
Haramoep is the name of a farm western of Pofadder and still in the Namaqualand district. On the farm the 'Haramoep Mountains', with a land meter beacon on it. On some older cards, the names with the warning rule of Naramoep and Mountains appear. These names have already been discussed in th a ** 523. One of our sayings quoted there, Mr P van Heer, also believes that the place name relates to the person-based Khoekhoen name of Jonker Afrikaner (c. 1790-1861) , The second of the four sons of Jager Afrikaner. The member's (with the -B, here a -p, of the ml. ECV.) Is like Nama -Mu-B = eye, and the first member Hara is like Nama ǀ Hara- = 'FRATTE' ( Kr.-R. 1969 NW 158). The correspondence between the names of the farm and the mountain range on the one hand, and from the well-known captain on the other, is indeed great. Did the captain stay there, and got the mountain by transfer his name of the captain? Another question is, viz. which was the correct lounge of the mountain name originally. We have no recording from the early days that give the answer to this. Therefore, other possible may be provisionally taken into account, eg. that the first member such as Nama Hara = 'Weit, Breit' (Kr. 1969 NW 153), as was mentioned by a local Khoekhoen in th a ** (Tap) and by us as the preferred statement been regarded, for 'Vergelegieslik / view'

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2918 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
kyk ook NARAMOEP
eng Budack KFR 1979 Letter 'Haramoep: The traditional name of Capt. Jonker Afrikaner was ǀ Hara-Mub ('wailing eye') '
afr Budack KFR 1979 Brief 'Haramoep: die tradisionele naam van kapt. Jonker Afrikaner was ǀHara-mub (‘Vratjiesoog’)'
eng Haramoep is the name of a farm western of Pofadder and still in the Namaqualand district. On the farm the 'Haramoep Mountains', with a land meter beacon on it. On some older cards, the names with the warning rule of Naramoep and Mountains appear. These names have already been discussed in th a ** 523. One of our sayings quoted there, Mr P van Heer, also believes that the place name relates to the person-based Khoekhoen name of Jonker Afrikaner (c. 1790-1861) , The second of the four sons of Jager Afrikaner. The member's (with the -B, here a -p, of the ml. ECV.) Is like Nama -Mu-B = eye, and the first member Hara is like Nama ǀ Hara- = 'FRATTE' ( Kr.-R. 1969 NW 158). The correspondence between the names of the farm and the mountain range on the one hand, and from the well-known captain on the other, is indeed great. Did the captain stay there, and got the mountain by transfer his name of the captain? Another question is, viz. which was the correct lounge of the mountain name originally. We have no recording from the early days that give the answer to this. Therefore, other possible may be provisionally taken into account, eg. that the first member such as Nama Hara = 'Weit, Breit' (Kr. 1969 NW 153), as was mentioned by a local Khoekhoen in th a ** (Tap) and by us as the preferred statement been regarded, for 'Vergelegieslik / view'
afr Haramoep is die naam van ’n plaas westelik van Pofadder en nog in die distrik Namakwaland. Op die plaas le die 'Haramoepberge', met ’n land- metersbaken daarop. Op party ouer kaarte verskyn die name met die wis- seluitspraak van Naramoep en -berge. Hierdie name is reeds bespreek in TH A** 523. Een van ons segsliede wat daar aangehaal is, mnr P van Heerde, meen ook dat die pleknaam betrekking het op die persoonsbe- skrywende Khoekhoense naam van Jonker Afrikaner (c. 1790-1861), die tweede van die vier seuns van Jager Afrikaner. Die lid -moep (met die -b, hier ’n -p, van die ml. ekv.) is soos Nama -mu-b = oog, en die eerste lid Hara- is soos Nama ǀhara- = 'Fratte' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 158). Die ooreen- koms tussen die name van die plaas en die bergreeks daarop aan die een kant, en van die bekende kaptein aan die ander kant, is inderdaad groot. Het die kaptein 'n tydlank daar vertoef, en het die berg deur oordrag sy naam van die kaptein gekry? ’n Ander vraag is nl. wat die juiste tongslag van die bergnaam oorspronklik was. Ons het geen optekening uit die vroeë dae wat die antwoord hierop gee nie. Daarom moet ook ander moontlik- hede voorlopig in aanmerking geneem word, bv. dat die eerste lid soos Nama hara = 'weit, breit' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 153) kan wees, soos deur 'n plaaslike Khoekhoen reeds in TH A** (t.a.p.) genoem is en deur ons as die verkieslikste verklaring beskou is, vir 'VergesigAVyeblik/Uitsig'
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