
Geys' is bordered on the southwest by 'Annex Geiss' no Hay Q. 16-23, with triangle barrier No. 48 on it. At the corresponding topographical map 1975, the name 'big ear' was reported to the north of this triangle. 'Great' is in Nama Gei [kai] (Rust 1960 DNW 28) which sounds soundly good with the member of this geisie. The second member, ---, is simply the locative morphem, the lock-in indicates a water location. It may then seem that 'big ear' can be in its first component translation of 'gei-'. However, another possibility also does. Annex geysis is bordered for its full length on the west by the farm 'Witberg' No Hay Q. 3-44. In addition to the topographical bond, a linguistic relationship can also be laid. For 'white' is o.a. Recorded ╪Ke [╪Khai] (Hott 532), actually for 'Blink, Gliinzen'. With the interchangeability of G and K (cf. th a * 45 at 5 c 4) 'Witberg' in his first member may be the translation of 'gei-'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2923 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2922 Prieska 'Gear', Place No Hay Q. 10- 12
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2922 Prieska 'Geisis', plaas nr Hay Q. 10- 12
eng Geys' is bordered on the southwest by 'Annex Geiss' no Hay Q. 16-23, with triangle barrier No. 48 on it. At the corresponding topographical map 1975, the name 'big ear' was reported to the north of this triangle. 'Great' is in Nama Gei [kai] (Rust 1960 DNW 28) which sounds soundly good with the member of this geisie. The second member, ---, is simply the locative morphem, the lock-in indicates a water location. It may then seem that 'big ear' can be in its first component translation of 'gei-'. However, another possibility also does. Annex geysis is bordered for its full length on the west by the farm 'Witberg' No Hay Q. 3-44. In addition to the topographical bond, a linguistic relationship can also be laid. For 'white' is o.a. Recorded ╪Ke [╪Khai] (Hott 532), actually for 'Blink, Gliinzen'. With the interchangeability of G and K (cf. th a * 45 at 5 c 4) 'Witberg' in his first member may be the translation of 'gei-'.
afr Geisis' word aan die suidweste begrens deur 'Annex Geisis' nr Hay Q. 16-23, met driehoeksbaken nr 48 daarop. Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1975 is ten noordweste van hierdie driehoeksbaken die naam 'Groot Aar' aangegee. 'Groot' is in Nama gei [kai] (Rust 1960 DNW 28) wat klankmatig goed met die lid Gei- van hierdie Geisis ooreenstem. Die tweede lid, -si-, is gewoon die lokatiefmorfeem, die slot -s dui baiemaal ’n waterplek aan. Dit lyk dan moontlik dat 'Groot Aar' in sy eerste komponent die vertaling van 'Gei-' kan wees. ’n Ander moontlikheid doen hom egter ook voor. Annex Geisis word vir sy voile lengte aan die westekant begrens deur die plaas 'Witberg' nr Hay Q. 3-44. Naas die topografiese verband kan ook ’n taalkundige verband gelê word. Vir 'wit' is o.a. opgeteken ╪kei [╪khai] (HOTT 532), eintlik vir 'blinken, gliinzen'. Met die verwisselbaarheid van g en k (vgl. TH A* 45 by 5 C 4) kan 'Witberg' in sy eerste lid die vertaling wees van 'Gei-'.
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