
Wild Dye Corner', Pi. no clw. Q. 7-25, location as above, southwestern of Springbok, already before Sensus Card 1891; This situ- honor the fountain name, a name that is, however, is not in the series elsewhere, nor on the series 1:50 000. 'Wild horse' was earlier the name for Namaǃ Gore-B = 'Zebra' (Rust 1960 DNW 75). One asks you whether the member -Gourea in the fountain name with thisǃ Gore and therefore with the 'wild horse' of the Dutch name. Ka- is in Old Cape the word for o.a. 'Drink', cf. HOTT 252 (in Nama Deplevels as a). Then maybe understand tentatively as the 'place (s of the Fern, sing.) Where the wild horses (ǃ Gore) drink (ka)'?

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Georeference Sources
K 2917 DC/3017 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Kennedy Ha 1978 Farmer Questionnaire per Burger CR Principal 'Kagueese has his name thanks to a fountain flowing out of a stone cripple. On the farm wild straight corner and wind bead '.
afr Kennedy HA 1978 Boer Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof 'Kagourees het sy naam te danke aan 'n fontein wat uit ’n klipskeurtjie uitvloei. Op die plaas Wilde Paarde Hoek en Windkraal'.
eng Wild Dye Corner', Pi. no clw. Q. 7-25, location as above, southwestern of Springbok, already before Sensus Card 1891; This situ- honor the fountain name, a name that is, however, is not in the series elsewhere, nor on the series 1:50 000. 'Wild horse' was earlier the name for Namaǃ Gore-B = 'Zebra' (Rust 1960 DNW 75). One asks you whether the member -Gourea in the fountain name with thisǃ Gore and therefore with the 'wild horse' of the Dutch name. Ka- is in Old Cape the word for o.a. 'Drink', cf. HOTT 252 (in Nama Deplevels as a). Then maybe understand tentatively as the 'place (s of the Fern, sing.) Where the wild horses (ǃ Gore) drink (ka)'?
afr Wilde Paarde Hoek', pi. nr Clw. Q. 7-25, ligging soos hierbo, suidweste- lik van Springbok, kom reeds as plaas voor op Sensuskaart 1891; dit situ- eer die fonteinnaam, ’n naam wat egter nerens elders teegekom is nie, ook nie op die reeks 1:50 000 nie. 'Wildeperd' was ook vroeër die naam vir Nama ǃgore-b = 'Zebra' (Rust 1960 DNW 75). Mens vra jou af of die lid -gouree- in die fonteinnaam met hierdie ǃgore- en dus met die 'wilde- paard' van die Hollandse naam in verband staan? Ka- is in Ou-Kaaps die woord vir o.a. 'drink', vgl. HOTT 252 (in Nama gedevelariseerd as a). Dan miskien tentatief te verstaan as die 'Plek (-s van die fern, sing.) waar die wildeperde (ǃgore-) drink (ka)'?
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