
For the possibility of a connection with 'mouse' cf. Naragas too. The intended plant is o.i. -N Zygophyllum sp., some bacon / tree. We expect the farm's residents to be informed and the name here refers to a grass type that we cannot identify. The coordinates are completed.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2923
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Van Vreden 1965 TVV 21/4 31 'Naras, south-east of Griqua City near Gnabas. Two statements: 1. Flushes ...; 2. Mouse (Fat plant) ... The name may have a connection with ǀ A, scab, which will concern the carved area of ​​the soil. So naras = flushes (?) '. Schreuder MM 1973 Farmer Woman questionnaire 'Naras, farm, nearest town of Griquas. Means 'Tjagras', this is a particular kind of grass that grows on the farm. Originally, the name was pronounced with a slap, eg. Tjaras, now Plat Road Naras. Information as determined by spouse, currently deceased '.
afr Van Vreeden 1965 TVV 21/4 31 'Naras, suidoos van Griekwastad naby Gnabas. Twee verklarings: 1. spoelslote...; 2. muisvy (vetplant)...Die naam het moontlik ’n verband met ǀa, skurf, wat betrekking sal he op die gekerfde oppervlakte van die grond. Dus Naras = spoelslootjies(?)'. Schreuder MM 1973 Boervrou Vraelys 'Naras, plaas, naaste dorp Griekwastad. Beteken ‘Tjagras’, dit is 'n besondere soort gras wat op die plaas groei. Oorspronklik is die naam met ’n klap uitgespreek, bv. Tjaras, nou platweg Naras. Inligting soos vasgestel deur eggenoot, tans oorlede'.
eng For the possibility of a connection with 'mouse' cf. Naragas too. The intended plant is o.i. -N Zygophyllum sp., some bacon / tree. We expect the farm's residents to be informed and the name here refers to a grass type that we cannot identify. The coordinates are completed.
afr Vir die moontlikheid van ’n verband met 'muisvy' vgl. ook NARAGAS. Die bedoelde plant is o.i. -n Zygophyllum sp., een of ander spekbos/boom. Ons verwag dat die bewoners van die plaas die beste op hoogte is en die naam hier verwys na 'n grassoort wat ons nie nader kan identifiseer nie. Die koördinate is afgelêi.
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