. nl. Mr TF Dixon, called the relationship with 'Waters', in Nama Tkhuru. Mr Smith's remark above that the name arose because of the fountain may be able to strengthen the connection with 'Waters'. However, the fountain is called Doornfontein, let us suspect that Doornfontein may be a translation of Koeroebeest, ie A naming group where the 'rusty key' can offer the solution. Then the member is Koeroebeest like Nama ǀ Jkhu- = thorn, the -roe- perhaps reduction morpheme such as Nama -ro-, and the -bea Lokativerend, lock -s fern. Sing here specifically to name the fountain. However, our preference is for the declaration of the name as 'Waterner'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 3017 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Smith CP 1978 Farmer Questionnaire per Burger Cr Principal 'Koeroeebeest is a Bushman or Hottento. The name arose as a result of the fountain called Doornfontein. 'Koeroe' means digging and 'beef' water or digging water '.
afr Smith CP 1978 Boer Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof 'Koeroebees is 'n Boesman- of Hottentotwoord. Die naam het ontstaan as gevolg van die fontein genaamd Doornfontein. ‘Koeroe’ beteken grawe en ‘bees' water of grawe water'.
eng In th a ** 739, we expressed the opinion that the member is Koeroe- such as Nama 11Guru- = 'quartz'. One of our peoples there. nl. Mr TF Dixon, called the relationship with 'Waters', in Nama Tkhuru. Mr Smith's remark above that the name arose because of the fountain may be able to strengthen the connection with 'Waters'. However, the fountain is called Doornfontein, let us suspect that Doornfontein may be a translation of Koeroebeest, ie A naming group where the 'rusty key' can offer the solution. Then the member is Koeroebeest like Nama ǀ Jkhu- = thorn, the -roe- perhaps reduction morpheme such as Nama -ro-, and the -bea Lokativerend, lock -s fern. Sing here specifically to name the fountain. However, our preference is for the declaration of the name as 'Waterner'.
afr In TH A** 739 het ons die mening uitgespreek dat die lid Koeroe- soos Nama 11guru- = 'kwarts' is. Een van ons segsliede daar. nl. mnr TF Dixon, het die verband met 'wateraar' genoem, in Nama Tkhuru-. Mnr Smith se opmerking hierbo dat die naam ontstaan het as gevolg van die fontein kan moontlik die verband met 'wateraar' versterk. Dat die fontein Doornfontein heet, laat ons egter vermoed dat Doornfontein 'n vertaling van Koeroebees mag wees, m.a.w. dat ons hier 'n naamkerngroep het waar die 'verroeste sleutel' die oplossing kan bied. Dan is die lid Koe- van Koeroebees soos Nama ǀ jkhu- = doring, die -roe- miskien verkleiningsmorfeem soos Nama -ro-, en die -bees lokativerend, die slot -s fern. sing, hier spesifiek om die fontein te benoem. Ons voorkeur is egter vir die verklaring van die naam as 'Wateraar'.
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