
Gareskop' Le northeast of Naab's mountain in the Namaqualand district. On the topographical series 1975 sheet 2918 Pofadder it is reported as 'T'kareseskop'. The t'- of the latter name suggests a suction consonant. The K- can alternate (cf. th The cards of the same name are. The slot -s of yarn / t'kareses are FEM. Sing, and because it so often indicates a source like a source, fountain or vlei, we believe that the head name was not primer. At the southeast of Gareskop le 'Kliplipoort' and 'Klip- Vlei'. For 'stone' is recorded in Nama, igare- = 'ein 341) From the head name match. With the lock - (SE) s indicating here 'flattery', it seems like 'Klipvlei' is the direct translation of yarn / t'kares- is. Then we have another case where the Afrikaans component of a toponimic core group is the translation of the Khoekhoian component. The stand-alone head then gave his name to the vlei, which in turn is the Fri. Lokatief- Morfem to the Khoekhoian head name given.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2918 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Topographic range 1:50 000 1970 Skin 2918AC Contorogab 'Gareskop'
afr Topografiese reeks 1:50 000 1970 vel 2918AC Kontorogab 'Gareskop'
eng Gareskop' Le northeast of Naab's mountain in the Namaqualand district. On the topographical series 1975 sheet 2918 Pofadder it is reported as 'T'kareseskop'. The t'- of the latter name suggests a suction consonant. The K- can alternate (cf. th The cards of the same name are. The slot -s of yarn / t'kareses are FEM. Sing, and because it so often indicates a source like a source, fountain or vlei, we believe that the head name was not primer. At the southeast of Gareskop le 'Kliplipoort' and 'Klip- Vlei'. For 'stone' is recorded in Nama, igare- = 'ein 341) From the head name match. With the lock - (SE) s indicating here 'flattery', it seems like 'Klipvlei' is the direct translation of yarn / t'kares- is. Then we have another case where the Afrikaans component of a toponimic core group is the translation of the Khoekhoian component. The stand-alone head then gave his name to the vlei, which in turn is the Fri. Lokatief- Morfem to the Khoekhoian head name given.
afr Gareskop' le noordoos van Naab se Berg in die distrik Namakwaland. Op die Topografiese reeks 1975 vel 2918 Pofadder word dit aangegee as 'T'Kareseskop'. Die T’- van die laasgenoemde naam stel ’n suigkonsonant voor. die K- kan met G- afwissel (vgl. TH A* 42 by 5 A 3) en die slot -s van Gares- sowel as die -ses van T’Kareses- is lokatiefmorfeem, sodat Gares- en T’Kareses- op die kaarte spellinge van dieselfde naam is. Die slot -s van Gares-/T'Kareses is fem. sing, en omdat dit so dikwels op 'n wa- terplek soos ’n bron, fontein of vlei dui, meen ons dat die kopnaam nie primer was nie. Ten suidooste van Gareskop le 'Klipvleipoort' en 'Klip- vlei'. Vir 'klip' is in Nama o.a. opgeteken Igare- = 'ein einzelstehender Fels' (HOTT 341). wat klankmatig goed met die lid Gare-/T’Kare- van die kopnaam ooreenstem. Met die slot -(se)s wat hier 'vlei' aandui, lyk dit asof 'Klipvlei-' die regstreekse vertaling van Gares-/T’Kareses- is. Dan het ons nog ’n geval waar die Afrikaanse komponent van 'n toponimiese kern- groep die vertaling van die Khoekhoense komponent is. Die alleenstaande kop het dan sy naam aan die vlei gegee, wat op sy beurt die vr. lokatief- morfeem aan die Khoekhoense kopnaam gegee het.
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