
The name was discussed in th a ** 839, omitted enough about location and also the 'phonetic spelling' was reported as 'nype'. However, the statements there are different from Rev Maass. According to Horn, the place's name does not mean the 'turtle pigeon' or the 'giraffe spot'. This means the 'weather wolf spot'. The family maass knows the farm well, only as tenants and then as owners, viz. of subdivisions, such as Naip-West, N. North, N. 'NAIP' will be the game effort of an English-speaking surveyor (the name is old and all on the census card of 1891 before) to reflect what would sound like 'nype'. SJ Engelbrecht 1925 Huisgenoot May 29, 1925 30 Give 'Type Wolf, Werewolf': 'Tgeip', possibly meaning the Crocuta Crocuta (Shortridge 1934 1 159) for which the Namas'sǃ Gau, the Namaqualanders againǃ Nai, exchange ruling of ǃ gai-; For the change of N and G to a suction patch, many examples, look O.A. Th a * 46 and hott 180. We believe this statement is the correct. The starting point of the name was probably 'Naib's mountain' (the -p, also -b, of the ml. Ekv. Seasure this indicates that the name is of a mountain). On the mountain is a land surveyor No. 55.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2918 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng MAASS GJN 1978 PRINCIPANT QUESTIONNAIRE PER BURGER CR Principal 'Naib- (-WES) ... so named after the thyp, werewolf, whose natural habitat it is, and that in reasonable numbers still occur on the farm ...'
afr Maass GJN 1978 Predikant Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof 'Naib- (-Wes)... so genoem na die 'thyp, weerwolf, wie se natuurlike habitat dit is, en wat in redelike getalle nog op die plaas voorkom...'
eng The name was discussed in th a ** 839, omitted enough about location and also the 'phonetic spelling' was reported as 'nype'. However, the statements there are different from Rev Maass. According to Horn, the place's name does not mean the 'turtle pigeon' or the 'giraffe spot'. This means the 'weather wolf spot'. The family maass knows the farm well, only as tenants and then as owners, viz. of subdivisions, such as Naip-West, N. North, N. 'NAIP' will be the game effort of an English-speaking surveyor (the name is old and all on the census card of 1891 before) to reflect what would sound like 'nype'. SJ Engelbrecht 1925 Huisgenoot May 29, 1925 30 Give 'Type Wolf, Werewolf': 'Tgeip', possibly meaning the Crocuta Crocuta (Shortridge 1934 1 159) for which the Namas'sǃ Gau, the Namaqualanders againǃ Nai, exchange ruling of ǃ gai-; For the change of N and G to a suction patch, many examples, look O.A. Th a * 46 and hott 180. We believe this statement is the correct. The starting point of the name was probably 'Naib's mountain' (the -p, also -b, of the ml. Ekv. Seasure this indicates that the name is of a mountain). On the mountain is a land surveyor No. 55.
afr Die naam is bespreek in TH A** 839, alwaar genoeg oor ligging gesê is en ook die 'fonetiese spelling' aangegee is as 'Nyp'. Die verklarings daar is egter anders as by ds Maass. Volgens horn beteken die plek se naam nie die 'Tortelduif-' of die 'Kameelperdplek' nie. Dit beteken die 'Weer- wolfplek'. Die familie Maass ken die plaas goed, eers as huurders en toe as eienaars, nl. van die onderverdelings, soos van Naip-Wes, N.-Noord, N- Suid. 'Naip' sal wel die spelpoging van ’n Engelssprekende landmeter wees (die naam is oud en kom al op die Sensuskaart van 1891 voor) om weer te gee wat in Afrikaans sou klink soos 'Nyp'. SJ Engelbrecht 1925 Huisgenoot 29 Mei 1925 30 gee vir 'soort wolf, weerwolf' op: 'Tgeip', moontlik bedoelende die Crocuta crocuta (Shortridge 1934 1 159) waarvoor die Namas se ǃgau-, die Namakwalanders weer ǃnai-, wisseluitspraak van ǃgai-; vir die wisseling van n-en g- na ’n suigklap is baie voorbeelde, kyk o.a. TH A* 46 en HOTT 180. Ons meen hierdie verklaring is die korrekte. Die beginpunt van die naam was waarskynlik 'Naib se Berg' (die -p, ook -b, van die ml. ekv. dui hier bepaaldelik aan dat die naam die van ’n berg is). Op die berg is 'n landmetersbaken nr 55.
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