
Nouzees' is farm no. Q. 4-14, Dist. Kenhardt (Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2918 Namies), the homestead was stated as 'Nausea' (topographical series 1975 1:50 000 Skin 2919AB Pofadder). In th a ** 915, Mr W van Zyl 1973 farmer questionnaire provided information on the river name that does not appear on our cards; The name of the names was declared there as 'little sweat'. On topographical grounds, we believe that another possibility also earns over. On the farm and north of the road of Pofadder to Ka kamas, on the mentioned topographical map entered 'Red Banks'. Then a connection withǃ Now- [Nau-] = ocher (Rust 1960 DNW 46) does not impossible. South of the said road is 'Vaalhead'; Southeast of it and still on the farm Nousees are 'Vaalputs'. Suidwes Vaalputs and now on 2919 BC are 'Witkoppies'. For 'white' is recorded in Old Cape Nau-, as Namaǃ NOA = greyish-white better in the toponimic pattern of the Khoekhoen as 'little sweat'. The second member of Nouzees / Neeseese, viz. -zees / -sees, is the locative morpheme-plus exit -s that sometimes indicate that the starting point is likely to be a source or fountain was.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2919 AB/BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Nouzees' is farm no. Q. 4-14, Dist. Kenhardt (Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2918 Namies), the homestead was stated as 'Nausea' (topographical series 1975 1:50 000 Skin 2919AB Pofadder). In th a ** 915, Mr W van Zyl 1973 farmer questionnaire provided information on the river name that does not appear on our cards; The name of the names was declared there as 'little sweat'. On topographical grounds, we believe that another possibility also earns over. On the farm and north of the road of Pofadder to Ka kamas, on the mentioned topographical map entered 'Red Banks'. Then a connection withǃ Now- [Nau-] = ocher (Rust 1960 DNW 46) does not impossible. South of the said road is 'Vaalhead'; Southeast of it and still on the farm Nousees are 'Vaalputs'. Suidwes Vaalputs and now on 2919 BC are 'Witkoppies'. For 'white' is recorded in Old Cape Nau-, as Namaǃ NOA = greyish-white better in the toponimic pattern of the Khoekhoen as 'little sweat'. The second member of Nouzees / Neeseese, viz. -zees / -sees, is the locative morpheme-plus exit -s that sometimes indicate that the starting point is likely to be a source or fountain was.
afr Nouzees' is plaas nr Ken. Q. 4-14, dist. Kenhardt (Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2918 Namies), die opstal is aangegee as 'Nousees' (Topografiese reeks 1975 1:50 000 vel 2919AB Pofadder). In TH A** 915 het mnr W van Zyl 1973 Boer Vraelys inligting verstrek oor die riviernaam wat nie op ons kaarte voorkom nie; die naam Nousees is daar verklaar as 'klein sweet'. Op topografiese gronde meen ons dat 'n ander moontlikheid ook oorwe- ging verdien. Op die plaas en ten noorde van die pad van Pofadder na Ka- kamas is op die genoemde Topografiese kaart ingeskryf 'Rooibanke'. Dan lyk ’n verband met ǃnou- [nau-] = oker (Rust 1960 DNW 46) nie onmoont- lik nie. Suid van die genoemde pad is 'Vaalkop'; suidoos daarvan en nog op die plaas Nousees is 'Vaalputs'. Suidwes van Vaalputs en nou op 2919 BC is 'Witkoppies'. Vir 'wit' is in Ou-Kaaps opgeteken nau-, soos Nama ǃnoa = gryserig-wit, vgl. HOTT 532. Dan lyk dit asof die lid Nou- van Nousees taalkundig en topografies ’n verband kan he met Wit(koppies) en Vaal(puts en -kop). Ons meen die verklaring pas beter in die toponimiese patroon van die Khoekhoen as 'klein sweet'. Die tweede lid van Nouzees/ Nousees, nl. -zees/-sees, is die lokatiefmorfeem -se- plus uitgangs -s wat soms aandui dat die beginpunt waarskynlik ’n bron of fontein was.
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