
Koekoeb' is farm no Ken. Q. 1-26, District Gordonia, just south of and adjacent to the Orange River. At the northwest point of the farm is 'nose island'; the 'noseberg' is already running with the southwestern boundary of the Place along and southwest of the mountain flows the 'nostril' north-west to water at nose to water in the orange In Nama it is + GUI, which is with the consistent change of G- and K- with the first member of Koekoeb. Nama ǀ UIB = 'Mountain' (Rest 1960 DNW 10), in Old Cape Oa Cou, Khoe, Cow etc. (Hott 217). The lock -b is the ml. mountains, locating That the Neusberg range extends him north of the Orange River further in northwest direction. There is also the names 'nose gate' and for the sideline 'nose gate' a parable who saw the nominant with a nose, viz. with the nose of a human or animal. Anthropomorphic views by naming in this area are lived. We believe that the statement made from the mentioned considerations and what pattern the diversion convincingly make and the suspicions of Dr. Van Vreeden 1961 Origin 382 makes unlikely. Simply klankassosiatief think of Vreeden the first paragraph Cooling to 11khu- = thorn, or, following prof. JA Engelbrecht (quoted in Origin 570) to Lubu, Luwu- = egg. Both suspicions further on linguistic objections. Cauco is then 'nasalberg', and all the compounds in this neighborhood with ingredient nose - go back to Khoekhoian names whose Afrikaans names are translated, So also nose island.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2820 DD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2820 Upington 'Koekob'
afr Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2820 Upington 'Koekob'
eng Koekoeb' is farm no Ken. Q. 1-26, District Gordonia, just south of and adjacent to the Orange River. At the northwest point of the farm is 'nose island'; the 'noseberg' is already running with the southwestern boundary of the Place along and southwest of the mountain flows the 'nostril' north-west to water at nose to water in the orange In Nama it is + GUI, which is with the consistent change of G- and K- with the first member of Koekoeb. Nama ǀ UIB = 'Mountain' (Rest 1960 DNW 10), in Old Cape Oa Cou, Khoe, Cow etc. (Hott 217). The lock -b is the ml. mountains, locating That the Neusberg range extends him north of the Orange River further in northwest direction. There is also the names 'nose gate' and for the sideline 'nose gate' a parable who saw the nominant with a nose, viz. with the nose of a human or animal. Anthropomorphic views by naming in this area are lived. We believe that the statement made from the mentioned considerations and what pattern the diversion convincingly make and the suspicions of Dr. Van Vreeden 1961 Origin 382 makes unlikely. Simply klankassosiatief think of Vreeden the first paragraph Cooling to 11khu- = thorn, or, following prof. JA Engelbrecht (quoted in Origin 570) to Lubu, Luwu- = egg. Both suspicions further on linguistic objections. Cauco is then 'nasalberg', and all the compounds in this neighborhood with ingredient nose - go back to Khoekhoian names whose Afrikaans names are translated, So also nose island.
afr Koekoeb' is plaas nr Ken. Q. 1-26, distrik Gordonia, net suid van en aangrensend aan die Oranjerivier. By die noordwestelike punt van die plaas is 'Neuseiland'; die 'Neusberg' loop al met die suidwestelike grens van die plaas langs en suidwes van die berg vloei die 'Neusspruit' noord- weswaarts om by Neuseiland in die Oranje uit te water. Vir 'neus' is in Ou-Kaaps o.a. t’koi, KoYP en xk’eu opgeteken (HOTT 401), in Nama is dit +gui-, wat met die bestaanbare wisseling van g- en k- met die eerste lid van Koekoeb. nl. Koe-, kan ooreenstem. Die tweede lid van die naam. nl. -koe-b, is soos Nama ǀuib = 'berg' (Rust 1960 DNW 10), in Ou-Kaaps o.a. cou, khoe, koe ens. (HOTT 217). Die slot -b is die ml. ekv., gewoon om riviere of, soos hier, berge, te lokativeer. Dit lyk dan taalkundig en geografies moontlik dat Neusberg die regstreekse vertaling van Koekoeb is en dat die eerste lid in vertaling oorgedra is op die spruit en die eiland. Op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1975 word aangedui dat die Neusbergreeks horn noord van die Oranjerivier verder in noordwestelike rigting verleng. Daar kom ook die name 'Neuspoort' en vir die sylyn 'Neushek' voor. Die uitgestrektheid van die bergreeks (oor die 30 km) versterk ons vermoede dat die naam Neusberg in sy Khoekhoense vorm Koekoeb primer was. Die naam berus dan wel op ’n gelykenis wat die benoemer met ’n neus gesien het, nl. met die neus van ’n mens of dier. Antropomorfiese sieninge by naamgewing in hierdie omgewing is gewoon. Ons meen dat die verklaring wat uit die genoemde oorwegings afgelêi is en wat patroonmatig is, die afleiding oortuigend maak en die vermoedens van dr Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 382 onwaarskynlik maak. Bloot klankassosiatief dink Van Vreeden vir die eerste lid Koe- aan 11khu- = doringboom, of, in navolging van prof. JA Engelbrecht (aangehaal in Oorsprong 570) aan lubu-, luwu- = eier. Albei vermoedens stuit verder op taalkundige besware. Koekoep is dan 'Neusberg', en al die samestellings in hierdie buurt met bestanddeel Neus- gaan terug op Khoekhoense name waarvan die Afrikaanse name vertalings is, dus ook Neuseiland.
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