
In th a ** 733, we declared tentative 'koegrabie' as 'Graafwater in sand', d.w.s. Like Nama Ihuxorabe. On topographical grounds, another possibility does now be a more acceptable. 'Koegrabie' LE According to the topokadastral series 1967 Skin 2920 Kenhardt on the farm 'Koabs' No Car. Q. 3-27. District Kenhardt. On the same farm and north-east of Koegrabie, there is a pan that is given on the corresponding topographical map 1974 as 'Old Brakpan'. Brak is in Nama ǀ You (Rest 1960 DNW 12) that fermented with the first member of Koegrabie, viz. Cow, can match. Otherwise can be thought of an earlier façade ╪o- = 'salt' (Rust 51). The phenomenon that an Afrikaans component of a toponimic group (partial) translation of the Khoekhoian component is, we have been consuming. About the second member of the name, viz. -Grabie, we have nothing to add to what is in th ** tap.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2921 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng In th a ** 733, we declared tentative 'koegrabie' as 'Graafwater in sand', d.w.s. Like Nama Ihuxorabe. On topographical grounds, another possibility does now be a more acceptable. 'Koegrabie' LE According to the topokadastral series 1967 Skin 2920 Kenhardt on the farm 'Koabs' No Car. Q. 3-27. District Kenhardt. On the same farm and north-east of Koegrabie, there is a pan that is given on the corresponding topographical map 1974 as 'Old Brakpan'. Brak is in Nama ǀ You (Rest 1960 DNW 12) that fermented with the first member of Koegrabie, viz. Cow, can match. Otherwise can be thought of an earlier façade ╪o- = 'salt' (Rust 51). The phenomenon that an Afrikaans component of a toponimic group (partial) translation of the Khoekhoian component is, we have been consuming. About the second member of the name, viz. -Grabie, we have nothing to add to what is in th ** tap.
afr In TH A** 733 het ons tentatief 'Koegrabie' as 'graafwater in sand' verklaar, d.w.s. soos Nama Ihuxorabe. Op topografiese gronde doen ‘n ander moontlikheid horn nou as ’n meer aanneemlike voor. 'Koegrabie' le volgens die Topokadastrale reeks 1967 vel 2920 Kenhardt op die plaas 'Koe- grab’s' nr Car. Q. 3-27. distrik Kenhardt. Op dieselfde plaas en noordoos van Koegrabie is daar 'n pan wat op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1974 aangegee word as 'Ou Brakpan'. Brak is in Nama ǀu (Rust 1960 DNW 12) wat gevelariseerd met die eerste lid van Koegrabie, nl. Koe-, kan ooreenstem. Anders kan gedink word aan ’n vroeëre gevelari- seerde ╪o- = 'sout' (Rust 51). Die verskynsel dat ’n Afrikaanse komponent van 'n toponimiese groep die (gedeeltelike) vertaling van die Khoekhoense komponent is, het ons al baiemaal teegekom. Oor die tweede lid van die naam, nl. -grabie, het ons niks by te voeg by wat in TH ** t.a.p. staan nie.
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