
This statement departs from what we told vessels about camnap (West), cf. For this th a ** 634. Besides the topographical legal compaction of the declaration of camnop as 'two-slip or bowl' of the farmer who knows the orning well, we can also linguistically laid the connection. 'Two' is in Nama ǀ TJ- of Tjam then suggests the dental suction sound. His chopped can be transcribed as a b = 'der Holztrog, the troughs, trankrinne' (Kr. Otherwise maybe thought toǃ Hub = stone, Klipbank (Rest 21). ǀ AUB, ╪Goub and Lhaub include sound at Nelson's tjaup, but less good at -nab. Considering the trend at the khoe khoen to see natural phenomena in human terms, we may associate the member - nap of comnap with Namaǃ Nab = stomach, belly (Rest 40), with the thought of stomach as a container, Like a bowl. Semantics and phonologically include it at camnap = 'bin'

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K 2917
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50 km radius
eng Nelson JWP 1978 Farmer questionnaire per Burger CR Principal 'It's a Hot Tearname, means' two stone or bowl 'because on the farm two big bowls that can catch a lot of water with rain time. Tjam means' 2 ',' tjaup means' bowl '= Tjamtjaup (shortened) comnap '
afr Nelson JWP 1978 Boer Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof 'Dit is 'n Hot tentotnaam, beteken ‘twee klip of bak' omdat op die plaas twee groot bakke is wat baie water kan opvang met reentyd. Tjam beteken ‘2’, ‘tjaup beteken ‘bak' = Tjamtjaup (verkort) Kamnap'
eng This statement departs from what we told vessels about camnap (West), cf. For this th a ** 634. Besides the topographical legal compaction of the declaration of camnop as 'two-slip or bowl' of the farmer who knows the orning well, we can also linguistically laid the connection. 'Two' is in Nama ǀ TJ- of Tjam then suggests the dental suction sound. His chopped can be transcribed as a b = 'der Holztrog, the troughs, trankrinne' (Kr. Otherwise maybe thought toǃ Hub = stone, Klipbank (Rest 21). ǀ AUB, ╪Goub and Lhaub include sound at Nelson's tjaup, but less good at -nab. Considering the trend at the khoe khoen to see natural phenomena in human terms, we may associate the member - nap of comnap with Namaǃ Nab = stomach, belly (Rest 40), with the thought of stomach as a container, Like a bowl. Semantics and phonologically include it at camnap = 'bin'
afr Hierdie verklaring wyk af van wat ons segsliede meegedeel het oor KAMNAP(-WES), vgl. daarvoor TH A** 634. Naas die topografiese reg- verdiging van die verklaring van Kamnap as 'tweeklip of bak' van die boer wat die orngewing goed ken, kan ons ook taalkundig die verband le. 'Twee' is in Nama ǀgam (Rust I960 DNW 78), in Ou-Kaaps o.a. kam. kham, k'kam ens. (HOTT 484); dit stem dan goed ooreen met die lid Kam- van Kamnap. Mnr Nelson se Tj- van Tjam stel dan die dentale suigklank voor. Sy Tjaup sal getranskribeer kan word as ǀaup wat sterk herinner aan Nama ǀou- [ǀaub] = 'fontein' (Rust 48). 'Bak' is in Nama ╪gou-b = 'der Holztrog, die Krippe, Trankrinne' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 135) wat benewens die suigkonsonant ook (goed) ooreenstem met 'Tjaup' van Nelson. Anders kan miskien gedink word aan ǃhaub = klip, klipbank (Rust 21). ǀAub, ╪goub en lhaub sluit klankmatig aan by Nelson se Tjaup, maar minder goed by -nab. Gedagtig aan die neiging by die Khoe- khoen om natuurverskynsels in menslike terme te sien, kan ons die lid - nap van Kamnap dalk vereenselwig met Nama ǃnab = maag, pens (Rust 40), met die gedagte aan maag as 'n houer, soos 'n bak. Semantics en fo- nologies sluit dit aan by Kamnap = 'Tweebak'
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