
The Census card for Namaqualand for 1891 shows that the portion south of Taukheis has not yet been surveyed. Well, swelder is already assigned. At Veiller's card, the name 'DrieTat' comes with koiams At subdivisions and awards. The name three of the farm was preserved (No. 'And' T'nongas ', cf. Topographic map 1965 Skin 2918 Pofadder, or better, skin 2918 CC Silwerfontein of the series 1:50 000. The t is, of course, again the representative of the tongue. The T'non - correlate exactly with Namaǃ NON (a) = three, and the gas with Nama Ga-S = 'Loch' (Rust 1960 DNW 39), added that the Nama word usually usually appears without the vertebrate input-ie, ie It ensures as A- S to the parent GA-S. Tongas is literally 'three-sam', and because of the neighborhood of this T'nongas and the farm Drieiekat, we believe that the viabelievable African farm and mountain name is not related and will be translated. This is in this area about Reel at Napkars or name neighborhood.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2918 CC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Driegat
eng Veillet S.J. Map 'Three and Koiams'. Topographic Series 1965 Skin 2918 Pofadder 'T'nongas'.
afr Veillet s.j. kaart 'Driegat and Koiams'. Topografiese reeks 1965 vel 2918 Pofadder 'T’Nongas'.
eng The Census card for Namaqualand for 1891 shows that the portion south of Taukheis has not yet been surveyed. Well, swelder is already assigned. At Veiller's card, the name 'DrieTat' comes with koiams At subdivisions and awards. The name three of the farm was preserved (No. 'And' T'nongas ', cf. Topographic map 1965 Skin 2918 Pofadder, or better, skin 2918 CC Silwerfontein of the series 1:50 000. The t is, of course, again the representative of the tongue. The T'non - correlate exactly with Namaǃ NON (a) = three, and the gas with Nama Ga-S = 'Loch' (Rust 1960 DNW 39), added that the Nama word usually usually appears without the vertebrate input-ie, ie It ensures as A- S to the parent GA-S. Tongas is literally 'three-sam', and because of the neighborhood of this T'nongas and the farm Drieiekat, we believe that the viabelievable African farm and mountain name is not related and will be translated. This is in this area about Reel at Napkars or name neighborhood.
afr Die sensuskaart vir Namakwaland vir 1891 toon aan dat die gedeelte suid van Taukheis nog nie opgemeet was nie. Wel is Sweloor reeds toegesê. Op Veiller se kaart kom die naam 'Driegat' al voor saam met Koiams. Koiams = 'Mensmond', vgl. KHOIAMS in TH ** 703. Koiams (Koeiams en wisselende spellings) le vandag oostelik van Driegat — die gebied het heelwat naamsveranderinge ondergaan by onderverdelings en toekennings. Die naam Driegat vir die plaas het behoue gebly (nr Nam. Q. 10-13), daarop le 'Driegatberg' met landmetersbaken nr 17 daarop. Suidwestelik van hierdie plaas en berg le oorkant die riviertjie 'Brand se Vlakte' en 'T'Nongas', vgl. Topografiese kaart 1965 vel 2918 Pofadder, of nog beter, vel 2918 CC Silwerfontein van die reeks 1:50 000. Die T is natuurlik ook weer hier die verteenwoordiger van die tongslag. Die T'non- korreleer presies met Nama ǃnon(a) = drie, en die -gas met Nama ga-s = 'loch' (Rust 1960 DNW 39), bygesê dat die Namawoord vandag gewoonlik sonder die velere inset -g- verskyn, d.w.s. dit verskvn as a- s teenoor die ouer ga-s. T'nongas is letterlik 'Driegat', en vanweë die buurskap van hierdie T’nongas en die plaas Driegat meen ons dat die bepaaldelik jongere Afrikaanse plaas- en bergnaam nie verbandloos staan nie en wel vertaal sal wees. Dit is trouens in hierdie gebied omtrent reel by naampare of naam- buurskap.
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