Gams, Gams(Berg)

We treated this place and name in th a * 360-1. The meaning was also associated with 'grass', in Nama ǀ Ga, in Kora ǀ gam. Early three records were added from early country maps. It seems as if the tribal was still very long and that it was later contracted in the game form of 'gam' AMS, in his spelling tha-ams. Then we have to expand our previous statement slightly. The member -am- = mouth, by transfer also fountain / source. GAMS, actually ǀ GA-AMS (with the lock-to the VR. Ekv. Also, the indication of this is a name for a water opening / fountain) should then be translated literally as 'Grasmond / Grasfontein'. The 'grass' (of which Thompson 1824 says, it 'Grows All in Separate Tufts, Like The Hair on the Head of a Hottentot'), will be the Aristida Brevifolia. It is clear accordingly that the mountain has its name of the Grasfontein. Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2918 NAMES Give a farm 'GAMS' NAM. Q. 10-5 on, and to its south border a 'Gamsberg' with land surveyor No. 23 on it, the latter name again with a long tribal (according to the spelling). At the corresponding topographical series 1976, the name of the said farm and the mountain is spelled 'Gam'. 'Grass Mouth / Fountain'.

About this item

Gams, Gams(Berg)
Alternative Title
Gams, Gams(Berg)
Georeference Sources
K 2918
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng [Grundemann 1867 Card 'Gathered'. Census card 1891 ' tongue clap ... tha means grass, and aams means mouth. The growing mine now known as Gamsberg is part of Thambs. It's the mountain area, and since it is the only mountain part, it is called Gamsberg. It actually had to be ... It's a mountain that looks flat from distant like a table , zinc, lead and silver) were found. It is a neighbor of the Ageanys mine that is again known as the Black Mountain mining group. '
afr [Grundemann 1867 kaart 'Gaams'. Sensuskaart 1891 'Gams'. Veillet s.j. kaart 'Gams' en '’Gams Berg'.] Van Jaarsveld AJ 1978 Boer Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof '’n Ander plaas wat ek wil Tha-aams, uitgespreek met ’n tongklap...Tha beteken gras, en aams beteken mond. Die wordende myn wat nou bekend staan as Gamsberg is deel van Thaams. Dis die berggedeelte, en aangesien dit die enigste bergdeel is, word dit Gamsberg genoem. Dit moes eintlik ook Thaamsberg wees...Dis ’n berg wat van veraf plat lyk soos ’n tafel. Maar kom jy bo-op, dan vind jy dis eintlik ’n kom so asof dit in die oertyd weggesink het, en dis daar waar die minerale (koper, sink, lood en silwer) gevind is. Dit is ’n buurmyn van die Aggeneysmyn wat weer bekend staan as die ‘Black Mountain-myngroep’.'
eng We treated this place and name in th a * 360-1. The meaning was also associated with 'grass', in Nama ǀ Ga, in Kora ǀ gam. Early three records were added from early country maps. It seems as if the tribal was still very long and that it was later contracted in the game form of 'gam' AMS, in his spelling tha-ams. Then we have to expand our previous statement slightly. The member -am- = mouth, by transfer also fountain / source. GAMS, actually ǀ GA-AMS (with the lock-to the VR. Ekv. Also, the indication of this is a name for a water opening / fountain) should then be translated literally as 'Grasmond / Grasfontein'. The 'grass' (of which Thompson 1824 says, it 'Grows All in Separate Tufts, Like The Hair on the Head of a Hottentot'), will be the Aristida Brevifolia. It is clear accordingly that the mountain has its name of the Grasfontein. Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2918 NAMES Give a farm 'GAMS' NAM. Q. 10-5 on, and to its south border a 'Gamsberg' with land surveyor No. 23 on it, the latter name again with a long tribal (according to the spelling). At the corresponding topographical series 1976, the name of the said farm and the mountain is spelled 'Gam'. 'Grass Mouth / Fountain'.
afr Ons het hierdie plek en naam behandel in TH A* 360-1. Die betekenis is ook daar in verband gebring met 'gras', in Nama ǀga-, in Kora ǀgam. Uit vroeë landkaarte is nog drie optekenings bygevoeg. Dit wil voorkom asof die stamklinker vroeër nog baie lank was en dat dit later inderdaad tot ’n kort klinker saamgetrek is in die spelvorm van 'Gam'. Mnr Van Jaarsveld gee klaarblyklik die plaaslike (ou) uitspraak aan, d.w.s. tweelettergrepig, as Ga-ams, in sy spelling Tha-ams. Dan moet ons ons vorige verklaring effens uitbrei. Die lid -am- = mond, deur oordrag ook fontein/bron. Gams, eintlik ǀGa-ams (met die slot -s van die vr. ekv. ook hier bepaalde- lik die aanduiding dat dit ’n naam vir ’n wateropening/fontein is) moet dan letterlik vertaal word as 'Grasmond/Grasfontein'. Die 'gras' (waarvan Thompson 1824 se, dit 'grows all in separate tufts, like the hair on the head of a Hottentot'), sal die Aristida brevifolia wees. Dit is hiervolgens duidelik dat die daarbyliggende berg sy naam van die grasfontein het. Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2918 Namies gee ’n plaas 'Gams' Nam. Q. 10-5 aan, en aan sy suidgrens ’n 'Gaamsberg' met landmetersbaken nr 23 daarop, laasgenoemde naam weer met 'n lang stamklinker (volgens die spelling). Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese reeks 1976 word die naam van die genoemde plaas en van die berg gespel 'Gam'. 'Grasmond/ fontein'.
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