
Thamhamma Maberge' lies on the border between the farms 'Heiorigas' and 'Nab', about 5 km southeast of triangle basin No. 24. On the corresponding topographical map 1975 correlates exactly herewith 'Bitterheu- ntngberge'. On the basis of many similar cases, we would have expected 'bitter honey (mountains)' could be the translation of 'Thamamma (mountains)'. We find it difficult to connect the member Tham of Thamhamma linguistically with 'bitter'; Bitter is in Nama Old [au] (Rest 1960 DNW 11), in Old Cape we do not find a recording for it. The second member of the Khoekhoense name. nl. -Hamma, can, taking into account the variation of -h- andk- (cf. th a * 45 at 5 c 4) is equated to Ou-Cape Kama (HOTY) (HOTT 302). Then it seems like bitter honey - a translation can be of Thamhamma with the first member Tham- an old-Cape word for a provision that we could not yet satisfactorily identify.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2918 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo cadastral series 1966 sheet 2918 names 'Thamhammaberge'.
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2918 Namies 'Thamhammaberge'.
eng Thamhamma Maberge' lies on the border between the farms 'Heiorigas' and 'Nab', about 5 km southeast of triangle basin No. 24. On the corresponding topographical map 1975 correlates exactly herewith 'Bitterheu- ntngberge'. On the basis of many similar cases, we would have expected 'bitter honey (mountains)' could be the translation of 'Thamamma (mountains)'. We find it difficult to connect the member Tham of Thamhamma linguistically with 'bitter'; Bitter is in Nama Old [au] (Rest 1960 DNW 11), in Old Cape we do not find a recording for it. The second member of the Khoekhoense name. nl. -Hamma, can, taking into account the variation of -h- andk- (cf. th a * 45 at 5 c 4) is equated to Ou-Cape Kama (HOTY) (HOTT 302). Then it seems like bitter honey - a translation can be of Thamhamma with the first member Tham- an old-Cape word for a provision that we could not yet satisfactorily identify.
afr Thamhammaberge' le op die grens tussen die plase 'Heiorigas' en 'Naab', omtrent 5 km suidoos van driehoeksbaken nr 24. Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1975 korreleer presies hiermee 'Bitterheu- ntngberge'. Aan die hand van talle soortgelyke gevalle sou ons verwag het dat 'Bitterheuning(berge)' die vertaling van 'Thamhamma(berge)' kon wees. Ons vind dit moeilik om die lid Tham- van Thamhamma- taalkundig oortuigend met 'bitter' te verbind; bitter is in Nama ou [au] (Rust 1960 DNW 11), in Ou-Kaaps vind ons nie ’n optekening daarvoor nie. Die tweede lid van die Khoekhoense naam. nl. -hamma-, kan, met inagneming van die variabiliteit van -h- en -k- (vgl. TH A* 45 by 5 C 4) gelykgestel word aan Ou-Kaaps kama-(honing) (HOTT 302). Dan lyk dit asof Bitter- heuning- ’n vertaling kan wees van Thamhamma- met die eerste lid Tham- ’n Ou-Kaapse woord vir ’n bepaling wat ons nog nie bevredigend kon iden- tifiseer nie.
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