
It's about the farm Nam.q.10-35 on K 2919 AA, Dist. Namaqualand, located at the northern foot of the Namiesberg. A tributary with upper headings of the namouspoort (sprout) flow through the farm. The statement by Dr Van Schalkwyk addresses us the most. Cfg. Furthermore, Achab S 1916 etc. for the essential. The mountain probably derived its name to the fountain, the fountain, namely with 'abundant (-exa) reed (╪ā-b)'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2919 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng From Heer P (Springbok) 1965 Principal Letter 'Black Jim Dixon tells the following: Agap = A boy ... The water was on top of the mountain. The mountain is called Agap. A young man could climb to pick up the water. I declare it differently. AP is and remains a waterhole, but how to explain? ' Roman A 1974 Office Year interrogation 'Achab is a klong'. Van Schalkwyk Dr OT 1974 Medician Conversation 'Achab has a fountain where there are reeds and rushes, today, and it gives the place its name'.
afr Van Heerde P (Springbok) 1965 Skoolhoof Brief 'Swart Jim Dixon vertel die volgende: agap = ’n seun...Die water was bo-op die berg. Die berg is Agap genoem. ’n Jongman kon opklim om die water te haal. Ek verklaar dit anders. Ap is en bly vir my maar ’n watergat, maar hoe om die Ag te verklaar?' Roman A 1974 Kantoorjong Ondervraging 'Achab is mos 'n klong'. Van Schalkwyk dr OT 1974 Medikus Gesprek 'Achab het ’n fontein waar daar riet en biesies groei, vandag nog, en dit gee die plek sy naam'.
eng Plenty
afr Volop riet
eng It's about the farm Nam.q.10-35 on K 2919 AA, Dist. Namaqualand, located at the northern foot of the Namiesberg. A tributary with upper headings of the namouspoort (sprout) flow through the farm. The statement by Dr Van Schalkwyk addresses us the most. Cfg. Furthermore, Achab S 1916 etc. for the essential. The mountain probably derived its name to the fountain, the fountain, namely with 'abundant (-exa) reed (╪ā-b)'.
afr Dit gaan hier om die plaas Nam.Q.10-35 op K 2919 AA, dist. Namakwaland, geleë aan die noordelike voet van die Namiesberge. 'n Sytak met bolope van die Namiespoort (spruit) vloei deur die plaas. Die verklaring van dr Van Schalkwyk spreek ons die meeste aan. Vgl. verder ACHAB S 1916 ens. vir die essensiële. Die berg het sy naam waarskynlik aan die fontein ontleen, die fontein naamlik met 'Volop (-xa-) riet (╪ā-b)'.
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