
On the section 1890, the name was written incorrectly as t'd- i.p.f. T'-, as with veillet. The cards give us the necessary information. At the western bank of the Orange River, the farm 'Nawned' No. V.w. Q. 6-9. and adjacent to its southwestern line le the neighboring farm 'T'oyzega' No. VWQ 6-19, so registered. Nawned and T'ozega was one farm. On the latter (with name adjustment) later developed the asbestos, the Glen Allan- mine. By Glen Allan, the old T'oyzega, and Nawned there is a connecting stream running on Buisvlei No 19 in the Orange River. Nawned (currently numbered 21) and Glen Allan form a naming nucleus. Was T'oyzega, and it is 'Nayned '' 'the translation. It includes directly, geographically and linguistically. The T' set the suction consonant, Kr.-R. 1969 330). The -ga-. So we take, like Nama -Xa - for about 'many'. The member = Tosi- agrees exactly with the t'oze of the whites' game effort. The inland name Toyzega has disappeared. Except then in his translation in the Dutch version thereof. The farm Le northwest of the town of Prieska, near, in the elbow that the river there. Unfortunately, the story in which the name has, we know more.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2922 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Naauwgekneld
eng Division card of Prieska 1890 'T'dyzega'. Veillet S.J. Map 'T'oyzega, now Glen Allan'.
afr Afdelingskaart van Prieska 1890 'T’Dyzega'. Veillet s.j. kaart 'T’Oyzega, now Glen Allan'.
eng On the section 1890, the name was written incorrectly as t'd- i.p.f. T'-, as with veillet. The cards give us the necessary information. At the western bank of the Orange River, the farm 'Nawned' No. V.w. Q. 6-9. and adjacent to its southwestern line le the neighboring farm 'T'oyzega' No. VWQ 6-19, so registered. Nawned and T'ozega was one farm. On the latter (with name adjustment) later developed the asbestos, the Glen Allan- mine. By Glen Allan, the old T'oyzega, and Nawned there is a connecting stream running on Buisvlei No 19 in the Orange River. Nawned (currently numbered 21) and Glen Allan form a naming nucleus. Was T'oyzega, and it is 'Nayned '' 'the translation. It includes directly, geographically and linguistically. The T' set the suction consonant, Kr.-R. 1969 330). The -ga-. So we take, like Nama -Xa - for about 'many'. The member = Tosi- agrees exactly with the t'oze of the whites' game effort. The inland name Toyzega has disappeared. Except then in his translation in the Dutch version thereof. The farm Le northwest of the town of Prieska, near, in the elbow that the river there. Unfortunately, the story in which the name has, we know more.
afr Op die Afdelingskaart 1890 is die naam verkeerd ingedra as T'D- i.p.v. T’-, soos by Veillet. Die kaarte gee ons die nodige inligting. Aan die wes- telike oewer van die Oranjerivier le die plaas 'Naauw Gekneld' nr V.W. Q. 6-9. en grensend aan sy suidwestelike lyn le die buurplaas 'T’Oyzega' nr V.W. Q. 6-19, so geregistreer. Naauw Gekneld en T'Ozega was een plaas. Op laasgenoemde is toe (met naamsaanpassing) later die asbesmyn ontwikkel, die Glen Allan-myn. Deur Glen Allan, die ou T’Oyzega, en Naauw Gekneld is daar 'n verbindende stroompie wat op Buisvlei nr 19 in die Oranjerivier loop. Naauw Gekneld (tans genommer 21) en Glen Allan vorm 'n naamkundige kern. Die Khoekhoense naam was T’Oyzega, en daarvan is 'Naauw Gekneld'’ die vertaling. Dit sluit direk aan, geografies en taalkundig. Die T’ stel die suigkonsonant voor, nl. die T , van +osib = 'Beengung: Angst. Not' (Kr.-R. 1969 330). Die -ga-. so neem ons aan, is soos Nama -xa- vir ongeveer 'baie'. Die lid =Tosi- stem presies ooreen met die T’oze- van die Blankes se spelpoging. Die inlandse naam Toyzega het verdwyn. behalwe dan in sy vertaling in die Nederlandse weergawe daarvan. Die plaas le noordwes van die dorp Prieska, daar naby, in die elmboog wat die rivier daar maak. Die verhaal waarop die naam betrek- king het, ken ons ongelukkig nie meer nie.
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