Koeri(E)S(Berge) Ens.

In th a **, we congregated the places with the word Koer (E) S- as a member and expressed the opinion that the declaration of 'scotten' (Nama 11k (h) URI) can accept for everyone. Now there appears on topographical soils for the identification with Namaǃ Uri- = white. On the Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2918 Nanties will be on 2918 BA the farm 'Koeris' No. Q. 6-5 indicated, and beyond the northeastern corner thereof, on 2918 BB, the 'Koerisberge'. On the topographical series 1975 sheet 2918 Pofadder is given the same mountain as 'Witberg'. There can be no doubt that 'white' the translation of 'Koeri-S' is not; The processing has already met us all. The farm name 'Koeris' will then have the same meaning of 'white' and, because the fem. Sing primer is and has been transferred to the mountain. At 2918 AC is on the mentioned topographical map 1975 the 'T'koe- ries' and 'T'koeriesrivier'. The places are about 26 km northernmost from the town of Springbok and correlate exactly With 'Koer- Riesberge' and 'Koeriesrivier' for which surveying 1965 (th 1970 Skin 2918 AC Contorogab Prior to as 'Khurisberg' and 'Khurisri- Four'. However, the topography pleads for a connection with Namaǃ Uri- = white; on the topographical map 1: 250 000 mentioned there is between the T'koe - Riesberg and the T'koeriesrivier the place 'Witbank'. We believe we have the phenomenon again that the Afrikaans component of a top Union Group The (partial) translation of the Khoekhens is, M.A.W. That 'white (bank)' is translated from T'koerie-, newspaper or khuri-, and that the names such as Namaǃ uri- = 'white'.

About this item

Koeri(E)S(Berge) Ens.
Alternative Title
Koeri(E)S(Berge) Ens.
Georeference Sources
K 2918 BB en AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng In th a **, we congregated the places with the word Koer (E) S- as a member and expressed the opinion that the declaration of 'scotten' (Nama 11k (h) URI) can accept for everyone. Now there appears on topographical soils for the identification with Namaǃ Uri- = white. On the Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2918 Nanties will be on 2918 BA the farm 'Koeris' No. Q. 6-5 indicated, and beyond the northeastern corner thereof, on 2918 BB, the 'Koerisberge'. On the topographical series 1975 sheet 2918 Pofadder is given the same mountain as 'Witberg'. There can be no doubt that 'white' the translation of 'Koeri-S' is not; The processing has already met us all. The farm name 'Koeris' will then have the same meaning of 'white' and, because the fem. Sing primer is and has been transferred to the mountain. At 2918 AC is on the mentioned topographical map 1975 the 'T'koe- ries' and 'T'koeriesrivier'. The places are about 26 km northernmost from the town of Springbok and correlate exactly With 'Koer- Riesberge' and 'Koeriesrivier' for which surveying 1965 (th 1970 Skin 2918 AC Contorogab Prior to as 'Khurisberg' and 'Khurisri- Four'. However, the topography pleads for a connection with Namaǃ Uri- = white; on the topographical map 1: 250 000 mentioned there is between the T'koe - Riesberg and the T'koeriesrivier the place 'Witbank'. We believe we have the phenomenon again that the Afrikaans component of a top Union Group The (partial) translation of the Khoekhens is, M.A.W. That 'white (bank)' is translated from T'koerie-, newspaper or khuri-, and that the names such as Namaǃ uri- = 'white'.
afr In TH A** het ons die plekke met die woord Koeri(e)s- as lid saamgegroe- peer en die mening uitgespreek dat die verklaring van 'Schildkrote' (Nama 11k(h)uri-) kan aanvaar vir almal. Nou blyk daar op topografiese gronde steun te wees vir die vereenselwiging met Nama ǃuri- = wit. Op die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2918 Nanties word op 2918 BA die plaas 'Koeris' nr Nam. Q. 6-5 aangedui, en anderkant die noordoostelike hoek daarvan, op 2918 BB, die 'Koerisberge'. Op die Topografiese reeks 1975 vel 2918 Pofadder word dieselfde berg aangegee as 'Witberg'. Daar kan nie veel twyfel wees dat 'Wit-' die vertaling van 'Koeri-s' is nie; die ver- skynsel het ons al baiemaal teegekom. Die plaasnaam 'Koeris' sal dan dieselfde betekenis he van 'Wit-' en, omdat die fem. sing.-uitgang ono- masties -s gewoonlik op ’n bron of fontein dui, is die kanse goed dat die (plaas)naam Koeris primer is en op die berg oorgedra is. Op 2918 AC is op die genoemde Topografiese kaart 1975 die 'T’Koe- riesberge' en 'T’Koeriesrivier'. Die plekke is wel omtrent 26 km noordnoordoos van die dorp Springbok en korreleer dus presies met 'Koe- riesberge' en 'Koeriesrivier' waarvoor Opmeting 1965 (TH A** 738) die verklaring aangegee het van 'Khuris = klein veldskilpad'. Moontlik aan die hand van hierdie wenk kom die name op die Topografiese reeks 1:50 000 1970 vel 2918 AC Kontorogab voor as 'Khurisberg' en 'Khurisri- vier'. Die topografie pleit egter vir 'n verband met Nama ǃuri- = wit; op die Topografiese kaart 1:250 000 hierbo genoem is daar tussen die T’Koe- riesberge en die T’Koeriesrivier die plek 'Witbank'. Ons meen dat ons hier weer die verskynsel het dat die Afrikaanse komponent van ’n toponi- miese groep die (gedeeltelike) vertaling van die Khoekhoens is, m.a.w. dat 'Wit(bank)' vertaal is uit T’Koerie-, Koerie- of Khuri-, en dat die name soos Nama ǃuri- = 'wit' is.
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