Nombees, Nombies

Place NAM.Q. 10-33 Le southwest of Steinkopf. The -bie (-be-) indicates that it is a place name, the Fern. Sing, most likely that there was originally a fountain. Nom- In the given sentence is known locally, but is difficult to connect with what is in our word stock. Krenz FK 1974 Note Think about ǀ Um = 'Sugen', eg. to a marrow leg. However, semantically does not beat the 'local tradition' (of the Held). On the Topo Cadastral Series 1965 Skin 2916 Springbok, the farm name is spelled 'Nombies'.

About this item

Nombees, Nombies
Alternative Title
Nombees, Nombies
Georeference Sources
K 2917 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng From Herd P (Springbok) 1965 Letter 'Nombees; Nom = to weld a leg, to eat. Nombeans = a water or place to nom or eat a leg '.
afr Van Heerde P (Springbok) 1965 Brief 'Nombees; nom = om 'n been te kluif, om te eet. Nombees = ’n Water of plek om ’n been te nom of te eet'.
eng Place NAM.Q. 10-33 Le southwest of Steinkopf. The -bie (-be-) indicates that it is a place name, the Fern. Sing, most likely that there was originally a fountain. Nom- In the given sentence is known locally, but is difficult to connect with what is in our word stock. Krenz FK 1974 Note Think about ǀ Um = 'Sugen', eg. to a marrow leg. However, semantically does not beat the 'local tradition' (of the Held). On the Topo Cadastral Series 1965 Skin 2916 Springbok, the farm name is spelled 'Nombies'.
afr Plaas Nam.Q. 10-33 le suidwes van Steinkopf. Die -bie- (-be-) dui aan dat dit ’n pleknaam is, die fern. sing, -s waarskynlik dat daar oorspronklik ’n fontein was. Nom- in die gegewe sin is plaaslik bekend, maar is moeilik oortuigend te verbind met wat in ons woordvoorraad is. Krenz FK 1974 Aantekening dink aan ǀum = 'saugen', bv. aan ’n murgbeen. Semanties klop dit egter nie met die 'plaaslike oorlewering' (Van Heerde) nie. Op die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1965 vel 2916 Springbok word die plaasnaam gespel 'Nombies'.
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