Taukheis, Taukheis(Vlei)

Taukheisvlei is added the starting point of the name, with -vlei. The parts Taukheis and newspears were later set for the farm name NAM. Q. 5- 26, as registered. Here is very limestile that will deliver brackish water, in fact, there is a large pan on the farm called 'limekom' today. If the statement is as with our spokesman, then the T-drawn from the suction medklinker at Nama ǀ U = Brak, atǃ Khai- = 'ort' (Rust 1960 DNW 46). 'Brackish', 'brackish'.

About this item

Taukheis, Taukheis(Vlei)
Alternative Title
Taukheis, Taukheis(Vlei)
Georeference Sources
K 2918 CB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Census Card 1891 and Veillet S.j. Map 'Taukheis and Nations', 'Taukheis Vlei', East water'.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 en Veillet s.j. kaart 'Taukheis and Koeries', 'Taukheis Vlei', oos daarvan. Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2918 Namies 'Koeris and Taukheis', Nam. Q. 5-26. Boonzaaier GPl 1974 Boer Vraelys 'Taukheis is ’n plek met brak water'.
eng Taukheisvlei is added the starting point of the name, with -vlei. The parts Taukheis and newspears were later set for the farm name NAM. Q. 5- 26, as registered. Here is very limestile that will deliver brackish water, in fact, there is a large pan on the farm called 'limekom' today. If the statement is as with our spokesman, then the T-drawn from the suction medklinker at Nama ǀ U = Brak, atǃ Khai- = 'ort' (Rust 1960 DNW 46). 'Brackish', 'brackish'.
afr Taukheisvlei is wel die beginpunt van die naam, met -vlei toegevoeg. Die dele Taukheis en Koeries is later omgestel vir die plaasnaam Nam. Q. 5- 26, soos geregistreer. Hier is baie kalkgrond wat brakwater sal lewer, trouens, daar is op die plaas ’n groot pan ingeteken wat vandag genoem word 'Kalkkom'. Indien die verklaring is soos by ons segsman, dan is die T- getrek uit die suigmedeklinker by Nama ǀu = brak, by ǃkhai- = 'Ort' (Rust 1960 DNW 46). 'Brakplek', 'Brakkom'.
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