
Abrahamskop 1001 meters high with land surveyor No. 46 on it, form the northernmost point of the farm Nutpice No Civ. Q. 16-2, District Calvi- NIA. More southwards lies the homestead with fields of farm Abrahamskop, and on the road across the 'view' (topographical series 1976 sheet 2919 DC Nelsputs, scale 1:50 000). The question is whether view does not contain an indication of the meaning of nutty, eg. With the new to understand asǃ Now = 'Weit, Entfernt' (Rest 1960 DNW 73). There are a large number of farms named 'View / Exit' (cf. Leistner and Morris 1976 Annals 510-511), 'Look', 'Visecht', 'Vergelegen' etc., also with ingredient 'Loer- / / Spy 'etc. In Calvinia district eg. The farms 'outlook' No. 14-14 at 3019 DB, and No. 15-13 at 3119 DD. The element of nuts can not explain us other than a local morpheme; The -P (ml. Ekv.) does indicate a height or exit.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2919 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Sensus card 1891 'Nutiep'. VILLET S.J. Map also 'Nutieps Puts', and elsewhere.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Nutiep'. Veillet s.j. kaart ook nog 'Nutieps Puts', en elders.
eng Abrahamskop 1001 meters high with land surveyor No. 46 on it, form the northernmost point of the farm Nutpice No Civ. Q. 16-2, District Calvi- NIA. More southwards lies the homestead with fields of farm Abrahamskop, and on the road across the 'view' (topographical series 1976 sheet 2919 DC Nelsputs, scale 1:50 000). The question is whether view does not contain an indication of the meaning of nutty, eg. With the new to understand asǃ Now = 'Weit, Entfernt' (Rest 1960 DNW 73). There are a large number of farms named 'View / Exit' (cf. Leistner and Morris 1976 Annals 510-511), 'Look', 'Visecht', 'Vergelegen' etc., also with ingredient 'Loer- / / Spy 'etc. In Calvinia district eg. The farms 'outlook' No. 14-14 at 3019 DB, and No. 15-13 at 3119 DD. The element of nuts can not explain us other than a local morpheme; The -P (ml. Ekv.) does indicate a height or exit.
afr Abrahamskop 1001 meter hoog met landmetersbaken nr 46 daarop, vorm die noordelikste punt van die plaas Nutiep nr Civ. Q. 16-2, distrik Calvi- nia. Meer suidwaarts le die opstal met landerye van die plaas Abrahamskop, en aan die pad regoor le 'Uitsig' (Topografiese reeks 1976 vel 2919 DC Nelsputs, skaal 1:50 000). Die vraag is of Uitsig nie ’n aanduiding bevat van die betekenis van Nutiep nie, bv. met die Nu- te begryp as ǃnu = 'weit, entfernt' (Rust 1960 DNW 73). Daar is ’n groot aantal plase met die naam van 'Uitsig/Uitzicht' (vgl. leistner en Morris 1976 Annals 510- 511), 'Uitkyk', 'Verzicht', 'Vergelegen' ens., ook met bestanddeel 'loer-/Spioen' ens. In Calvinia-distrik is bv. die plase 'Uitkyk' nr 14-14 op 3019 DB, en nr 15-13 op 3119 DD. Die element -tie- van Nutiep kan ons nog nie anders verklaar as ’n lokativerende morfeem nie; die -p (ml. ekv.) indiseer wel ’n hoogte of uitheffing.
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