Nous (Se Poort)

Nous's gate' Le south of 'Bleskop' and on the farm 'Kaip' No. Nam. Q. 5-15, District Namaqualand. On the basis of many similar cases where an Afrikaans and a Khoekhozen place name occurs alongside each other, we would expect between 'now' and 'bald' linguistic relationship. We believe this may be the case. In Our sources could not find a Khoekhoian word for 'bald' that corresponds to 'now' but for 'Glatt' is recorded 'thou' [thau] (Rust I960 DNW 27), which is with the consistent variation of h- and N- (cf. th a * 46 at 5 d 6) with the member now- of the name nous can match. The slot -s of the name is locative formula fern. Sing, indicating the 'port' here. Also look great Kau, Grootkou (head)

About this item

Nous (Se Poort)
Alternative Title
Nous (Se Poort)
Georeference Sources
K 2918 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topographic Series 1975 Skin 2918 Pofadder 'Nous's Port'
afr Topografiese reeks 1975 vel 2918 Pofadder 'Nous se Poort'
eng Nous's gate' Le south of 'Bleskop' and on the farm 'Kaip' No. Nam. Q. 5-15, District Namaqualand. On the basis of many similar cases where an Afrikaans and a Khoekhozen place name occurs alongside each other, we would expect between 'now' and 'bald' linguistic relationship. We believe this may be the case. In Our sources could not find a Khoekhoian word for 'bald' that corresponds to 'now' but for 'Glatt' is recorded 'thou' [thau] (Rust I960 DNW 27), which is with the consistent variation of h- and N- (cf. th a * 46 at 5 d 6) with the member now- of the name nous can match. The slot -s of the name is locative formula fern. Sing, indicating the 'port' here. Also look great Kau, Grootkou (head)
afr Nous se Poort' le suid van 'Bleskop' en op die plaas 'Kaip' nr Nam. Q. 5-15, distrik Namakwaland. Aan die hand van talle soortgelyke gevalle waar ’n Afrikaanse en ’n Khoekhoense pleknaam naas mekaar voorkom, sou ons verwag dat daar tussen 'Nou-' en 'Bles-' taalkundige verband sou wees. Ons meen dit is miskien wel die geval. In ons bronne kon ons nie ’n Khoekhoense woord vir 'bles' vind wat met 'Nou-' ooreenstem nie maar vir 'glatt' is opgeteken 'Thou' [Thau] (Rust I960 DNW 27), wat met die bestaanbare variabiliteit van H- en N- (vgl. TH A* 46 by 5 D 6) met die lid Nou- van die naam Nous kan ooreenstem. Die slot -s van die naam is lokatiefformans fern. sing, wat hier die 'poort' sal aandui. Kyk ook GROOT KAU, GROOTKOU (SE KOP)
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