
The same place with tradition about the name. The tradition has undergone its spare parts, the main thing is that 'miss' the foundation of both form. It's like Nama Xou-B [Xau-B] = 'Scheissdreck (von Vogeln, Hymn, Menschen)' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 48). The exit (s) -S is a locative suffix. There are two farms named on the assigned grade squares. Besides the local tradition there are other tips. For one look golden (PAN), for the other there is the question of FK Krenz 1974 in his note or it may not mean the place of the Xaubes, the stinkwitgat tree or Boscia Foetida.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2918 en 3018
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Boonzaaier GPL 1973 Farmer Questionnaire 'Goubees = 'Mislike'. Bushmen who stole cattle, submitted the chief to kill him. Of fear, the chief had an accident that caused a smell. ' [Spirit man is from Bushmansvlei, Gamel, Springbok.] Basson MM 1973 Boerin Questionnaire 'Goubees, Vlei on farm near Gamoep. Means 'Bushman', of Tjoubees, from Bushmantal. They came their heels in the vlei's water after they were full of scare when the Hottentots shot them at the stolen cattle with the front loader ... There are also lots of grinding of arrows on the flat stones in the Vlei ... Now here are boreholes with windmills on it ... '
afr Boonzaaier GPl 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Goubees = ‘Misruik’. Boesmans wat beeste gesteel het, het die hoofman voorgelê om horn dood te skiet. Van bangheid het die hoofman toe ’n ongeluk gehad wat ’n reuk veroorsaak het.' [Segsman is van Boesmansvlei, Gamoep, Springbok.] Basson MM 1973 Boerin Vraelys 'Goubees, vlei op plaas naby Gamoep. Beteken ‘Boesmanmis’, van Tjoubees, uit Boesmantaal. Hulle het hulle hakskene in die vlei se water kom was nadat hulle dit vol geskittery het van die skrik toe die Hottentotte hulle by die gesteelde beeste geskiet het met die voorlaaier...Daar is ook baie slypplekke van pyle op die plat klippe daar in die vlei...Nou is hier boorgate met windpompe daarop...'
eng The same place with tradition about the name. The tradition has undergone its spare parts, the main thing is that 'miss' the foundation of both form. It's like Nama Xou-B [Xau-B] = 'Scheissdreck (von Vogeln, Hymn, Menschen)' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 48). The exit (s) -S is a locative suffix. There are two farms named on the assigned grade squares. Besides the local tradition there are other tips. For one look golden (PAN), for the other there is the question of FK Krenz 1974 in his note or it may not mean the place of the Xaubes, the stinkwitgat tree or Boscia Foetida.
afr Dieselfde plek met oorlewering aangaande die naam. Die oorlewering het in sy onderdele verandering ondergaan, die hoofsaak is dat 'mis' die grondslag van albei vorm. Dit is soos Nama xou-b [xau-b] = 'Scheissdreck (von Vogeln, Hunden, Menschen)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 48). Die uitgang -be(e)-s is ’n lokatiewe suffiks. Daar is twee plase met die naam op die aangegewe graad- vierkante. Naas die plaaslike tradisie is daar nog ander wenke. Vir een kyk GOUBEES(PAN), vir die ander is daar die vraag van FK Krenz 1974 in sy aantekening of dit nie dalk beteken die plek van die xaubes, die stinkwitgat- boom of Boscia foetida nie.
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