
A historic farm No. Nam. Q. 4-12, a post office and land survey of 66; It lies northwestern of Springbok, District Namaqualand. At least, PNC has accepted the Spell for the Post Office as it applies to the farm (APN 1951 243). Hahn considers the member of the member of a ruling of ╪nu = black, originates from a jarnous, at xora = a numeracy hole, gorragat, with as closing member, the most extensive mu- = fountain eye, d.w.s. The 'blackgorra eye'. Schultze gives the statement he made to diligent inquiry locally 'ausfindig' and which is likely to be more in line with the real meaning as understood by the Namas. About 'wake up', or 'wake up' (cf. his 'muti' in his statement, now Mudi, MV. At Fern. Mu-S). We assume that the alertness hits that the Source eye or Bronoe brought up.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2917 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Census card 1891 'Nigramoep'. Veillet S.J. map 'nigramoep. Trigonometrical Station '. Hahn th 1901 Collectanea 43 '╪nixoramub = ╪nuixoramub'. Dies, at 72 '... 1904-5 Anuk 168 '╪nixaramub, nigramoep, grundass stelle ca. 18 Engl. Meilen Westlich von also.' Wo the Augen (Muti) Wach Blieben (╪nixara) '.' Kotze AJ 1973 Retired Farmer Questionnaire 'Flight Holt'.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Nigramoep'. Veillet s.j. kaart 'Nigramoep. Trigonometrical Station'. Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea 43 ' ╪Nixoramub = ╪Nuixoramub'. Dies, op 72 '...mus = Auge. Die Quellen werden auch Augen des Wassers genannt...', en dan dieselfde oor Nigramoep, op 79 nog eens. Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 168 ' ╪Nixaramub, Nigramoep, Grundwasserstelle ca. 18 engl. Meilen westlich von Ookiep. ‘Wo die Augen (muti) wach blieben ( ╪nixara)'.' Kotze AJ 1973 Afgetrede Boer Vraelys 'Vliegholte'.
eng A historic farm No. Nam. Q. 4-12, a post office and land survey of 66; It lies northwestern of Springbok, District Namaqualand. At least, PNC has accepted the Spell for the Post Office as it applies to the farm (APN 1951 243). Hahn considers the member of the member of a ruling of ╪nu = black, originates from a jarnous, at xora = a numeracy hole, gorragat, with as closing member, the most extensive mu- = fountain eye, d.w.s. The 'blackgorra eye'. Schultze gives the statement he made to diligent inquiry locally 'ausfindig' and which is likely to be more in line with the real meaning as understood by the Namas. About 'wake up', or 'wake up' (cf. his 'muti' in his statement, now Mudi, MV. At Fern. Mu-S). We assume that the alertness hits that the Source eye or Bronoe brought up.
afr ’n Geskiedkundige plaas nr Nam. Q. 4-12, daarop ’n poskantoor en landmetersbaken nr 66; dit le noordwestelik van Springbok, distrik Namakwaland. PNK het darem hier die spelling vir die poskantoor aanvaar soos dit vir die plaas geld (APN 1951 243). Hahn beskou die lid Ni- as ver- broude uitspraak van ╪nu = swart, ontstaan uit ’n ╪nui = swarterig, by xora = ’n syferwatergat, gorragat, met as slotlid die ontwyfelbare mu- = fonteinoog, d.w.s. die 'Swartgorra-oog'. Schultze gee die verklaring wat hy na ywerige navraag plaaslik 'ausfindig' gemaak het en wat waarskynlik meer in ooreenstemming met die werklike betekenis sal wees soos deur die Namas daar begryp. Ongeveer 'Wakkeroog', of 'Wakkeroe' (vgl. sy 'muti' in sy verklaring, nou mudi, mv. by fern. mu-s). Ons veronderstel dat die wakkerheid daarop slaan dat die bronoog of bronoe flink opborrel.
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