
It seems about the -a- or the -o- in the first syllable: Is it ga (r) or go (r) -, m.a.w. Is this the 'official' or the local verdict. Of course, the official verdict is also the local ruling as it was heard at the time of the documentation, and it will also be much older than those heard of old people in 1965. Northwestern of garnish (or Khoromus) le cooked, declared as ǀǀ Garase-B = 'quiver tree location'. It is quiver tree world. If we seriously consider the 'official' use, then it seems to us or Garramoes just only ǀǀ Garamus, D.W.S. 11Gara = 'The Aloe, der 'Kokkerboom' '(Kr.-r. 1969 NW 83), plus-mu- = eye, Source eye, fountain. The whole then 'Koker- Boomfontein'. The choice is then between 'Kokerboomfontein' and 'Kalkfon- tein'. As for us: (Jit looks like the circumstance arguments favored the first statement (viz. Of 'Kokerboomfontein'). (Maybe un- .-R. 'Kokkerboom' their spelling of our 'kourboom'.)

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2917 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
tans gekarteer as KHOROMUS
eng Surveying 1965 'Garramoes, Dist. Springbok, 42 ​​miles [68 km] north of town. Name Relatively new. From Nama? Accent on Garra-. Parent residences speak of t'gorromoes, d.i. 'Water (or fountain or pit) at the hard (Knapky) place'. Officially, however, the official institutions use the name Garramoes [understand: with -A-]. Information of elderly locals '. Signed by AC Kruger, Vredendal.
afr Opmeting 1965 'Garramoes, dist. Springbok, 42 myl [68 km] noord van dorp. Naam betreklik nuut. Uit Nama? Aksent op Garra-. Ouer inwo- ners praat van T’Gorromoes, d.i. ‘Water (of fontein of put) by die harde (kalkerige) plek’. Amptelik egter gebruik die amptelike instansies die naam Garramoes [verstaan: met -a-]. Inligting van bejaarde plaaslike inwoners'. Geteken deur AC Kruger, Vredendal.
eng It seems about the -a- or the -o- in the first syllable: Is it ga (r) or go (r) -, m.a.w. Is this the 'official' or the local verdict. Of course, the official verdict is also the local ruling as it was heard at the time of the documentation, and it will also be much older than those heard of old people in 1965. Northwestern of garnish (or Khoromus) le cooked, declared as ǀǀ Garase-B = 'quiver tree location'. It is quiver tree world. If we seriously consider the 'official' use, then it seems to us or Garramoes just only ǀǀ Garamus, D.W.S. 11Gara = 'The Aloe, der 'Kokkerboom' '(Kr.-r. 1969 NW 83), plus-mu- = eye, Source eye, fountain. The whole then 'Koker- Boomfontein'. The choice is then between 'Kokerboomfontein' and 'Kalkfon- tein'. As for us: (Jit looks like the circumstance arguments favored the first statement (viz. Of 'Kokerboomfontein'). (Maybe un- .-R. 'Kokkerboom' their spelling of our 'kourboom'.)
afr Dit gaan blykbaar om die -a- of die -o- in die eerste lettergreep: is dit Ga(r)- of Go(r)-, m.a.w. is dit die 'amptelike' of die plaaslike uitspraak. Die amptelike uitspraak is natuurlik ook maar die plaaslike uitspraak soos dit ten tye van die dokumentasie gehoor was, en dit sal wel ook veel ouer wees as die wat in 1965 van ou mense gehoor is. Noordwestelik van Gara- moes (ofte Khoromus) le Gaarseep, verklaar as ǀǀGarase-b = 'Koker- boom-plek'. Dit is kokerboomwêreld. As ons die 'amptelike' gebruik ernstig in aanmerking neem, dan lyk dit vir ons of Garramoes gewoonweg net ǀǀGaramus is, d.w.s. 11gara = 'die Aloe, der ‘kokkerboom’ ' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 83), plus -mu- = oog, bronoog, fontein. Die geheel dan 'Koker- boomfontein'. Die keuse is dan tussen 'Kokerboomfontein' en 'Kalkfon- tein'. Wat ons betref: (jit lyk of die omstandigheidsargumente die eersge- noemde verklaring (nl. van 'Kokerboomfontein') begunstig. (Miskien on- nodig om te se dat Kr.-R. se 'kokkerboom' hulle spelwyse is van ons 'ko- kerboom'.)
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