
In th a * 450 we brought the name goobies of 'kangnas and goobies' to Nama 11khu- = 'Frainy, Forsch auf etwas loose', thus 'place where (wild) is shot'. According to Mr JF Koffer 1978 Boer questionnaire per Burger CR Principal means Goobies 'Loerwaters. Apparently so called a.g.v. The location of a stone bank at a 'flatter', where rainwater dammed and wildlife. The hunter could 'pee on the stone bank' on the wild '. Topographic there is justification of the explanation of goobies as 'Loerwaters'. The relationship can also be linguistically. The postal address of Mr Kerner is 'Goebees', Goebees is probably a variant of Goobies. 'Look' in Nama 11Goe- (Rest 1960 DNW 38) that matches good or good of the name goobies or goebees. The second member, viz. -Bie - / - bee-, is a locative morpheme, the lock -s fern. Sing, indicate here that this is a water name. If we apply the 'rusty key' technique, do another possibility. On the topographical series 1974 sheet 2918 Pofadder is 'Goegees' and 'Goebeesvlei' entered. 'Goebees' is situated to the east of 'Bok's head', south of Goebees is 'Goebeesvlei'. East of Goebeesvlei, but now at 2918 DA, 'Steenbokvlei's head'. At the corresponding Topo Cadastral Series 1966, it appears that Gebeesevlei, spelled 'Goubiesvlei', and also goat's head, not indicated but indicated as 'Goubiesberg', on the farm 'Kangnas and Goobies'. Then 'gooebies', 'Goeebees-' and 'gums' interference for the same name. In view of the other components of the toponimic group, viz. 'Steenbokvlei's head', 'Steenbokvlei' south of it and 'goat's head', and especially because 'goat's head' with 'goldiesberg' curricular, arises from our question whether the Afrikaans names do not translate from the khoe- khoen is not. For 'Bok', 'Caper; One Geite Bok 'and' Wildbok 'is T'cho, Tchoe, -T'Chou recorded (Hott 224), the T'element for the sucking consonant, for' Capricorn 'O.A. Godema and Gunima (Hott 468). It may seem that the names (in the case of LG. Two its first members) with the member GOE / GOO / GOO - of the place name can match, viz. Like Nama ǀǀ Gu (hott t.a.p.) cf. further + gooobies.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2918 CB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng In th a * 450 we brought the name goobies of 'kangnas and goobies' to Nama 11khu- = 'Frainy, Forsch auf etwas loose', thus 'place where (wild) is shot'. According to Mr JF Koffer 1978 Boer questionnaire per Burger CR Principal means Goobies 'Loerwaters. Apparently so called a.g.v. The location of a stone bank at a 'flatter', where rainwater dammed and wildlife. The hunter could 'pee on the stone bank' on the wild '. Topographic there is justification of the explanation of goobies as 'Loerwaters'. The relationship can also be linguistically. The postal address of Mr Kerner is 'Goebees', Goebees is probably a variant of Goobies. 'Look' in Nama 11Goe- (Rest 1960 DNW 38) that matches good or good of the name goobies or goebees. The second member, viz. -Bie - / - bee-, is a locative morpheme, the lock -s fern. Sing, indicate here that this is a water name. If we apply the 'rusty key' technique, do another possibility. On the topographical series 1974 sheet 2918 Pofadder is 'Goegees' and 'Goebeesvlei' entered. 'Goebees' is situated to the east of 'Bok's head', south of Goebees is 'Goebeesvlei'. East of Goebeesvlei, but now at 2918 DA, 'Steenbokvlei's head'. At the corresponding Topo Cadastral Series 1966, it appears that Gebeesevlei, spelled 'Goubiesvlei', and also goat's head, not indicated but indicated as 'Goubiesberg', on the farm 'Kangnas and Goobies'. Then 'gooebies', 'Goeebees-' and 'gums' interference for the same name. In view of the other components of the toponimic group, viz. 'Steenbokvlei's head', 'Steenbokvlei' south of it and 'goat's head', and especially because 'goat's head' with 'goldiesberg' curricular, arises from our question whether the Afrikaans names do not translate from the khoe- khoen is not. For 'Bok', 'Caper; One Geite Bok 'and' Wildbok 'is T'cho, Tchoe, -T'Chou recorded (Hott 224), the T'element for the sucking consonant, for' Capricorn 'O.A. Godema and Gunima (Hott 468). It may seem that the names (in the case of LG. Two its first members) with the member GOE / GOO / GOO - of the place name can match, viz. Like Nama ǀǀ Gu (hott t.a.p.) cf. further + gooobies.
afr In TH A* 450 het ons die naam GOOBIES van 'Kangnas en Goobies' in verband gebring met Nama 11khu- = 'freimiitig, forsch auf etwas losge- hen', dus 'Plek waar (wild) geskiet word'. Volgens mnr JF Kampfer 1978 Boer Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof beteken Goobies 'loerwater. Blykbaar so genoem a.g.v. die ligging van 'n klipbank by ’n ‘vlei’, waar reenwater opdam en wild kom suip het. Die jagter kon oor die klipbank ‘loer’ op die wild'. Topografies is daar regverdiging van die verklaring van Goobies as 'loerwater'. Ook taalkundig kan die verband gelê word. Die posadres van mnr Kampfer is 'Goebees', Goebees is waarskynlik ’n variant van Goobies. 'loer' is in Nama 11goe- (Rust 1960 DNW 38) wat goed ooreenstem met Goo- of Goe- van die naam Goobies of Goebees. Die tweede lid, nl. -bie-/-bee-, is 'n lokatiefmorfeem, die slot -s fern. sing, dui hier aan dat dit ’n waternaam is. As ons die tegniek van die 'verroeste sleutel' toepas, doen ook 'n ander moontlikheid hom voor. Op die Topografiese reeks 1974 vel 2918 Pofadder is 'Goebees' en 'Goebeesvlei' ingeskryf. 'Goebees' is ten ooste van 'Bok se Kop' geleë, ten suide van Goebees is 'Goebeesvlei'. Oos van Goebeesvlei, maar nou op 2918 DA, is 'Steenbokvlei se Kop'. Op die ooreenstemmende Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 blyk dit dat Goebeesvlei, daar gespel 'Goubiesvlei', en ook Bok se Kop, daar nie aangedui nie maar aangedui as op 'Goubiesberg', op die plaas 'Kangnas and Goobies' geleë is. Dan is 'Goobies', 'Goebees-' en 'Gombies-' wisselspellinge van dieselfde naam. In die lig van die ander komponente van die toponimiese groep, nl. 'Steenbokvlei se Kop', 'Steenbokvlei' suid daarvan en 'Bok se Kop', en veral omdat 'Bok se Kop' met 'Goubiesberg' korre- leer, ontstaan by ons die vraag of die Afrikaanse name nie uit die Khoe- khoens vertaal is nie. Vir 'bok', 'caper; een geite-bok' en 'wildsbok' is t’cho, tchoe, -t’chou opgeteken (HOTT 224), die t’-element vir die suigkonsonant, vir 'steenbok' o.a. godema en gunima (HOTT 468). Dit lyk moontlik dat die name (in die geval van lg. twee die eerste lede daarvan) met die lid Goe-/Gou-/Goo- van die pleknaam kan ooreenstem, nl. soos Nama ǀǀgu (HOTT t.a.p.) Vgl. verder + GOOBIES.
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