
The crosses, reproduced with the X, are suction consonants, and the name is translated as dry plain, so as Nama ǀ Khoro = Dor (of plants, crops), also = bare, and ^ i ^ b = 'The fläche, the ebene' (Kr.-r. 1969 NW Resp. 242 and 97). Noteworthy that the first component is recorded without skin that is important for the linguist in relation to the chronology of the develarisation as a phenomenon. The change of K and G- in writings of the time is normal (Gab versus cap), cf. 5 A 3. Van Reenen and Speaking is on the way from the Buffalo River to Springbok ('Onrooperberg'), and their way leads them exactly by the current 'Dry Dap River', 'Old Droughts Daa' and 'Witteklipsfontein Alias ​​Drog Deaf', all at 2917 Dd. We believe that Van Reenen's Orokap is the current 'Drog Deaf / DAP'. The Member Dro (O) is then undoubtedly the process of the old inland ingredient, viz. of (ǀ kh) oro. The member hood continues in its exchange ruling -dap = plain, cf. 5 E 1 for changing K / G and D / T. The farm name now got a hybrid shape. This applies here farms 'Old Drought Thine' No. 1917-58-3438 (trilingual in its composition) and 'Witteklipfon- tein alias Drogedap' No Nam.q. 10-12, all district Namaqualand, and also the river 'Dry Dap River'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2917
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Droogedaap)
eng Van Reenen W 1791 VRV 15 298 'from ... Buffalo river after the Xorox cover or dry Flacke; 7 uuren. N.B. Voorsch. Crossbar signs HAT Klapen Med de Tonge '.
afr Van Reenen W 1791 VRV 15 298 'Van...Buffelrivier na de xoroxkap of droge flackte; gereeden 7 uuren. N.B. Voorsch. kruisjes beteeken hed klappen med de tonge'.
eng The crosses, reproduced with the X, are suction consonants, and the name is translated as dry plain, so as Nama ǀ Khoro = Dor (of plants, crops), also = bare, and ^ i ^ b = 'The fläche, the ebene' (Kr.-r. 1969 NW Resp. 242 and 97). Noteworthy that the first component is recorded without skin that is important for the linguist in relation to the chronology of the develarisation as a phenomenon. The change of K and G- in writings of the time is normal (Gab versus cap), cf. 5 A 3. Van Reenen and Speaking is on the way from the Buffalo River to Springbok ('Onrooperberg'), and their way leads them exactly by the current 'Dry Dap River', 'Old Droughts Daa' and 'Witteklipsfontein Alias ​​Drog Deaf', all at 2917 Dd. We believe that Van Reenen's Orokap is the current 'Drog Deaf / DAP'. The Member Dro (O) is then undoubtedly the process of the old inland ingredient, viz. of (ǀ kh) oro. The member hood continues in its exchange ruling -dap = plain, cf. 5 E 1 for changing K / G and D / T. The farm name now got a hybrid shape. This applies here farms 'Old Drought Thine' No. 1917-58-3438 (trilingual in its composition) and 'Witteklipfon- tein alias Drogedap' No Nam.q. 10-12, all district Namaqualand, and also the river 'Dry Dap River'.
afr Die kruisies, weergegee met die x, is suigkonsonante, en die naam is vertaal as droëvlakte, dus soos Nama ǀkhoro = dor (van plante, gewasse), ook = kaal, en ^i^b = 'die Fläche, die Ebene' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW resp. 242 en 97). Opmerklik dat die eerste komponent sonder velaar opgeteken is wat van belang is vir die taalkundige met betrekking tot die chronologie van die develarisasie as verskynsel. Die wisseling van k- en g- in geskrifte van die tyd is normaal (gab teenoor kap), vgl. 5 A 3. Van Reenen en gesêlskap is op pad van die Buffelsrivier na Springbok ('Koopereberg'), en hulle pad lei hulle presies deur die huidige 'droëdaprivier', 'Old Drooge Daap' en 'Witteklipsfontein alias Drogedap', almal op 2917 DD. Ons meen dat Van Reenen se Orokap die huidige 'Drogedap/Daap' is. Die lid Dro(o)ge- is dan onteenseglik die ver- taling van die ou inlandse bestanddeel, nl. van (ǀkh)oro. Die lid -kap leef voort in sy wisseluitspraak -dap = vlakte, vgl. 5 E 1 vir wisseling van k/g en d/t. Die plaasnaam het nou 'n hibridiese gestalte gekry. Dit geld hier plase 'Old Drooge Daap' nr 1917-58-3438 (drietalig in sy samestelling) en 'Witteklipfon- tein alias Drogedap' nr Nam.Q. 10-12, almal distrik Namakwaland, en ook die rivier 'droëdaprivier'.
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