
T'orroo' is given as west of Strydenburg. Between T'orro and Strydenburg is 'drought pan' correlating on the topo-cadastral series 1966 sheet 2922 Prieska with the farm 'dry dam' no ho. Q. 6-1. West of Drys Pan is on Veillet's map 'Lime Point 'and' lime bead 'on the mentioned topo-cadastral map with the farms' lime point 'no ho. Q. 3-5 and' lime bead 'no ho. Q. 1-34 correlate. On lime bead is still 'Lime point' with triangle bowl 37 Lime kraal Oo 'K can be a linguistic relationship. The T'of T'orroo represents a suction consonant. 'Lime' is in Nama Ikoro- [Khoro] (Rust 1960 DNW 34) that can be depleted as Loro- and match well with the name (T ') orroo. Then lime point, lime point and lime kraal in their first member from the Khoekhoians T'orroo. T'orroo correlates with 'Merwesrust' No. 188 and with 'Witdam' No. 190. This name Witdam strikes the lime formations here, just like the farm name Beecha, of which the first member 'milk' means, also does it, also with reference to the Lime water's milk white color. It is lime world, and the Khoekhoian name T'orroo also relates to this. 'Lime spot'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2923 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng VILLET S.J. Map 'T'Orroo'.
afr Veillet s.j. kaart 'T'Orroo'.
eng T'orroo' is given as west of Strydenburg. Between T'orro and Strydenburg is 'drought pan' correlating on the topo-cadastral series 1966 sheet 2922 Prieska with the farm 'dry dam' no ho. Q. 6-1. West of Drys Pan is on Veillet's map 'Lime Point 'and' lime bead 'on the mentioned topo-cadastral map with the farms' lime point 'no ho. Q. 3-5 and' lime bead 'no ho. Q. 1-34 correlate. On lime bead is still 'Lime point' with triangle bowl 37 Lime kraal Oo 'K can be a linguistic relationship. The T'of T'orroo represents a suction consonant. 'Lime' is in Nama Ikoro- [Khoro] (Rust 1960 DNW 34) that can be depleted as Loro- and match well with the name (T ') orroo. Then lime point, lime point and lime kraal in their first member from the Khoekhoians T'orroo. T'orroo correlates with 'Merwesrust' No. 188 and with 'Witdam' No. 190. This name Witdam strikes the lime formations here, just like the farm name Beecha, of which the first member 'milk' means, also does it, also with reference to the Lime water's milk white color. It is lime world, and the Khoekhoian name T'orroo also relates to this. 'Lime spot'.
afr T’Orroo' word aangegee as wes van Strydenburg. Tussen T’Orroo en Strydenburg is 'Drooge Pan' wat op die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2922 Prieska korreleer met die plaas 'Droge Dam' nr Ho. Q. 6-1. Wes van Drooge Pan is op Veillet se kaart 'Kalk Punt' en 'Kalk Kraal' wat op die genoemde Topo-kadastrale kaart met die plase 'Kalk Punt' nr Ho. Q. 3-5 en 'Kalk Kraal' nr Ho. Q. 1-34 korreleer. Op Kalk Kraal is nog 'Kalkpuntkop' met driehoeksbaken 37 daarop. Volgens Veillet se kaart le T'Orroo noordwes van Kalk Kraal en Kalk Punt. Dit lyk asof daar goeie rede is om te glo dat daar naas die topografiese ooreenkoms tussen die name T’Orroo, Kalk Punt en Kalk Kraal oo'k ’n taalkundige verband kan wees. Die T’- van T’Orroo stel ’n suigkonsonant voor. 'Kalk' is in Nama Ikoro- [khoro-] (Rust 1960 DNW 34) wat gedevelariseerd as loro- kan voorkom en goed met die naam (T’)Orroo ooreenstem. Dan is Kalk Punt, Kalkpuntkop en Kalk Kraal in hul eerste lid uit die Khoekhoense T’Orroo vertaal. T'Orroo korreleer met 'Merwesrust' nr 188 en met 'Witdam' nr 190. Hierdie naam Witdam slaan op die kalkformasies hier, net soos die plaasnaam Becha waarvan die eerste lid 'melk' beteken, dit eweneens doen, ook met verwysing na die kalkwater se melkwit kleur. Dit is hier kalkwêreld, en die Khoekhoense naam T’Orroo het ook hierop betrekking. 'Kalkplek'.
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