
On the corresponding cadastral skin 1966, the head was subscribed but without its name. A change game occurs on sheet 2918 AC Contorogab 1970 Scale 1:50 000, viz. 'Awahaixas head', 3 412 meters above sea level. with intervocal -w- versus -bb-, and with -ai- versus -e-. Literally one would 'AWA / ABBA-HEI / HAI' can translate with 'Redwood / Rooibos', such as Nama ǀ Awa = Red (cf. Rest 1960 DNW 50) and -Hei or -hai- = 'Der Baum, der Busch '(Kr.-r. 1969 NW 176). We believe 'rooibos / redwood' is accountable if we apply the 'lost key' technique and look at the names in the immediate area. Just southwest of Awahai guest head 'pepper bushbank', ie versus 'rooibos (head)' Le 'pepper forest (bank)', where hi / hai and bush is equally assembled. If there is a further connection between The Khoërhoense Awahai and the Afrikaans PE perbos, then, according to the usual pattern of naming regarding the mentioned technique, the Afrikaans pepper forest will - the inland awahai- language. In our sources, the inland name for the Pepper tree does not exceed the hang. that strange tree in dry areas as well nature, will have the name 'rooibos', seems understandable. We believe that the Khoekhoense name for the pepper tree in these parts of Steinkopf (Awahai- gas head lies in the Steinkopfreservaat) the 'Abbaheis / Awahais' is. The name gives you another contribution with this word to the dictionary. Then to summarize: the intervening -GA- is the usual quantityuffix for 'abundant on, many', here to 'pepper trees', ǀ ABA, ǀ Awa = red, and Hey, currently Hai-, here ' 'With the composition' Rooibos 'here the name for' Peperbos ', actually for' pepper tree ', a tree that has given up the name of the head west of Contorogab. The Fern, Sing, -s (to the -ga) is locative. The 'place (-s) where there are many (-exa) pepper trees (ǀ awehei). Krenz FK 1979 Boer still part that he 'ǀ AbbaHais' knows as a 'Rötliche, bushy Pflanze (Auch ǀ Abba Hus Nannt)' What. Just as the ǀ Hai-hais, a 'Fahle, Pilzblearty Pflanze, as parfiimpuder', is often singled in namal songs. Whether there is a connection between the said, sound-related tree type at Krenz and the kind of our place name, is not constituted, but if so. Is the medicine of interest.

About this item

Alternative Title
Abbaheigas(Kop), Awahaigas(Kop)
Georeference Sources
K 2918 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Topographic series 1975 Skin 2918 Pofadder 'Abbaheigaskop'.
afr Topografiese reeks 1975 vel 2918 Pofadder 'Abbaheigaskop'.
eng On the corresponding cadastral skin 1966, the head was subscribed but without its name. A change game occurs on sheet 2918 AC Contorogab 1970 Scale 1:50 000, viz. 'Awahaixas head', 3 412 meters above sea level. with intervocal -w- versus -bb-, and with -ai- versus -e-. Literally one would 'AWA / ABBA-HEI / HAI' can translate with 'Redwood / Rooibos', such as Nama ǀ Awa = Red (cf. Rest 1960 DNW 50) and -Hei or -hai- = 'Der Baum, der Busch '(Kr.-r. 1969 NW 176). We believe 'rooibos / redwood' is accountable if we apply the 'lost key' technique and look at the names in the immediate area. Just southwest of Awahai guest head 'pepper bushbank', ie versus 'rooibos (head)' Le 'pepper forest (bank)', where hi / hai and bush is equally assembled. If there is a further connection between The Khoërhoense Awahai and the Afrikaans PE perbos, then, according to the usual pattern of naming regarding the mentioned technique, the Afrikaans pepper forest will - the inland awahai- language. In our sources, the inland name for the Pepper tree does not exceed the hang. that strange tree in dry areas as well nature, will have the name 'rooibos', seems understandable. We believe that the Khoekhoense name for the pepper tree in these parts of Steinkopf (Awahai- gas head lies in the Steinkopfreservaat) the 'Abbaheis / Awahais' is. The name gives you another contribution with this word to the dictionary. Then to summarize: the intervening -GA- is the usual quantityuffix for 'abundant on, many', here to 'pepper trees', ǀ ABA, ǀ Awa = red, and Hey, currently Hai-, here ' 'With the composition' Rooibos 'here the name for' Peperbos ', actually for' pepper tree ', a tree that has given up the name of the head west of Contorogab. The Fern, Sing, -s (to the -ga) is locative. The 'place (-s) where there are many (-exa) pepper trees (ǀ awehei). Krenz FK 1979 Boer still part that he 'ǀ AbbaHais' knows as a 'Rötliche, bushy Pflanze (Auch ǀ Abba Hus Nannt)' What. Just as the ǀ Hai-hais, a 'Fahle, Pilzblearty Pflanze, as parfiimpuder', is often singled in namal songs. Whether there is a connection between the said, sound-related tree type at Krenz and the kind of our place name, is not constituted, but if so. Is the medicine of interest.
afr Op die ooreenstemmende kadastrale vel 1966 is die kop ingeteken maar sonder sy naam. n Wisselspelling kom voor op vel 2918 AC Kontorogab 1970 skaal 1:50 000, nl. 'Awahaixaskop', 3 412 meter bo seespieel. met intervokaliese -w- teenoor -bb-, en met -ai- teenoor -ei-. letterlik sou mens 'Awa/Abba-hei/hai-' kan vertaal met 'Rooihout/Rooibos', soos Nama ǀawa = rooi (vgl. Rust 1960 DNW 50) en -hei- of -hai- = 'der Baum, der Busch' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 176). Ons meen 'Rooibos/Rooihout' is verantwoordbaar as ons die tegniek van die 'verlore sleutel' toepas en na die name in die onmiddellike omgewing kyk. Net suidwes van Awahai- gaskop le 'Peperbosbank', d.w.s. teenoor 'Rooibos(kop)' le 'Peper- bos(bank)', waar hei-/hai- en -bos gelyk aanmekaar gestel word. As daar ’n verdere verband tussen die Khoekhoense Awahai- en die Afrikaanse Pe- perbos- is, dan, volgens die gewone patroon van naamgewing t.o.v. die ge- noemde tegniek, sal die Afrikaanse Peperbos- die inlandse Awahai- ver- taal. In ons bronne is die inlandse naam vir die peperboom nie voorradig nie. Maar bekend is die feit dat die peperboom, die Schinus molle (Smith 1966 CNSAP 366), ’n koeelronde steenvruggie dra, wat rooi is wanneer die bessies ryp is, en wat in trossies die hele groenbeblaarde boom opvallend rooi vol hang. Dat die uitlandse boom wat in droë dele so goed aard, die naam van 'rooibos' sal kry, lyk verstaanbaar. Ons meen dat die Khoekhoense naam vir die peperboom in hierdie streke van Steinkopf (Awahai- gaskop le in die Steinkopfreservaat) die 'abbaheis/awahais' is. Die naam- kunde gee met hierdie woord nog 'n bydrae aan die woordeboek. Om dan saam te vat: die tussenstuk -ga- is die gewone hoeveelheidsuffiks vir 'volop aan, baie', hier naamlik aan 'peperbome', ǀaba, ǀawa = rooi, en hei-, tans hai-, beteken hier 'bos', met die samestelling 'rooibos' hier die naam vir 'peperbos', eintlik vir 'peperboom', ’n boomsoort wat aanlei- ding gegee het tot die naam van die kop wes van Kontorogab. Die fern, sing, -s (na die -ga-) is lokatief. Die 'Plek ( -s) waar daar baie ( -xa-) peperbome (ǀawahei-) is/was'. Krenz FK 1979 Boer deel nog mee dat hy 'ǀabbahais' ken as ’n 'rötliche, buschige Pflanze (auch ǀabba-hus ge- nannt)' wat. net soos die ǀhai-hais, 'n 'fahle, pilzblattrige Pflanze, als Par- fiimpuder gebraucht', dikwels in Namaliedere besing word. Of daar ’n verband tussen die genoemde, klankverwante boomsoort by Krenz is en die soort van ons pleknaam, is nie uitgemaak nie, maar indien wel. is die me- dedeling van belang.
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