
On his map's Wikar at 'Huzingais' yet: 'Higher on Ben I do not be' (see also Gordon). Ely translates it with 'spider wire kraal', Gordon with Scorpioalk, D.W.S. the kraal of the Scorpion people. This gang has moved a lot, so Wikar finds them at each of his two trips at different places or at the Orange River. Forbes 1965 PTSA 107 has problems to situated the position of the gang following Mossop's identification. Hossop wants to declare Koegas as 'spider (wire) bead' in support of its notion, but Koegas means 'Seekoeuikee location', and does not support his attempt at identification. Forbes undoubtedly seemed to reject the equation of Husingais with Koegas. If we now keep in mind that the Scorpion people have moved around, O.A. Due to disagreement with other tribes of the rivers, as determined in this case by Wikar, then we can connect one and others. We probably know from the sufficient location indications that the Scorpion people have found in this environment, sometimes above the Orange River, sometimes bottom. In the Bree looked Mossop. Koegas eg. on k 2922 AD. Also see SHJ 1973 Gazette 105 'Koegas, Gordonia, syn. Husingais, angular, scorpia bead ', with the same grade square. Now there is east here, at 2923 CD, therefore in the same general environment, a farm called 'Scorpions Kraal No Ho. Q. 9-18.' It is now a small farm, western Van Strydenburg and south of the Orange River. That the registration first appears in Folio 9 shows that it is indicated late. Now we very much possible that the current farm name keeps the memory green Chains that lived here, may have had its last stand on the farm. Here was a 'kraal / settlement (indicated by the -s of the Fern, sing.) From the Scorpion (Nama and Kora ǀ Hu- =' Ein Grosser Skorpion ', look further in Hott 450) -Stam / People (11AI- =' Das Volk ', Kr.R. 1969 NW 19, but in the stem name and in the farm name preserved in his parent form with the skeleton for that as -g-ai-1-g -ei-) ', or shortly:' Scorpiokraal ', in the sense of:' The kraal where the Scorpion stands '. We believe the place name here is the hand to the historian. Noot : At this point we do not make the matter out of which the scorpions and spiders exist, viz. As gang names. Krenz FK 1979 Farmer at Bost evenings a side draw we want to pick up. 'Win Nama Volk Am Feuer Sitzt Und Plaudert, WIRD Beim Erscheinen und erblicken Einer Tarantelspinne von den jungle.' ǀ Husi╪gas is Also 'WO the Wollpinne Reincchch'. Skorpion = ╪hiririb '.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2923 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Scorpions Kraal
eng Wikar 1779 VRV 15 158 '... the other great river where the blip [stand: a branch of that Tswana] at living ... is 3 dagreysen Hooger as the husingais or spinning row bead is where I have been ... 'Dieselfde 170' Now with my second attenuations the Husingais lay a heightly raised if that the KOURINGAIS won '. Gordon RJ 1779 Ms from 4th journey (od 1779.11.03 and 05) '... When Wy By De Hoekingeis, Synde Scorpion bead of 20 cabins ... Quamen ... The angular requirement bead lay here when Vicar [Read: Wikar] With the two basters ... and Here Zyn Sij reversed ... 'Mossop EE 1935 VRV 15 19' Husingais. Marked Upon Map 2 (Gordon Collection) at the present Koegas 'Hoekingeis of Scorpiaen Bead'. Kegas = ǀ XAS (Many Scorpions) '
afr Wikar 1779 VRV 15 158 ' andere groote rivier waar de Blip [ver- staan: ’n tak van die Tswana] aan 3 dagreysen hooger als de Husingais of Spinnekopdraadkraal is waar ik geweest ben...' Dieselfde 170 'Nu met mijn tweede togt lagen de Husingais een schoft hooger als dat de Kouringais gevlugt waaren'. Gordon RJ 1779 ms van 4de reis (o.d. 1779.11.03 en 05) '...toen wy by de Hoekingeis, synde Scorpioenkraal van 20 Hoeking eis kraal lag hier toen Vicar [lees: Wikar] met de twee basters was...en hier zyn sij omgekeert...' Mossop EE 1935 VRV 15 19 'Husingais. Marked upon Map 2 (Gordon Collection) at the present Koegas ‘Hoekingeis of Scorpiaen Kraal’. Koegas = ǀhu-xas (Many Scorpions)'
eng On his map's Wikar at 'Huzingais' yet: 'Higher on Ben I do not be' (see also Gordon). Ely translates it with 'spider wire kraal', Gordon with Scorpioalk, D.W.S. the kraal of the Scorpion people. This gang has moved a lot, so Wikar finds them at each of his two trips at different places or at the Orange River. Forbes 1965 PTSA 107 has problems to situated the position of the gang following Mossop's identification. Hossop wants to declare Koegas as 'spider (wire) bead' in support of its notion, but Koegas means 'Seekoeuikee location', and does not support his attempt at identification. Forbes undoubtedly seemed to reject the equation of Husingais with Koegas. If we now keep in mind that the Scorpion people have moved around, O.A. Due to disagreement with other tribes of the rivers, as determined in this case by Wikar, then we can connect one and others. We probably know from the sufficient location indications that the Scorpion people have found in this environment, sometimes above the Orange River, sometimes bottom. In the Bree looked Mossop. Koegas eg. on k 2922 AD. Also see SHJ 1973 Gazette 105 'Koegas, Gordonia, syn. Husingais, angular, scorpia bead ', with the same grade square. Now there is east here, at 2923 CD, therefore in the same general environment, a farm called 'Scorpions Kraal No Ho. Q. 9-18.' It is now a small farm, western Van Strydenburg and south of the Orange River. That the registration first appears in Folio 9 shows that it is indicated late. Now we very much possible that the current farm name keeps the memory green Chains that lived here, may have had its last stand on the farm. Here was a 'kraal / settlement (indicated by the -s of the Fern, sing.) From the Scorpion (Nama and Kora ǀ Hu- =' Ein Grosser Skorpion ', look further in Hott 450) -Stam / People (11AI- =' Das Volk ', Kr.R. 1969 NW 19, but in the stem name and in the farm name preserved in his parent form with the skeleton for that as -g-ai-1-g -ei-) ', or shortly:' Scorpiokraal ', in the sense of:' The kraal where the Scorpion stands '. We believe the place name here is the hand to the historian. Noot : At this point we do not make the matter out of which the scorpions and spiders exist, viz. As gang names. Krenz FK 1979 Farmer at Bost evenings a side draw we want to pick up. 'Win Nama Volk Am Feuer Sitzt Und Plaudert, WIRD Beim Erscheinen und erblicken Einer Tarantelspinne von den jungle.' ǀ Husi╪gas is Also 'WO the Wollpinne Reincchch'. Skorpion = ╪hiririb '.
afr Op sy kaart se Wikar by 'Huzingais' nog: 'hooger op ben ik niet ge- weest' (kyk ook Gordon). Ely vertaal dit met 'Spinnekopdraadkraal', Gordon met Scorpioenkraal, d.w.s. die kraal van die Skerpioenvolk. Hierdie bende het baie beweeg, so vind Wikar hulle by elkeen van sy twee togte op verskillende plekke aan of by die Oranjerivier. Forbes 1965 PTSA 107 het juis probleme om die standplaas van die bende te situeer na aan- leiding van Mossop se identifikasie daarvan. Hossop wil Koegas verklaar as 'Spinnekop(draad)kraal' ter ondersteuning van sy opvatting, maar Koegas beteken 'Seekoeiryke plek', en verleen geen steun aan sy poging tot identifikasie nie. Forbes het ongetwyfeld gelyk om die gelykstelling van Husingais met Koegas te verwerp. As ons nou in gedagte hou dat die Skerpioenvolk baie rondbeweeg het, o.a. as gevolg van onenigheid met ander stamme van die Riviervolke, soos bepaaldelik in hierdie geval deur Wikar vermeld word, dan kan ons die een en ander met mekaar verbind. Ons weet seker uit die voldoende liggingsaanduidings dat die Skerpioenvolk hulle in hierdie omgewing bevind het, soms bokant die Oranjerivier, soms onderkant. In die bree het Mossop gelyk. Koegas le bv. op K 2922 AD. Kyk ook Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 105 'Koegas, Gordonia, Syn. Husingais, Hoekingeis, Scorpiaen Kraal', met dieselfde graadvierkant. Nou le daar ooste- lik hiervandaan, op 2923 CD, dus in dieselfde algemene omgewing, ’n plaas met die naam van 'Scorpions Kraal nr Ho. Q. 9-18.' Dit is nou ’n klein plaas, westelik van Strydenburg en suid van die Oranjerivier. Dat die registrasie eers in folio 9 voorkom, toon dat dit laat ingeboek is. Nou ag ons dit baie moontlik dat die huidige plaasnaam die herinnering groen hou aan die verdwene Korabende wat hierlangs gewoon het, op die plaas moontlik sy laaste standplaas gehad het. Hier was ’n 'Kraal/nedersetting (hier aangedui deur die -s van die fern, sing.) van die Skerpioen(Nama en Kora ǀhu- = ‘ein grosser Skorpion’, kyk verder in HOTT 450) -stam/volk (11ai- = ‘das Volk’, Kr.-R. 1969 NW 19, maar in die stamnaam en in die plaasnaam bewaar in sy ouer vorm met die velaar daarvoor as -g-ai-1-g -ei-)', of kortweg: 'Skerpioenkraal', in die sin van: 'Die Kraal waar die Skerpioenvolk staan'. Ons meen dat die pleknaamkunde hier die hand aan die geskiedkundige reik. Noot: Op hierdie punt maak ons nie die saak uit watter verband daar tussen die Skerpioene en Spinnekoppe bestaan nie, nl. as bendename. Krenz FK 1979 Boer het by bostaande ’n Kanttekening wat ons wil aan haal. 'Wenn Namavolk am Feuer sitzt und plaudert, wird beim Erscheinen und Erblicken einer Tarantelspinne von den Jungmannern gerufen ‘ǀHam si ǀus’ (jham= Clitoris = Hottentottenschiirze), worauf alles Frauenvolk aufspringt. ǀHusi╪gas ist also 'Wo die Wollspinne reinkroch’. Skorpion = ╪hiririb'.
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