Toubep, Toubeep

In th a ** 1032 we expressed the opinion that 't'oubeep' and 't'ou beep' in the first member, viz. T'ou-, matching Nama ǀ U = Brak, or + 6- = salt. A connection with 'wiptou' questioned us. On topographical grounds, we can now find support for the identification of the member 'T'ou-' with + p- = salt. On the Topo Cadastral Series 1967 Skin 2920 Kenhardt is indicated that the 'Salt River' over the farm T'oubep Two walks, just southwest of the collateral point. To 'Soutputs' lows' are two places 'salt pits' ╪o-, should be. The member bee / be- is locative morphem, the lock -p such as Nama -B, the Masc. Sing, which is used especially for long-legged objects (the river-run).

About this item

Toubep, Toubeep
Alternative Title
Toubep, Toubeep
Georeference Sources
K 2920 AC/AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng In th a ** 1032 we expressed the opinion that 't'oubeep' and 't'ou beep' in the first member, viz. T'ou-, matching Nama ǀ U = Brak, or + 6- = salt. A connection with 'wiptou' questioned us. On topographical grounds, we can now find support for the identification of the member 'T'ou-' with + p- = salt. On the Topo Cadastral Series 1967 Skin 2920 Kenhardt is indicated that the 'Salt River' over the farm T'oubep Two walks, just southwest of the collateral point. To 'Soutputs' lows' are two places 'salt pits' ╪o-, should be. The member bee / be- is locative morphem, the lock -p such as Nama -B, the Masc. Sing, which is used especially for long-legged objects (the river-run).
afr In TH A** 1032 het ons die mening uitgespreek dat 'T’Oubep' en 'T’Ou- beep' in die eerste lid, nl. T’Ou-, ooreenstem met Nama ǀu = brak, of + 6- = sout. 'n Verband met 'wiptou' het ons bevraagteken. Op topografiese gronde kan ons nou steun vind vir die vereenselwiging van die lid 'T’Ou-' met +p- = sout. Op die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1967 vel 2920 Kenhardt word aangedui dat die 'Soutrivier' oor die plaas T’Oubep loop. Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1974 word die 'Soutputs se laagte' as suidwestelike arm van die 'Soutrivier' aangedui; 'T’Oubeep' en 'T’Oubeepkop' is tussen die twee lope, net suidwes van die same- vloeiingspunt. Aan 'Soutputs se laagte' is twee plekke 'Soutputs' aange- gee. Taalkundig en topografies is dit dan duidelik dat 'Sout-' die vertaling van 'T’Ou-', Nama ╪o-, moet wees. Die lid bee-/be- is lokatiefmorfeem, die slot -p soos Nama -b, die masc. sing, wat veral vir langerige voorwerpe (hier die rivierloop) gebruik word.
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