
Tarabis was (notice: was) an important strain along the way of O.A. Steinkopf, but sweets have completely taken that function over time. It lies northeast of Port Nolloth. At a time, so by 1900, there was a post office established. It correlates exactly with dust foot (cf. O.A. S.A. series 1975 scale 1:50 000 sheet 2917 Kamma River). On the corresponding section of the topographical map 1974 it is written as 'dust foot (livestock)'. Fabric foot is apparently naming to connect with the old name Tarabi (e) s. 'Dust' is in Nama Tsara (Rust 1960 DNW 58), and it corresponds to the Tara of Tara-BI (E) S so the name literally means 'Stoffontein'. The -BI (E) - is indication that it is a place name, and the Fern. Sing, - that this is definite a fountain. The element 'foot' of 'dust foot' is not present in the original namanam as an ingredient.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2917 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Stofvoet
eng Sensuskaart 1891 'Tarabies'. Spigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Tarabis'. Veillet S.J. KAART 'TARABIES. POST OFFICE '.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Tarabies'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Tarabis'. Veillet s.j. kaart 'Tarabies. Post Office'.
eng Tarabis was (notice: was) an important strain along the way of O.A. Steinkopf, but sweets have completely taken that function over time. It lies northeast of Port Nolloth. At a time, so by 1900, there was a post office established. It correlates exactly with dust foot (cf. O.A. S.A. series 1975 scale 1:50 000 sheet 2917 Kamma River). On the corresponding section of the topographical map 1974 it is written as 'dust foot (livestock)'. Fabric foot is apparently naming to connect with the old name Tarabi (e) s. 'Dust' is in Nama Tsara (Rust 1960 DNW 58), and it corresponds to the Tara of Tara-BI (E) S so the name literally means 'Stoffontein'. The -BI (E) - is indication that it is a place name, and the Fern. Sing, - that this is definite a fountain. The element 'foot' of 'dust foot' is not present in the original namanam as an ingredient.
afr Tarabis was (let op: was) ’n belangrike uitspanning langs die pad van o.a. Steinkopf af, maar lekkersing het daardie funksie met verloop van tyd volkome oorgeneem. Dit le noordoos van Port Nolloth. Op ’n keer, so teen 1900, was daar 'n poskantoor gevestig. Dit korreleer presies met Stofvoet (vgl. o.a. S.A.-reeks 1975 skaal 1:50 000 vel 2917 Kammarivier). Op die ooreenstemmende gedeelte van die topografiese kaart 1974 staan dit in- geskryf as 'Stofvoet (Veepos)'. Stofvoet is klaarblyklik naamkundig te verbind met die ou naam Tarabi(e)s. 'Stof' is in Nama tsara- (Rust 1960 DNW 58), en dit stem ooreen met die Tara- van Tara-bi(e)s, sodat die naam letterlik beteken 'Stoffontein'. Die -bi(e)- is aanduiding dat dit 'n pleknaam is, en die fern. sing, -s dat dit hier bepaaldelik ’n fontein is. Die element '-voet' van 'Stofvoet' is nie in die oorspronklike Namanaam as ’n bestanddeel aanwesig nie.
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