
Biega le southeast of Prieska. To its eastern wire line border 'Beecha' which is just exchange of the same name. Namawoorde with word controlling B (or P) does not get suction medicine in front. This first component bid is o.i. Like Khoekhens BI = 'Milchbusch (Euphorbien- Art)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 39). The -ga considers us like Nama -Xa- = abundant / rich. The whole is 'Melkbosryk place'. What milk bus species it is not sure, maybe the 'Euphorbia Degeana (Cal to Nam)' (Smith 1966 cnsap 334). In strengthening, the fact that at about these latitude farms serves west and eastern with the ingredient 'Melkbos' . The connection with 'milk' is the white latex that results in wounds. In addition, another statement follows that OI Seifs may earn the preference The ingredient 'lime' or nominated, such as 'WitDearn' here at Becha / Biega. Witdam and Merwesrust's old Khoekhoense name was T'orroo, literally 'lime place'. The water on? Kalkbodem makes the white color pen print of 'milk' to understand as 'milk kingdom', actually a 'place where there Many (-CHA-, -GA) Milkwit Water (BI (e) -) is '. We must take into account with both declaration possibilities.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2923 CC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2922 Prieska 'Biega ', Place V.W. Q. 1-6, and on it 'Biega's mountain' and land surveyor No. 26, cf. Matching topographical series 1975.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2922 Prieska ' Biega', plaas V.W. Q. 1-6, en daarop 'Biega se Berg' en landmetersbaken nr 26, vgl. ooreenstem- mende Topografiese reeks 1975.
eng Biega le southeast of Prieska. To its eastern wire line border 'Beecha' which is just exchange of the same name. Namawoorde with word controlling B (or P) does not get suction medicine in front. This first component bid is o.i. Like Khoekhens BI = 'Milchbusch (Euphorbien- Art)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 39). The -ga considers us like Nama -Xa- = abundant / rich. The whole is 'Melkbosryk place'. What milk bus species it is not sure, maybe the 'Euphorbia Degeana (Cal to Nam)' (Smith 1966 cnsap 334). In strengthening, the fact that at about these latitude farms serves west and eastern with the ingredient 'Melkbos' . The connection with 'milk' is the white latex that results in wounds. In addition, another statement follows that OI Seifs may earn the preference The ingredient 'lime' or nominated, such as 'WitDearn' here at Becha / Biega. Witdam and Merwesrust's old Khoekhoense name was T'orroo, literally 'lime place'. The water on? Kalkbodem makes the white color pen print of 'milk' to understand as 'milk kingdom', actually a 'place where there Many (-CHA-, -GA) Milkwit Water (BI (e) -) is '. We must take into account with both declaration possibilities.
afr Biega le suidoos van Prieska. Aan sy oostelike draadlyn grens 'Becha' wat net wisselspelling van dieselfde naam is. Namawoorde met woordan- lautende b- (of p-) kry geen suigmedeklinker vooraan nie. Hierdie eerste komponent bie- is o.i. soos Khoekhoens bi = 'Milchbusch (Euphorbien- art)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 39). Die -ga ag ons soos Nama -xa- = volop/ryk aan. Die geheel is 'Melkbosryk plek'. Watter melkbosspesie dit is, weet ons nie seker nie, miskien die 'Euphorbia dregeana (Cal to Nam)' (Smith 1966 CNSAP 334). Ter versterking dien die feit dat op ongeveer hierdie breedtegraad plase westelik en oostelik le met die bestanddeel 'melkbos'. Die verband met 'melk' is die wit lateks wat by wondplekke uitloop. In aansluiting hierby volg nog ’n ander verklaring wat o.i. seifs die voorkeur mag verdien. Hier is ons in kalkwêreld, soos ook uit plekname hier langs die Brakrivier voldoende blyk wat die bestanddeel 'Kalk-' het of na aan- leiding daarvan benoem is, soos 'Witdarn' hier by Becha/Biega. Witdam en Merwesrust se ou Khoekhoense naam was T’Orroo, letterlik 'Kalk- plek'. Die water op ?n kalkbodem maak die wit kleurindruk van 'melk'. 'Melk' is reeds deur Van Riebeeck in 1652 aangeteken as bie, ook by Schrijver in 1689 as bi-, vgl. hiervoor en gelykluidende optekeninge in HOTT 382. Hiervolgens is Biega, Becha en wisselspellinge te verstaan as 'Melkryk', eintlik ’n 'Plek waar daar baie (-cha-, -ga-) melkwit water (bi(e)-) is'. Ons moet met albei verklaringsmoontlikhede rekening hou.
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