
Dr. Sigrid Schmidt (Hildesheim. Germany) drew our attention to the mention of Rev. Meyer, until his retirement missionary in Steinkopf. The main facts in the two quotes agree well, though there are, as expected, after the long period of time, smaller deviations on subordinate points. The suction consonants at Meyer are as setfalties, theǃ must be the ǀ, therefore read the return as ǀ Goan- Lokative- Series South Africa 1:50 000 1970 still occurs 'children' still on the southwestern slopes of Kabinaberg, close to the tar road of Springbok to the north, just west of the road. More historian gave will be from the missionary versiase of Steinkopf to be too deep, but it does not affect our instruction regarding the determination of the meaning.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2917 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
Namanaam van Kinderle
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Laidler PW 1927 Man 148 'Kinderlay, Near Steinkopf. Has a nama name, so far not recovered. About Fifty Years Ago The Hottentots Went to the Mission Church at Steinkopf. The Bushmen Raided Their Kraal During Their Absence and Murdered All The Women and Children. On Their Return, The Men Found The Children's Corpses Lying Around, Hence 'Children Lie Around'. ' Meyer G 1951 AFR. Home Calendar 83 'A witness for the bushman danger of that time is also the farm 'Children', about an hour northeast of stone head. At this farm, the grave is still shown, wherein a whole children's crowd is buried. According to the report that the Hotteots give, there has been an integer of their people. Of a good day, when all the old people were gone to Byzondermeid to buy in a passing handler tobacco, their hats would be attacked by a Bushman Bende and murdered all children (you've been working to have been 32). The bushermers have shattered the bodies terribly and then hidden under blankets. When the parents happened in the evening - what did they have to seeǃ There were their children dead and in their blood. From that time, they called the farm :ǃ Goan ǃǃ goes, on Afrikaans: Children '.
afr Laidler PW 1927 Man 148 'Kinderlay, near Steinkopf. has a Nama name, so far not recovered. About fifty years ago the Hottentots went to the Mission church at Steinkopf. The Bushmen raided their kraal during their absence and murdered all the women and children. On their return, the men found the children’s corpses lying around, hence ‘children lie around’.' Meyer G 1951 Afr. Heimatkalender 83 'Ein Zeuge für die Buschmann- Gefahr jener Zeit ist auch die Farm ‘Kinderle’, ungefähr eine Stunde nordöstlich von Steinkopf. Bei dieser Farm wird noch das Grab gezeigt, worin eine ganze Kinder-Schar begraben liegt. Nach dem Bericht, den die Hottentotten geben, hat da eine ganze Zahl ihres Volkes gewohnt. Eines guten Tages, als all die alteren Menschen nach Byzondermeid ge- gangen waren, um bei einem durchreisenden Handler Tabak zu kaufen, würden ihre Hiitten durch eine Buschmann-Bende iiberfallen und alle Kinder ermordet (man beh&uptet, es seien 32 gewesen). Die Buschman- ner haben die leichen schrecklich verstummelt und dann unter Decken versteckt. Als die Eltern abends zuriickkamen — was mussten sie sehenǃ Da lagen ihre Kinder tot und in ihrem Blute. Von jener Zeit an nannten sie die Farm: ǃGoanǃǃGoes, auf Afrikaans: Kinderle'.
eng Dr. Sigrid Schmidt (Hildesheim. Germany) drew our attention to the mention of Rev. Meyer, until his retirement missionary in Steinkopf. The main facts in the two quotes agree well, though there are, as expected, after the long period of time, smaller deviations on subordinate points. The suction consonants at Meyer are as setfalties, theǃ must be the ǀ, therefore read the return as ǀ Goan- Lokative- Series South Africa 1:50 000 1970 still occurs 'children' still on the southwestern slopes of Kabinaberg, close to the tar road of Springbok to the north, just west of the road. More historian gave will be from the missionary versiase of Steinkopf to be too deep, but it does not affect our instruction regarding the determination of the meaning.
afr Dr Sigrid Schmidt (Hildesheim. Duitsland) het ons aandag gevestig op die melding van eerw. Meyer, tot aan sy aftrede sendeling in Steinkopf. Die hooffeite in die twee aanhalings stem goed ooreen, al is daar, soos te ver- wagte is na die lang tydsverloop, kleiner afwykings op ondergeskikte punte. Die suigkonsonante by Meyer is as setfoute te sien, die ǃ moet wees die ǀ, die opgawe dus te lees as ǀGoan-ǀ(goes, by ǀgoa-n (pi. comm, by ǀgoa- = kind) en 11goe = 'liegen' (Rust 1960 DNW 39), met die lokative- rende -s. Kinderle is die letterlike vertaling van die ou Namanaam. In sy Afrikaanse vorm was dit ook die naam van ’n plaas gewees, maar nou le dit ingelyf in die Steinkopf-kompleks. Op die kaart 2917 BB Jakkalswater van die reeks Suid-Afrika 1:50 000 1970 kom die naam 'Kinderle' nog voor aan die suidwestelike hange van Kabinaberg, na aan die teerpad van Springbok na die noorde, net wes van die pad. Meer geskiedkundige gege- wens sal uit die sendelingversiae van Steinkopf op te diep wees, maar dit raak nie ons opdrag aangaande die vasstelling van die betekenis nie.
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