
It appears from the quotes that Gattikamma is translated by our spokesmen in more than one way, eg. with white water and finish water. On the other hand, Gattikaamma and finish water at Burchell are also two different places. In addition, finish water is also the translation of karrikamma. The current Griekwastad would also have carried the name of Gattikamma (stow) in the old days. Slead CJ 1973 Gazette 75's at clear water 'Synlonymy] Gattikamma; White water; Wittewater; (possibly the modern bright water) '. Here is the possibility of much confusion. It is also made greater by moving the mission stations at times. (Cf. The -kamma is like Old Cape for water, and like Nama ǀǀ Gam-S. The Gatti is like Nama Igatsi = 'Hell, Klar, Deutlich' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 85). For the forms of Gatti in Kora and Griqua of the time cf. Hott 532. The literal translation is therefore 'clear water' or also 'ready water'. The translation 'white water' is a distraction made by the color impression of bright or possibly of the soil condition (eg lime). This gattikamma (bright, finished or the pasted white water) should not be confused with karrikamma. The name apparently lives in his Afrikaans translation as 'white water', the name of Farm No (23) 2191/1879 on K 2823 CC / 2923AA. It lies southwestern Griekwastad at the highway to Niekerkshoop and Upington (Topo Cadastral series 1962 sheet 2822 Postmasburg). A farm called clear water, as stated by SHEAD, we could not detect in our resources in the District Hay.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2823 CC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Witwater
eng Borcherds 1801 Memoirs 65 'Tegen tien u u r’s avonds bereikten wij Gatie T’Kamma of Witwaterfontein...' Burchell 1811/ 192 '...four horsemen were despatched to Klaarwater, or, as many of the Hottentots called it, Gattikamma'. Ibid. 1 240 'At eleven o’clock we unyoked at Wittewater (Whitewater), called in the Hottentot language Gattikamma, a word which has the same meaning. This spring, which, in some seasons, is the source of a rivulet, is situated in an open country...' Ibid. 1812 2 156 'We left Gattikamma before nine in the morning, and marched at a brisk step, that we might arrive early at Klaarwater...' Stow 1905 Native Races 278 'Klaarwater, the site of the present Griquatown, then called ’Gatee t’Kamma'. Ibid, '...made a halt at ’Gatee-t’Kamma, afterwards chosen by the missionaries as the site of their Griqua station, to which the name of Griquatown was subsequently assigned...' Pettman 1931 SAPN 163 'Klaarwater (clear water), the place was known to the Hottentots as Gattikamma (Hot. Igatsi, clear, bright; ǀǀgami, water), the new name simply translating the Hottentot name'.
afr Borcherds 1801 Memoirs 65 'Tegen tien u u r’s avonds bereikten wij Gatie T’Kamma of Witwaterfontein...' Burchell 1811/ 192 '...four horsemen were despatched to Klaarwater, or, as many of the Hottentots called it, Gattikamma'. Ibid. 1 240 'At eleven o’clock we unyoked at Wittewater (Whitewater), called in the Hottentot language Gattikamma, a word which has the same meaning. This spring, which, in some seasons, is the source of a rivulet, is situated in an open country...' Ibid. 1812 2 156 'We left Gattikamma before nine in the morning, and marched at a brisk step, that we might arrive early at Klaarwater...' Stow 1905 Native Races 278 'Klaarwater, the site of the present Griquatown, then called ’Gatee t’Kamma'. Ibid, '...made a halt at ’Gatee-t’Kamma, afterwards chosen by the missionaries as the site of their Griqua station, to which the name of Griquatown was subsequently assigned...' Pettman 1931 SAPN 163 'Klaarwater (clear water), the place was known to the Hottentots as Gattikamma (Hot. Igatsi, clear, bright; ǀǀgami, water), the new name simply translating the Hottentot name'.
eng It appears from the quotes that Gattikamma is translated by our spokesmen in more than one way, eg. with white water and finish water. On the other hand, Gattikaamma and finish water at Burchell are also two different places. In addition, finish water is also the translation of karrikamma. The current Griekwastad would also have carried the name of Gattikamma (stow) in the old days. Slead CJ 1973 Gazette 75's at clear water 'Synlonymy] Gattikamma; White water; Wittewater; (possibly the modern bright water) '. Here is the possibility of much confusion. It is also made greater by moving the mission stations at times. (Cf.
The -kamma is like Old Cape for water, and like Nama ǀǀ Gam-S. The Gatti is like Nama Igatsi = 'Hell, Klar, Deutlich' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 85). For the forms of Gatti in Kora and Griqua of the time cf. Hott 532. The literal translation is therefore 'clear water' or also 'ready water'. The translation 'white water' is a distraction made by the color impression of bright or possibly of the soil condition (eg lime). This gattikamma (bright, finished or the pasted white water) should not be confused with karrikamma. The name apparently lives in his Afrikaans translation as 'white water', the name of Farm No (23) 2191/1879 on K 2823 CC / 2923AA. It lies southwestern Griekwastad at the highway to Niekerkshoop and Upington (Topo Cadastral series 1962 sheet 2822 Postmasburg). A farm called clear water, as stated by SHEAD, we could not detect in our resources in the District Hay.
afr Dit blyk uit die aanhalings dat Gattikamma deur ons segsmanne op meer as een manier vertaal word, bv. met Wittewater en Klaarwater. Aan die ander kant is Gattikamma en Klaarwater by Burchell ook twee verskillende plekke. Daarby is Klaarwater ook die vertaling van Karrikamma. Die huidige Griekwastad sou in die ou dae ook die naam gedra het van Gattikamma (Stow). Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 75 se by Helderwater 'Synlonymy] Gattikamma; Witwater; Wittewater; (possibly the modern Helderwater)'. Hier is die moontlikheid van heelwat verwarring. Dit word ook groter gemaak deurdat die sendingstasies by tye verskuif is. (Vgl. Nienaber PJ PNW 1963 230 en Dreyer A Jubelfees-gedenkboek van die gemeente Grikwastad s.j. 11957] 1). Die -kamma is soos Ou-Kaaps vir water, en soos Nama ǀǀgam-s. Die Gatti- is soos Nama Igatsi = 'hell, klar, deutlich' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 85). Vir die vorme van Gatti- in Kora en Griekwa van destyds vgl. HOTT 532. Die letterlike vertaling is dus 'Helderwater' of ook 'Klaarwater'. Die vertaling 'Witwater' is ’n afleiding wat deur die kleurindruk van helder of moontlik van die bodemgesteldheid (bv. kalk) gemaak word. Hierdie Gattikamma (Helder-, Klaar- of die afgelêide Witwater) moet nie verwar word met KARRIKAMMA nie. Die naam leef klaarblyklik voort in sy Afrikaanse vertaling as 'Witwater', die naam van plaas nr (23)2191/1879 op K 2823 CC/2923AA. Dit le suidwestelik van Griekwastad aan die hoofweg na Niekerkshoop en Upington (Topo-kadastrale reeks 1962 vel 2822 Postmasburg). ’n Plaas met die naam van Helderwater, soos deur Skead vermeld, kon ons in ons bronne nie in die distrik Hay opspoor nie.
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