
The Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2820 Upington shows that Nezpruit of the southeastern northwest flows, past Naserberg on its right, and reaches the Orange River at Nose Sigand, Gordon's Gariep claim. North of nose suit on the other side of the Orange River le the siding nose gate, at 2820 DA, while the stream, the mountain and the island le 2820 dd. Everyone is in District Gordonia. There are geographical and toponimies an essential link between the places mentioned, geographically because of their location, toponimies because the starting point must be the same. Everyone is in first instance Khoekhens T.O.V. The element nose, as evidenced by the communication of Gordon and its topographical explanation. The Khoekhoense element 'claim' in the name gives the Afrikaans word for 'nose' again. 'Nose' is in Nama ╪gui-s. In Gordon's own list of noborrhage he gives nose (Ms 2 38) '' gagu-B (the acuut accent suggests a suction patch). In Old Cape, the inland name for nose has been repeatedly recorded (cf. Hott 400-1), mostly with an aneating consonant (eg, K-, G-, N-) but also without it, eg. By Alexander 18372 110 in the form of T-Uie-P (with the Suction Consonant, here of the ╪) ■ The 'claim' for 'nose' can still be connected to old documentations, we believe. Gariepeis (Readǃ Garib - = (

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2820 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Neuseiland
eng Gordon 1779 ms 2 48 '... are now a half my-myl frontby Hosabes the place Hiet Gariep requirement Synde Garies nose to the blunt island, running a sprout agter a hill'.
afr Gordon 1779 ms 2 48 '...zyn nu een half myl voorby hosabees de plaats hiet Gariep eis synde Garies Neus om het stompe eilandtje, lopende een spruit agter een heuvel om'.
eng The Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2820 Upington shows that Nezpruit of the southeastern northwest flows, past Naserberg on its right, and reaches the Orange River at Nose Sigand, Gordon's Gariep claim. North of nose suit on the other side of the Orange River le the siding nose gate, at 2820 DA, while the stream, the mountain and the island le 2820 dd. Everyone is in District Gordonia. There are geographical and toponimies an essential link between the places mentioned, geographically because of their location, toponimies because the starting point must be the same. Everyone is in first instance Khoekhens T.O.V. The element nose, as evidenced by the communication of Gordon and its topographical explanation. The Khoekhoense element 'claim' in the name gives the Afrikaans word for 'nose' again. 'Nose' is in Nama ╪gui-s. In Gordon's own list of noborrhage he gives nose (Ms 2 38) '' gagu-B (the acuut accent suggests a suction patch). In Old Cape, the inland name for nose has been repeatedly recorded (cf. Hott 400-1), mostly with an aneating consonant (eg, K-, G-, N-) but also without it, eg. By Alexander 18372 110 in the form of T-Uie-P (with the Suction Consonant, here of the ╪) ■ The 'claim' for 'nose' can still be connected to old documentations, we believe. Gariepeis (Readǃ Garib - = (<g) Ui-s] is then 'Gariep nose' or, with the proceedings of the Gariep, 'Orange River nose', which has the coordinates of the current nose island.
afr Die Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2820 Upington toon aan dat Neusspruit van die suidooste noordwes vloei, verby Neusberg aan sy regterkant, en die Oranjerivier bereik by Neuseiland, Gordon se Gariep-eis. Noord van Neuseiland aan die oorkant van die Oranjerivier le die sylyn Neushek, op 2820 DA, terwyl die spruit, die berg en die eiland op 2820 DD le. Almal is in distrik Gordonia. Daar is geografies en toponimies ’n noodsaaklike verband tussen die genoemde plekke, geografies vanweë hulle ligging, toponimies omdat die beginpunt dieselfde moet wees. Almal is in eerste instansie Khoekhoens t.o.v. die element Neus-, soos blyk uit die mededeling van Gordon en sy topografiese verduideliking daarby. Die Khoekhoense element 'eis' in die naam gee die Afrikaanse woord vir 'neus' weer. 'Neus' is in Nama ╪gui-s. In Gordon se eie lys Namawoorde gee hy vir neus (ms 2 38) 'guie-b op (die akuutaksent stel ’n suigklap voor). In Ou-Kaaps is die inlandse naam vir neus herhaaldelik opgeteken (vgl. HOTT 400-1), meestal met ’n anlautende konsonant (bv. k-, g-, n-) maar ook daarsonder, bv. deur Alexander 18372 110 in die vorm van t-uie-p (met die t- vir die suigkonsonant, hier van die ╪)■ Die 'eis' vir 'neus' kan tog met ou dokumentasies verbind word, meen ons. Gariepeis (lees ǃGarib-=(<g)ui-s] is dan 'Gariep-neus' of, met ver- vanging van die Gariep-, 'Oranjerivier-neus', wat die koördinate van die huidige Neuseiland het.
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