
Vereill sign up as a place on the beach road of eg. Hondeklip Bay down north to eg. Kleinzee. There is water to get. Nope LE LEARS Skulptfontein point and adjacent to the dune area of ​​which the dunes are distinguished to color, eg. Like 'Black Dunes', underneath 'Geeluine' separated by a road from 'Noop'. Directly above yellow and black dunes le 'black dunes', a farm No. Nam. Q. 12-5. Mr. CR Burger 1978 Skoo'l- Chief Discussion Disciplinate the 'Noop Gardens' on the farm 'NOWP' and that the homestead is known as 'black dunes'. East of Cammagappunt and Southeast of 'Noop Bay' is 'Noep'. It appears that we have a toponimic core group of which the components 'note', 'NOP', 'Nope (Dunes)', 'Nope (Bay)' and 'Black (Dune)'. We believe there is also a linguistic relationship. 'Black' is in Nama = FNU (Rust 1960 DNW 55) that matches the first member of the names above. The lock -P is simply the Loka- tiefmorfeem masc. Sing, in elongated or elevated objects, probably the dunes. If exactly, 'black (dunes)' is translating 'Naptine (dunes)'. In th a ** 914, we grouped the farm name 'NOWP' with Noup on K 2819 BD and Noup (hills) on B 2820 A and it related to Namaǃ Noub [ǃ Naub] = 'Hill'. In light of the above topographical and toponimic considerations we see from the position we have held there, d.w.s. Regarding 'Noup' at 3017.

About this item

Alternative Title
Noop, Noop(Baai, Duine), Noep, Noup
Georeference Sources
K 3017 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Zwart Duinen
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Veillet S.J. Map 'Noop' across 'Schulp Fountain Point'. Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 3017 Garies 'Noup', Place No Nam. Q. 12-13. Agree topographical map 1973 'Noopduine' and 'Noopbaai'.
afr Veillet s.j. kaart 'Noop' regoor 'Schulp Fountain Point'. Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 3017 Garies 'Noup', plaas nr Nam. Q. 12-13. Ooreen- stemmende Topografiese kaart 1973 'Noopduine' en 'Noopbaai'.
eng Vereill sign up as a place on the beach road of eg. Hondeklip Bay down north to eg. Kleinzee. There is water to get. Nope LE LEARS Skulptfontein point and adjacent to the dune area of ​​which the dunes are distinguished to color, eg. Like 'Black Dunes', underneath 'Geeluine' separated by a road from 'Noop'. Directly above yellow and black dunes le 'black dunes', a farm No. Nam. Q. 12-5. Mr. CR Burger 1978 Skoo'l- Chief Discussion Disciplinate the 'Noop Gardens' on the farm 'NOWP' and that the homestead is known as 'black dunes'. East of Cammagappunt and Southeast of 'Noop Bay' is 'Noep'. It appears that we have a toponimic core group of which the components 'note', 'NOP', 'Nope (Dunes)', 'Nope (Bay)' and 'Black (Dune)'. We believe there is also a linguistic relationship. 'Black' is in Nama = FNU (Rust 1960 DNW 55) that matches the first member of the names above. The lock -P is simply the Loka- tiefmorfeem masc. Sing, in elongated or elevated objects, probably the dunes. If exactly, 'black (dunes)' is translating 'Naptine (dunes)'. In th a ** 914, we grouped the farm name 'NOWP' with Noup on K 2819 BD and Noup (hills) on B 2820 A and it related to Namaǃ Noub [ǃ Naub] = 'Hill'. In light of the above topographical and toponimic considerations we see from the position we have held there, d.w.s. Regarding 'Noup' at 3017.
afr Veillet teken Noop in as 'n plek aan die strandpad van bv. Hondeklipbaai af noordwaarts op tot bv. Kleinzee. Daar is water te kry. Noop le regoor Skulpfonteinpunt en grensend aan die duinegebied waarvan die duine na kleur onderskei word, bv. soos 'Swartduine', daaronder 'Geelduine' wat met ’n pad geskei is van 'Noop'. Direk bokant Geel- en Swartduine le 'Zwart Duinen', ’n plaas nr Nam. Q. 12-5. Mnr. CR Burger 1978 Skoo'l- hoof Gesprek deel mee dat die 'Noopduine' op die plaas 'Noup' le en dat die opstal bekend is as 'Swartduine'. Oos van Kammagappunt en suidoos van 'Noopbaai' is 'Noep'. Dit blyk dat ons hier 'n toponimiese kerngroep het waarvan die komponente 'Noep', 'Noup', 'Noop(duine)', 'Noop(baai)' en 'Swart(duin)' is. Ons meen daar is ook 'n taalkundige verband. 'Swart' is in Nama =Fnu (Rust 1960 DNW 55) wat met die eerste lid van die name hierbo ooreenstem. Die slot -p is gewoon die loka- tiefmorfeem masc. sing, by langwerpige of verhewe voorwerpe, hier waar- skynlik die duine. Indien juis, dan is 'Swart(duine)' die vertaling van 'Noop(duine)'. In TH A** 914 het ons die plaasnaam 'Noup' saamge- groepeer met NOUP op K 2819 BD en NOUP(HEUWElS) op B 2820 A en dit in verband gebring met Nama ǃnoub [ǃnaub] = 'heuwel'. In die lig van die bogenoemde topografiese en toponimiese oorwegings sien ons af van die standpunt wat ons daar gehuldig het, d.w.s. ten opsigte van 'Noup' op 3017.
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