
The necessary was said by Engelbrecht who also recovered the Nama Form. Pettman's suspicion is a probability statement that has become invalid. The meaning is then about 'Jammersdrif', 'dryness drift', 'heartfelt'. Stow 1905 Native Races 284 tells the same story and give the name of this drift in Bushmen as 'Go-' Lume means 'You Showed US No Mercy'. Dr of Vredes tells that the old natives are sometimes referred to Douglas as Kuanop or Kwanop (TVV 25/1 Jan. 1969 11).

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Georeference Sources
K 2923
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
eng Voor 1834 Wangemann 1873 Koranna-lande 8 '(Die Koranna schlossen in der Niihe der jetzigen Missionsstation Backhaus IBackhouse, nou Douglas] die Buschleute ein und metzelten ihrer eine grosse Anzahl nieder. Die Uebriggebliebenen riefen ‘gaucha num’ d.i. ‘ihr habt uns un- barmherzig gemordet’...' Freeman 1849 Tour 232 'We...went forward to Guahanop, on the banks of the Vaal'. Ibid. 'Guanhop'. Pettman 1921 SAJS 17 348 '...then we get it [ǀ ǀganab = kameeldoringboom] in the form Guanhop, the Hot. name of...Douglas'. Engelbrecht 1936 Korana 18 'The Bushmen were totally defeated; but the losses on both sides were severe...In memory of this sad experience the Katse named this spot where they crossed ǃGou-xanub (from ǃgou, to be sad; xanu, to wade through, xanub, a drift). This then is what gave origin to Wangemann’s gaucha num (better gau-chanub), Freeman’s Guahanop, and also to Koukonop’s Drift which later appears on maps'.
afr Voor 1834 Wangemann 1873 Koranna-lande 8 '(Die Koranna schlossen in der Niihe der jetzigen Missionsstation Backhaus IBackhouse, nou Douglas] die Buschleute ein und metzelten ihrer eine grosse Anzahl nieder. Die Uebriggebliebenen riefen ‘gaucha num’ d.i. ‘ihr habt uns un- barmherzig gemordet’...' Freeman 1849 Tour 232 'We...went forward to Guahanop, on the banks of the Vaal'. Ibid. 'Guanhop'. Pettman 1921 SAJS 17 348 '...then we get it [ǀ ǀganab = kameeldoringboom] in the form Guanhop, the Hot. name of...Douglas'. Engelbrecht 1936 Korana 18 'The Bushmen were totally defeated; but the losses on both sides were severe...In memory of this sad experience the Katse named this spot where they crossed ǃGou-xanub (from ǃgou, to be sad; xanu, to wade through, xanub, a drift). This then is what gave origin to Wangemann’s gaucha num (better gau-chanub), Freeman’s Guahanop, and also to Koukonop’s Drift which later appears on maps'.
eng The necessary was said by Engelbrecht who also recovered the Nama Form. Pettman's suspicion is a probability statement that has become invalid. The meaning is then about 'Jammersdrif', 'dryness drift', 'heartfelt'. Stow 1905 Native Races 284 tells the same story and give the name of this drift in Bushmen as 'Go-' Lume means 'You Showed US No Mercy'. Dr of Vredes tells that the old natives are sometimes referred to Douglas as Kuanop or Kwanop (TVV 25/1 Jan. 1969 11).
afr Die nodige is deur Engelbrecht gesê wat ook die Namavorm herstel het. Pettman se vermoede is ’n waarskynlikheidsverklaring wat ongeldig geword het. Die betekenis is dan ongeveer 'Jammersdrif’, 'droëfheidsdrif’, 'Hartseerdrii'. Stow 1905 Native Races 284 vertel dieselfde verhaal en gee die naam van hierdie drif aan in Boesmans as ‘Go-’koo-lume betekenende 'You showed us no mercy'. Dr Van Vreeden vertel dat die ou inboorlinge nog soms na Douglas verwys as Kuanop of Kwanop (TVV 25/1 Jan. 1969 11).
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