Koegas, Koegas(Brug, -Puts)

We discussed the name Koegas in th a * 732 and right there as the 'place (s) where there are many (-exa) hippos (ǃ Kao)'. This is eg. The same name as Wikar's cheese, but LG. For another place lower down the Orange River. So Mossop also stated that Wikar's cheese means 'abundance or hippopotami' (p. 18). Why did he explain Koegas then Andcrs. And this, despite the fact that at the Orange River just north of Koegas places like 'Zeekoubaard' (hippo bath at some) and 'Zeekoe hole', next to it 'Boven Zeekoe Gat' (o.a. on census card 1891)? The reason for the derailment is this: Mossop identifies Husingais according to the route indications with Gordon's angular claim that the Khoekhoen name for Scorpio bead is the kraal where the Scorpio gang of the Koranas lived. And now Mossop wants to make the identification also linguistically. 'Scorpio' is in Nama ǀ Hu-. Hu and cow (in Koegas) are indeed consistent exchange rates (cf. th a * 45 below 5 c 3). But with all the names in the area that show how abundant the hippos were here, and the direct junction of the named Koegas at its normal nama shape of iKoXas = 'Many hippos', it is certainly needed to go to a subsistent exchange form Return. Also see the listed facts in th a ** 732. 'Seaiplia'.

About this item

Koegas, Koegas(Brug, -Puts)
Alternative Title
Koegas, Koegas(Brug, -Puts)
Georeference Sources
K 2922 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Census card 1891 'Koegas' and 'Koegas Puts', so also at Veillet S.j. Map and later cards, but with spelling sometimes 'koegasputs' and adding 'Koegasbrug' for the horn. Mossop EE 1935 in VRV 15 19 at Husingais 'Marked upon the Present Koegas, 'Angle of Scorpio Kraal'. Koegas = ǀ Hu-Xas (Many Scorpions)'
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Koegas' en 'Koegas Puts', so ook by Veillet s.j. kaart en latere kaarte, maar met spelling soms 'Koegasputs' en byvoeging 'Koegasbrug' vir die gehug. Mossop EE 1935 in VRV 15 19 by Husingais 'Marked upon Map 2 (Gordon Collection) at the present Koegas, ‘Hoekingais of Scorpioen Kraal’. Koegas = ǀhu-xas (Many Scorpions)'
eng We discussed the name Koegas in th a * 732 and right there as the 'place (s) where there are many (-exa) hippos (ǃ Kao)'. This is eg. The same name as Wikar's cheese, but LG. For another place lower down the Orange River. So Mossop also stated that Wikar's cheese means 'abundance or hippopotami' (p. 18). Why did he explain Koegas then Andcrs. And this, despite the fact that at the Orange River just north of Koegas places like 'Zeekoubaard' (hippo bath at some) and 'Zeekoe hole', next to it 'Boven Zeekoe Gat' (o.a. on census card 1891)? The reason for the derailment is this: Mossop identifies Husingais according to the route indications with Gordon's angular claim that the Khoekhoen name for Scorpio bead is the kraal where the Scorpio gang of the Koranas lived. And now Mossop wants to make the identification also linguistically. 'Scorpio' is in Nama ǀ Hu-. Hu and cow (in Koegas) are indeed consistent exchange rates (cf. th a * 45 below 5 c 3). But with all the names in the area that show how abundant the hippos were here, and the direct junction of the named Koegas at its normal nama shape of iKoXas = 'Many hippos', it is certainly needed to go to a subsistent exchange form Return. Also see the listed facts in th a ** 732. 'Seaiplia'.
afr Ons het die naam Koegas bespreek in TH A* 732 en dit daar tereg verklaar as die 'Plek ( -s) waar daar baie (-xa-) seekoeie (ǃkao-) voorkom'. Dit is bv. dieselfde naam as Wikar se Kougaas, maar lg. vir 'n ander plek laer af langs die Oranjerivier. So het ook Mossop verklaar dat Wikar se Kougaas beteken 'abundance of hippopotami' (bl. 18). Hoekom het hy Koegas dan andcrs verklaar. en dit ten spyte daarvan dat aan die Oranjerivier net noordelik van Koegas plekke le soos 'Zeekoebaard' (Seekoeibad by sommige) en 'Zeekoe Gat', daarnaas 'Boven Zeekoe Gat' (o.a. op sensuskaart 1891)? Die rede vir die ontsporing is dit: Mossop identifiseer Husingais volgens die roete-aanduidings met Gordon se Hoekingeis wat die Khoekhoense naam vir Skerpioenkraal is, die kraal waar die Skerpioen- bende van die Koranas gewoon het. En nou wil Mossop die identifikasie ook taalkundig waar maak. 'Skerpioen' is in Nama ǀhu-. Hu- en Koe- (in Koegas) is inderdaad bestaanbare wisseluitsprake (vgl. TH A* 45 onder 5 C 3). maar met al die benamings in die omgewing wat toon hoe volop die seekoeie hier was, en die direkte aansluiting van die inlandse naam Koegas by sy normale Namavorm van IKaoxas = 'Baie seekoeie', is dit seker on- nodig om na ’n bestaanbare wisselvorm terug te gryp. Kyk ook die ge- noentde feite in TH A** 732. 'Seekoeiplek'.
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