
The gate or neck (Nama Dao-, above dau or dew, misplacing or pressure fault at veillet as dan) lies on the north-western side of the hara-mount mass, on the farm Haramoep No. 53, so the bottom of the bottom From the mountain landscape it reasonably make sure that kara- understand is like Nama 11khara for 'gravel cliff'. Cfg. Further in Til ** 605 Karadaus 2616. 'Grais gate'. Also defensible is 'Kokerboompoort / neck', botanical because the eawood type occurs here, linguistically because a mortgage is between kara- in the place name and 11gara- = 'the aloe, der 'cocker tree'' (Kr.-R . 1969 NW 83). A third and equally acceptable statement'is 'Grootpoort', at 11khara = large.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2918 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng The gate or neck (Nama Dao-, above dau or dew, misplacing or pressure fault at veillet as dan) lies on the north-western side of the hara-mount mass, on the farm Haramoep No. 53, so the bottom of the bottom From the mountain landscape it reasonably make sure that kara- understand is like Nama 11khara for 'gravel cliff'. Cfg. Further in Til ** 605 Karadaus 2616. 'Grais gate'. Also defensible is 'Kokerboompoort / neck', botanical because the eawood type occurs here, linguistically because a mortgage is between kara- in the place name and 11gara- = 'the aloe, der 'cocker tree'' (Kr.-R . 1969 NW 83). A third and equally acceptable statement'is 'Grootpoort', at 11khara = large.
afr Die poort of nek (Nama dao-, hierbo dau- of dou-, wanspelling of druk- fout by Veillet as dan-) le aan die noordwestelike kant van die Haramoep- berg-massa, op die plaas Haramoep nr 53, sodat die bodemgesteldheid van die berglandskap dit redelik seker maak dat Kara- te verstaan is soos Nama 11khara- vir 'gruisklip'. Vgl. verder in Til ** 605 KARADAUS 2616. 'Gruispoort'. Ook verdedigbaar is 'Kokerboompoort/nek', botanies omdat die aleweesoort hier voorkom, taalkundig omdat ’n verband te le is tussen Kara- in die pleknaam en 11gara- = 'die Aloe, der ‘kokker- boom'' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 83). ’n Derde en ewe aanneemlike verklaring'is 'Grootpoort', by 11khara = groot.
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