
Name of a fountain (locative sign the Fern. Sing, -s), then a farm and now the town, the farms nous East and West (Civ.q.10-1 and 10-15), and according to Survey also to From there lying 'Nous's valley', 'Nous River' and the sandy plain 'nousvlakte'. In our material not a word ╪nos for stone (mass) or bank. What about semantics and, with the well-known allophonic change N and H (cf. 5 d 6) soundly matched in Nama isǃ Hau-b = 'der fels',ǃ Hau-s; 'The Fels-Washersbank' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 170). However, rather than at Krenz FK 1974 note here 'ǃ Nous is also a bare stone'. 'Klipbank' or 'Klipbankfontein'. There must be no essential connection withǃ Nau-B = 'Hügel' (with nasalized two-sound). We believe the statement is different. To start with the said neous names, others have to be added, eg. 'Nous River' (topographical series 1973 sheet 2818 Warmbaths). Between the complex of names with nous, viz. Between Nous West (T), Nous South (a water location to 'Landground's Sand River') and Nous East Le 'porcupine', a water location to the Nous River. Consult the mentioned topographical map. The noticeable is that the Word for Ystervark, at Le Vaillant 1780-83, recorded in this form (Hott 539), such as Namaǃ Noa. The corresponding with the name of the places here known as now-s (the -s is locative index) and the word for 'porcupine', viz. ǃ NOA-, is already striking, but it is probably more than striking when in the heart of this complex is the preserved fountain name of porcupine. We believe that porcupine may be the translation of the old inland name, M.A.W. The places nous means 'porcupine', according to the nightdires that occurred earlier.

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Georeference Sources
K 2819 DD
k NOUP 2819 ens.
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'nous', source. And other cards. Opperman PA 1945 TW 1 109 'Nous = stone mass; Did his name thanks to the great solid stone mass found there. Here is a church building, a church hall, parsonage and several homes, because the corner of Kenhardt's congregation here celebrates four times a year to celebrate Communion ... 'PNK 1947' Nous West, Dist. Kenhardt, north of page grounds and about 20 to 30 km from the Orange River. Old Korananam of the farm. 'Nous mean in Korana big stones or rocky benches, in Korana ^ Naos. The world there are full of tremendous stones and rocks. Form filled in by Oosthuizen MJ principal Kakamas.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Nous', bron. En ander kaarte. Opperman PA 1945 TW 1 109 'Nous = klipmassa; het sy naam te danke aan die groot soliede klipmassa wat daar aangetref word. Hier staan ’n kerkgebou, ’n kerksaal, pastorie en etlike tuishuisies, want die uithoek van Kenhardt se gemeente kom hier vier keer per jaar bymekaar om nagmaal te vier...' PNK 1947 'Nous-Wes, dist. Kenhardt, noord van Bladgrond en sowat 20 tot 30 km van die Oranjerivier af’. Ou Korananaam van die plaas. 'Nous beteken in Korana groot klippe of klipbanke, in Korana ^Naos. Die wêreld daar is vol geweldige klippe en klipbanke'. Formulier ingevul deur Oosthuizen MJ Skoolhoof Kakamas.
eng Name of a fountain (locative sign the Fern. Sing, -s), then a farm and now the town, the farms nous East and West (Civ.q.10-1 and 10-15), and according to Survey also to From there lying 'Nous's valley', 'Nous River' and the sandy plain 'nousvlakte'. In our material not a word ╪nos for stone (mass) or bank. What about semantics and, with the well-known allophonic change N and H (cf. 5 d 6) soundly matched in Nama isǃ Hau-b = 'der fels',ǃ Hau-s; 'The Fels-Washersbank' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 170). However, rather than at Krenz FK 1974 note here 'ǃ Nous is also a bare stone'. 'Klipbank' or 'Klipbankfontein'. There must be no essential connection withǃ Nau-B = 'Hügel' (with nasalized two-sound). We believe the statement is different. To start with the said neous names, others have to be added, eg. 'Nous River' (topographical series 1973 sheet 2818 Warmbaths). Between the complex of names with nous, viz. Between Nous West (T), Nous South (a water location to 'Landground's Sand River') and Nous East Le 'porcupine', a water location to the Nous River. Consult the mentioned topographical map. The noticeable is that the Word for Ystervark, at Le Vaillant 1780-83, recorded in this form (Hott 539), such as Namaǃ Noa. The corresponding with the name of the places here known as now-s (the -s is locative index) and the word for 'porcupine', viz. ǃ NOA-, is already striking, but it is probably more than striking when in the heart of this complex is the preserved fountain name of porcupine. We believe that porcupine may be the translation of the old inland name, M.A.W. The places nous means 'porcupine', according to the nightdires that occurred earlier.
afr Naam van ’n fontein (lokatiewe teken die fern. sing, -s), toe 'n plaas en daarop nou die dorp, daarby die plase Nous East en West (Civ.Q.10-1 en 10-15), en volgens Opmeting ook o.m. van daarby liggende 'Nous se laagte', 'Nousrivier' en die sandvlakte 'Nousvlakte'. In ons materiaal nie ’n woord ╪naos vir klip(massa) of -bank nie. Wat daarmee semantics en, met die bekende allofoniese wisseling n- en h- (vgl. 5 D 6) klankmatig ooreenstem in Nama, is ǃhau-b = 'der Fels', ǃhau-s; 'die Fels-Wasserbank' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 170). Nogtans eerder soos by Krenz FK 1974 Aantekening hierby ' ǃNous is ook ’n kaal klip'. 'Klipbank' of 'Klipbankfontein'. Daar moet nie ’n noodsaaklike verband gesoek word met ǃnau-b = 'Hügel' (met genasaleerde tweeklank) nie. Ons meen die verklaring is anders. Om mee te begin moet by die genoemde Nous-name nog ander gevoeg word, bv. 'Nousrivier' (Topografiese reeks 1973 vel 2818 Warmbad). Tussen die kompleks van name met Nous, nl. tussen Nous Wes(t), Nous Suid ('n waterplek aan 'Bladgrond se Sandrivier') en Nous East le 'Ystervarkbank', ’n waterplek aan die vanggebied van die Nousrivier. Raadpleeg die genoemde Topografiese kaart. Die opmerklike is dat die woord vir ystervark, reeds by le Vaillant 1780-83 in hierdie vorm opgeteken (HOTT 539), soos Nama ǃnoa- is. Die ooreenstem- ming met die naam van die plekke hier wat bekend is as Nou-s (die -s is lokatiewe indeks) en die woord vir 'ystervark', nl. ǃnoa-, is al opvallend, maar dit word seker meer as opvallend wanneer daar in die hartjie van hierdie kompleks die bewaarde fonteinnaam is van Ystervarkbank. Ons meen dat Ystervarkbank in sy hoofdeel die vertaling van die ou inlandse naam mag wees, m.a.w. die plekke Nous beteken 'Ystervark', en wel na aanleiding van die nagdiertjie wat daar vroeër voorgekom het.
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