Eyvop, Euyop

The general location is precisely. The place is located near the source 'hot', earlier Eyas, today the name of the farm Yas. It makes the EY, Euy- quite sure. Here again was one of the hot sources. The EY is like Nama ǀ Ai- = 'Feuer' (Rust 1969 DNW 21), now spelled ǀ Ae. The -fop / -Yop is as suggested by Dr Mossop, viz. Like Oup, today, OUP (S) Plains, cf. Topographic range 1973 Skin 2818 Warmbaths. With OUP in the sense of 'source, water, fountain' (Nama ǀ Au-B) means Wikar's place name 'fire source', 'Warntbron', and close so directly to the many names in the reference to water with bonormal temperature .

About this item

Eyvop, Euyop
Alternative Title
Eyvop, Euyop
Georeference Sources
K 2819 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Wikar 1779 VRV 15 40 '... of Chabous to Evyop ...' Mossop 1935 Vrv 15 17 'Eyvop, Euyop, Not Identified, Probably Oup ...' Van Vreden 1961 Origin 283 '... according to location and soil Eyvop rather Nama + obǃ Ab = Braksloot, brackish water run ... '
afr Wikar 1779 VRV 15 40 '...van Chabous na Evyop...' Mossop 1935 VRV 15 17 'Eyvop, Euyop, not identified, probably Oup...' Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 283 '...Volgens ligging en bodemgesteldheid is Eyvop eerder Nama +ob-ǃab = braksloot, brakwaterloop...'
eng The general location is precisely. The place is located near the source 'hot', earlier Eyas, today the name of the farm Yas. It makes the EY, Euy- quite sure. Here again was one of the hot sources. The EY is like Nama ǀ Ai- = 'Feuer' (Rust 1969 DNW 21), now spelled ǀ Ae. The -fop / -Yop is as suggested by Dr Mossop, viz. Like Oup, today, OUP (S) Plains, cf. Topographic range 1973 Skin 2818 Warmbaths. With OUP in the sense of 'source, water, fountain' (Nama ǀ Au-B) means Wikar's place name 'fire source', 'Warntbron', and close so directly to the many names in the reference to water with bonormal temperature .
afr Die algemene ligging is juis. Die plek le naby die bron 'Vuurwarm', vroeër Eyas, vandag nog die naam van die plaas Yas. Dit maak die Ey-, Euy- taamlik seker. Hier was weer een van die warm bronne. Die Ey-is soos Nama ǀai- = 'Feuer' (Rust 1969 DNW 21), nou gespel ǀae-. Die -vop/-yop is wel soos by dr Mossop voorgestel, nl. soos Oup, vandag nog daarby Oup(s)vlakte, vgl. Topografiese reeks 1973 vel 2818 Warmbad. Met oup in die sin van 'bron, waterplek, fontein' (Nama ǀau-b) beteken Wikar se pleknaam 'Vuurbron', 'Warntbron', en sluit so direk aan by die baie name hierlangs in die verwysing na water met bonormale temperatuur.
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