Tgombees (Se Kop)

West of the farms Coumis and small cooking lies adjacent to the farm 'deeply flattery, and on Diepvlei the head is t'Gombes's head, 1034 meters high, on it the triangle beacon 46. Deepvlei was undoubtedly part of cold, so that T'Gombes's Headed earlier on the old cookie. Steenkamp (cf. ǀ comb = urinate. The first member is like Nama ǀ gam = deep, matching the t'gom- of the cup's name. We probably know because the name of Deepvlei can be translated in Nama as ǀ gam-best. Familiar with the interchangeability of -a- and-in many namawe, such as in Gama-B next to Goma-B for horn cattle, OS (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 110) and many concurrent examples are ǀ gam-best and ǀ Gum-Bes Heei ordinary interactions. The --bes, in the place name -bees (gums), according to Namakwalanders like p van Hede of Springbok 'for me, always a big open water' (Letter 1965), then the -vlei of Deepvlei. 'Deepvlei' is apparently the translation of the name T'Gombes, and the translation undoubtedly dates out of the time when the farm was subdivided of it. The new owner has the inland name verafrikaans, as we could observe many and many times in this area. The head then got its name of the old farm name, the old farm his name of the deep marsh (e) on it, and the deep marsh (e) was the reason for the old name of cold, deformed from T'Gombees, and translated If Diepvlei, all three forms still preserve.

About this item

Tgombees (Se Kop)
Alternative Title
Tgombees (Se Kop)
Georeference Sources
K 2918 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topographic Series 1975 Skin 2918 Pofadder 'T'Gombes's head'.
afr Topografiese reeks 1975 vel 2918 Pofadder 'T’Gombees se kop'.
eng West of the farms Coumis and small cooking lies adjacent to the farm 'deeply flattery, and on Diepvlei the head is t'Gombes's head, 1034 meters high, on it the triangle beacon 46. Deepvlei was undoubtedly part of cold, so that T'Gombes's Headed earlier on the old cookie. Steenkamp (cf. ǀ comb = urinate. The first member is like Nama ǀ gam = deep, matching the t'gom- of the cup's name. We probably know because the name of Deepvlei can be translated in Nama as ǀ gam-best. Familiar with the interchangeability of -a- and-in many namawe, such as in Gama-B next to Goma-B for horn cattle, OS (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 110) and many concurrent examples are ǀ gam-best and ǀ Gum-Bes Heei ordinary interactions. The --bes, in the place name -bees (gums), according to Namakwalanders like p van Hede of Springbok 'for me, always a big open water' (Letter 1965), then the -vlei of Deepvlei. 'Deepvlei' is apparently the translation of the name T'Gombes, and the translation undoubtedly dates out of the time when the farm was subdivided of it. The new owner has the inland name verafrikaans, as we could observe many and many times in this area. The head then got its name of the old farm name, the old farm his name of the deep marsh (e) on it, and the deep marsh (e) was the reason for the old name of cold, deformed from T'Gombees, and translated If Diepvlei, all three forms still preserve.
afr Wes van die plase Koumis en Klein Koumis le aangrensend die plaas 'Diep Vlei', en op Diepvlei is die kop T’Gombees se Kop, 1034 meter hoog, daarop die driehoeksbaken 46. Diepvlei was ongetwyfeld deel van Koumis, sodat T'Gombees se Kop vroeër op die ou Koumis gelê het. Steenkamp (vgl. KOUMIS) het gelyk dat Koumis en Gombees (die T’- verteenwoordig die suigkonsonant) twee uitsprake van dieselfde naam is, maar hy het ongelyk met sy vertaling van Koumis as 'Urineerplek', met die eerste lid by horn soos Nama ǀkam = urineer. Die eerste lid is soos Nama ǀgam = diep, wat ooreenstem met die T’Gom- van die koppie se naam. Dit weet ons seker omdat die naam Diepvlei in Nama getranslitereer kan word as ǀGam-bes. Bekend met die verwisselbaarheid van -a- en -o- in baie Namawoorde, soos in gama-b naas goma-b vir horingvee, os (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 110) en talle gelyklopende voorbeelde, is ǀGam-bes en ǀGom-bes heei gewone wisseluitsprake. Die -bes, in die pleknaam -bees (Gombees), is volgens Namakwalanders soos P van Heerde van Springbok 'vir my maar altyd ’n groot oop water' (brief 1965), hier dan die -vlei van Diepvlei. 'Diepvlei' is klaarblyklik die vertaling van die naam T’Gombees, en die vertaling dateer ongetwyfeld uit die tyd toe die plaas Koumis, vroeër Gombees, onderverdeel is. Die nuwe eienaar het die inlandse naam verafrikaans, soos ons talle en talle kere kon waarneem in hierdie omgewing. Die kop het dan sy naam van die ou plaasnaam gekry, die ou plaas sy naam van die diep vlei(e) daarop, en die diep vlei(e) was die rede vir die ou naam Koumis, vervorm uit T’Gombees, en vertaal as Diepvlei, al drie vorme nog bewaar.
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