
The PNC has set the spelling as 'Okiep'. The residents sent petitions to retain the old spelling 'O'okiep', but the minister did not agree to it (letter 15 4 1955). The derivation in parts no major problem: The -P is locativering, ǀ U = Brak, and maybe the Gei 'big', the 'place of the big brackole'. The farm is called Brakfontein, the name found in the mine correspondence from the year 1866 as O'Okiep and also affection applies to the mine itself and in the village. This statement has become about traditional traditionally. However, we notice two things. The one is that the pattern is 'brackish', such as Okiep literally, is a less common pattern, Well in Old Cape is the pattern 'big-brack'. Secondly, we are left in uncertainty whether the member -kiep indeed had no Schnalz. The records we have been documented relatively late. Then there is the fact that in Caribib sites that are apparently formal and semantically comparable elements, cf. Ukuib and Ukeib, there with the meaning of 'salt' and / or 'brackish', as accepted. Then the question of whether Okiep is not read as ǀ u- 'Brackish', the -kie then with suction consonant in front (soǃ Kei and not gei), and, what we also consider important, then the composition in his bond follows the usual pattern and structurally complete. We point to this possible explanation of Okiep as 'brackish' (ǀ u- From Weber's time off. In the documentations we have to do so, we do not find support for Mr Cornelissen's statement.

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K 2917 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
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eng Weber 1871 QUELEN 8 79 'IEP (ǀ ugeb) ...' ... (Der Falschlich von den Englandn 'noriep' nanny undeschriebenc ort) '. [Under keyword ǀ u = 'Salzig, ointmental']. Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 168 'ǀ ugaib, also, grundass sods, Hauptkupper. 'Der Grosse (GAI) brackish (ǀ u) laundry sets'. ' Pettman 1931 SAPN 20 'ǀ Ugeib, ǀ U, Brack; Gei, Great; The Place ... Now Known as O'Okiep '. Also at Nienaber PJ 1963 SAPW 309, 'The Great Brak Place'. PNK 1954 Via Magistrate of Williston 'In the area [of the copper meat is such brackets and then the hotnots called it. This means at the brackish spot '. Via Mr Ak Cornelissen, Nababeep: 'O'Okiep is sometimes called by Coloreds? Old Keip. (With small edits of pitch, it would mean; the place of the fountain or the tree at the water) '.
afr Weber 1871 Quellen 8 79 'im Klein-Namaqualand auf Ookiep (ǀUgeib)...' Hahn Hugo 1873 Quellen 30 114 'Ukiep, diese ergibigste Kupfermine...' Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 315 'ǀU-geib, Platz in Klein Namaland...(der falschlich von den Englandern ‘Ookiep’ genannte und geschriebenc Ort)'. [Onder trefwoord ǀu = 'salzig, salpeterhaltig']. Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 168 ' ǀUgaib, Ookiep, Grundwasserstelle, Hauptkupfermine. ‘Der grosse (gai) Brak- (ǀu)Wasserstelle'.' Pettman 1931 SAPN 20 'ǀUgeib, ǀu, brack; gei, great; the place...now known as O’okiep'. Ook so by Nienaber PJ 1963 SAPW 309, 'Die groot brak plek'. PNK 1954 via landdros van Williston 'In die omgewing [van die kopermynel is sulke brakplekke en daarna het die Hotnots dit genoem. Dit beteken by die brakplek'. Via mnr AK Cornelissen, Nababeep: 'O’okiep word nog soms deur kleurlinge ?Ou-keip genoem. (Met klein wysiginge van toonhoogte sou dit dan beteken; die plek van die fontein of die boom by die water)'.
eng The PNC has set the spelling as 'Okiep'. The residents sent petitions to retain the old spelling 'O'okiep', but the minister did not agree to it (letter 15 4 1955). The derivation in parts no major problem: The -P is locativering, ǀ U = Brak, and maybe the Gei 'big', the 'place of the big brackole'. The farm is called Brakfontein, the name found in the mine correspondence from the year 1866 as O'Okiep and also affection applies to the mine itself and in the village. This statement has become about traditional traditionally. However, we notice two things. The one is that the pattern is 'brackish', such as Okiep literally, is a less common pattern, Well in Old Cape is the pattern 'big-brack'. Secondly, we are left in uncertainty whether the member -kiep indeed had no Schnalz. The records we have been documented relatively late. Then there is the fact that in Caribib sites that are apparently formal and semantically comparable elements, cf. Ukuib and Ukeib, there with the meaning of 'salt' and / or 'brackish', as accepted. Then the question of whether Okiep is not read as ǀ u- 'Brackish', the -kie then with suction consonant in front (soǃ Kei and not gei), and, what we also consider important, then the composition in his bond follows the usual pattern and structurally complete. We point to this possible explanation of Okiep as 'brackish' (ǀ u- From Weber's time off. In the documentations we have to do so, we do not find support for Mr Cornelissen's statement.
afr Die PNK het die spelling vasgestel as 'Okiep'. Die inwoners het petisies in- gestuur om die ou spelling 'O’okiep' te behou, maar die Minister het nie daartoe ingewillig nie (brief 15 4 1955). Die afleiding lewer in dele geen groot probleem nie: die -p is lokativerend, ǀu = brak, en miskien is die gei 'groot', die 'Plek van die groot brakkol'. Die plaas heet Brakfontein, die naam wat in die mynkorrespondensie uit die jaar 1866 as O’okiep en Ookiep voorkom, is van toepassing op die myn self en op die dorpie. Hierdie verklaring is so ongeveer tradisioneel geword. Ons merk egter twee dinge op. Die een is dat die patroon 'Brak-groot', soos Okiep letterlik te vertaal is, ’n minder gewone patroon is, wel gewoon in Ou-Kaaps is die patroon 'Groot-brak'. Ten tweede word ons in onsekerheid gelaat of die lid -kiep inderdaad geen schnalz gehad het nie. Die optekeninge waaroor ons beskik, is betreklik laat gedokumenteer. Dan is daar die feit dat in Karibib plekke is wat klaarblyklik formeel en semanties vergelykbare elemente het, vgl. UKUIB en UKEIB, daar met die betekenis van 'Sout-' en/of 'Brakplek', soos daar aanneemlik gemaak is. Dan is die vraag of Okiep nie te lees is as ǀU-ǃkei-b [ǀu-Ikhaebl = 'Brakplek' nie, die -keip dan met suigkonsonant vooraan (dus ǃkei- en nie gei nie), en, wat ons ook belangrik ag, dan volg die samestelling in sy binding die gewone patroon en bevredig struktureel volkome. Ons wys op hierdie moontlike verklaring van Okiep as 'Brakplek' (ǀU-ǃkei-b i.p.v. ǀU-gei-b), maar ons ag die ou verklaring van 'Grootbrak' nogtans die verkieslikste, veral as ons let op die skryfwyses van Weber se tyd af. In die dokumentasies waaroor ons tot hiertoe beskik, vind ons nie steun vir mnr Cornelissen se verklaring nie.
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