Groot Kau, Grootkou (Se Kop)

On the west border of 'Great Kau' is a head with triangle beacon 27. On the corresponding topographical series 1975 sheet 2918 Pofadder the head is stated as 'Grootkou's head'. West of the head is 'Bles- head' and south of Bleskop runs 'Nouspoort'. 'Great Kau', 'Grootkou's head', 'Nouspoort' and 'Bleskop' all belong to the same naming group. We believe that in addition to the topographical relationship between the names, a linguistic relationship is possible. Taking into account the existing variability of N and K- (cf. th KAU, interfaces of the same Khoekhoians. On the basis of many similar cases, we would have expected that there would be a relationship between now / cold / Kau and 'Bles-'. We think this is perhaps the case. In our sources, we could not find a Khoekhoian word for 'bald' that does not match now or cold, but for 'Glatt' is recorded ╪hou- (Rest 1960 DNW 27), which is with the variation of K- and LIEN of N and H (cf. th * 45 at 5 c 3 and 45 at 5 d 5 respectively) with cold / kau and now. It seems as if the name of great Kau's head was primer and then transferred, in translated form on Bleskop, and also on Nouspoort, the -s- of Nouspoort Fern. Sing, to indicate the 'port' here. So this statement departs from the statements given in th a ** 770 under chew (mountain) and based on sound associative layout and / or a coincidence in the location of it.

About this item

Groot Kau, Grootkou (Se Kop)
Alternative Title
Groot Kau, Grootkou (Se Kop)
Georeference Sources
K 2918 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2918 Namies 'Great Kau', place NAM. Q. 7-20.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2918 Namies 'Groot Kau', plaas Nam. Q. 7-20.
eng On the west border of 'Great Kau' is a head with triangle beacon 27. On the corresponding topographical series 1975 sheet 2918 Pofadder the head is stated as 'Grootkou's head'. West of the head is 'Bles- head' and south of Bleskop runs 'Nouspoort'. 'Great Kau', 'Grootkou's head', 'Nouspoort' and 'Bleskop' all belong to the same naming group. We believe that in addition to the topographical relationship between the names, a linguistic relationship is possible. Taking into account the existing variability of N and K- (cf. th KAU, interfaces of the same Khoekhoians. On the basis of many similar cases, we would have expected that there would be a relationship between now / cold / Kau and 'Bles-'. We think this is perhaps the case. In our sources, we could not find a Khoekhoian word for 'bald' that does not match now or cold, but for 'Glatt' is recorded ╪hou- (Rest 1960 DNW 27), which is with the variation of K- and LIEN of N and H (cf. th * 45 at 5 c 3 and 45 at 5 d 5 respectively) with cold / kau and now. It seems as if the name of great Kau's head was primer and then transferred, in translated form on Bleskop, and also on Nouspoort, the -s- of Nouspoort Fern. Sing, to indicate the 'port' here. So this statement departs from the statements given in th a ** 770 under chew (mountain) and based on sound associative layout and / or a coincidence in the location of it.
afr Op die wesgrens van 'Groot Kau' is ’n kop met daarop driehoeksbaken 27. Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese reeks 1975 vel 2918 Pofadder word die kop aangegee as 'Grootkou se Kop'. Wes van die kop is 'Bles- kop' en suid van Bleskop loop 'Nouspoort'. 'Groot Kau', 'Grootkou se Kop', 'Nouspoort' en 'Bleskop' behoort almal tot dieselfde naamkern- groep. Ons meen dat daar naas die topografiese verband tussen die name ook ’n taalkundige verband moontlik is. Met inagneming van die bestaan- bare variabiliteit van n- en k- (vgl. TH A* by 5 D 5) is die lid Nou- van Noupoort en die lid -kou- van Grootkou se Kop, en ook die lid Kau van Groot Kau, wisselspellinge van dieselfde Khoekhoense grondwoord. Aan die hand van talle soortgelyke gevalle sou ons verwag het dat daar 'n verband tussen Nou-/Kou-/Kau en 'Bles-' sou wees. Ons meen dit is miskien wel die geval. In ons bronne kon ons nie ’n Khoekhoense woord vir 'bles' vind wat goed met nou- of kou- ooreenstem nie, maar vir 'glatt' is opge- teken ╪hou- (Rust 1960 DNW 27), wat met die variabiliteit van k- en lien van n- en h- (vgl. TH A* 45 by 5 C 3 en 45 by 5 D 5 onderskeidelik) met Kou-/Kau- en Nou- kan ooreenstem. Dit lyk dan asof die naam van Groot Kau se kop primer was en dan oorgedra is, in vertaalde vorm op Bleskop, en ook op Nouspoort, die -s- van Nouspoort fern. sing, om hier die 'poort' aan te dui. Hierdie verklaring wyk dus af van die verklarings wat in TH A** 770 gegee is onder KOU(BERG) en wat gebaseer is op klankassosiatiewe uitleg en/of ’n toevalligheid in die ligging daarvan.
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