
The pre-obvious meaning of 'puppy' is certainly sound associated, Nama ari- = dog, plus reduction morphem. This is of course possible. However, we believe that the first member is rather like Nama Lari- = Capricorn (cf. Kr.- R. 1969 NW 29), and on the basis of the few subsequent places in the immediate environment with ingredient 'Capricorn'. Ariroep located west of Steinkopf, almost halfway to Port Nolloth. All over Ariroep at the same topographical height and across the void le 'small stone bay', south of him 'Capricorn' and then 'Capricorn's mountains' with a land surveyor on it. Unlawful in that area, many roe goats, and linguistically include the Ari of Ariroep, Nama for Capricorn, fully attached. The -P locates the mountain here. The -roe can be diminutive morpheme, in the case, the name 'stone goat (s) mountain' means.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2917 AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo-Cadastral Series 1965 Skin 2916 Springbok 'Ariroep'. Topographic Series 1973 Skin 2916 Springbok 'Ariroep'. Roman a 1974 Office bodies interrogation 'It's puppy, little puppy'. Goosen WJ 1978 Boer questionnaire per Burger CR Principal 'The farm Ariroep has A hottentot name, and according to the old namataal means Ariroep 'dog boy'. '
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1965 vel 2916 Springbok 'Ariroep'. Topografiese reeks 1973 vel 2916 Springbok 'Ariroep'. Roman A 1974 Kantoorbode Ondervraging 'Dit is hondjie, klein hondjie'. Goosen WJ 1978 Boer Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof 'Die plaas Ariroep het 'n Hottentotsnaam, en volgens die ou Namataal beteken Ariroep ‘Hondejongetjie’.'
eng The pre-obvious meaning of 'puppy' is certainly sound associated, Nama ari- = dog, plus reduction morphem. This is of course possible. However, we believe that the first member is rather like Nama Lari- = Capricorn (cf. Kr.- R. 1969 NW 29), and on the basis of the few subsequent places in the immediate environment with ingredient 'Capricorn'. Ariroep located west of Steinkopf, almost halfway to Port Nolloth. All over Ariroep at the same topographical height and across the void le 'small stone bay', south of him 'Capricorn' and then 'Capricorn's mountains' with a land surveyor on it. Unlawful in that area, many roe goats, and linguistically include the Ari of Ariroep, Nama for Capricorn, fully attached. The -P locates the mountain here. The -roe can be diminutive morpheme, in the case, the name 'stone goat (s) mountain' means.
afr Die voor-die-hand-liggende betekenis van 'hondjie' is bepaald klankasso- siatief, Nama ari- = hond, plus verkleiningsmorfeem -ro-. Dit is natuurlik moontlik. Ons meen egter dat die eerste lid eerder is soos Nama lari- = steenbok (vgl. Kr.-R. 1969 NW 29), en wel op grond van die klompie aan- sluitende plekke in die onmiddellike omgewing met bestanddeel 'Steenbok-'. Ariroep le wes van Steinkopf, byna halfpad na Port Nolloth. Regoor Ariroep op dieselfde topografiese hoogte en oorkant die leegte le 'Klein Steenbok', suid van horn 'Steenbok' en dan 'Steenbok se Berge' met ’n landmetersbaken daarop. Onteenseglik was in daardie omgewing baie steenbokke, en taalkundig sluit die Ari- van Ariroep, Nama vir steenbok, volkome hierby aan. Die -p lokativeer hier die berg. Die -roe- kan diminutiefmorfeem wees, in die geval beteken die naam 'Steenbok- kie(s)berg'.
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