
Tier or leopard is in Nama Jgarub (Rust 1960 DNW Resp. 61 and 39). Taking into account the consistent variability of G- and N- (th a * 46 by 5 d 4), the statement by Mr Agenbag is well-known. This naroep is then place. Q. 7-18, District Namaqualand, southeast of Goodhouse, near the old Ramansdrift. Exactly this place also calls L Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 170. But he writes nama in Nama as 'Inarub', d.w.s. with a cerebral schnalz in front. Strangely, he declares this Inarub, although he explains the namanaam otherwise consistently where he knows the meaning. One can only conclude that he could not find out the meaning of his servants. Possible explanations of an Inarub tried to find us in th a ** 867. The consensus is that Inarub brings in connection with a tree is like the Swarttebbenhoutboom. This tree variety was plentiful in this region, in fact, the naman of the small-pellari four were based on this, cf. Th a ** 1003. It seems to us or prof. Schultze's older documentation deserves the preference. Striking that surrounding farms here carry tree names, such as Dabenoris and Honniams. On the farm naroep le the 'nouroepmen'. It seems pretty sure Nouroep and naroep should be changing pronouncements of the same sound and that the -p of naroep point out that the farm name originally relied on the mountain. The -b of the ml. Ekv. is an indication of river names and also, like here, from mountain names.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2818 DC/2918 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Agenbag FB 1978 Farmer Questionnaire per Burger CR Principal 'Naroep means tiger or leopard'.
afr Agenbag FB 1978 Boer Vraelys per Burger CR Skoolhoof 'Naroep beteken tier of luiperd'.
eng Tier or leopard is in Nama Jgarub (Rust 1960 DNW Resp. 61 and 39). Taking into account the consistent variability of G- and N- (th a * 46 by 5 d 4), the statement by Mr Agenbag is well-known. This naroep is then place. Q. 7-18, District Namaqualand, southeast of Goodhouse, near the old Ramansdrift. Exactly this place also calls L Schultze 1904-5 Anuk 170. But he writes nama in Nama as 'Inarub', d.w.s. with a cerebral schnalz in front. Strangely, he declares this Inarub, although he explains the namanaam otherwise consistently where he knows the meaning. One can only conclude that he could not find out the meaning of his servants. Possible explanations of an Inarub tried to find us in th a ** 867. The consensus is that Inarub brings in connection with a tree is like the Swarttebbenhoutboom. This tree variety was plentiful in this region, in fact, the naman of the small-pellari four were based on this, cf. Th a ** 1003. It seems to us or prof. Schultze's older documentation deserves the preference. Striking that surrounding farms here carry tree names, such as Dabenoris and Honniams. On the farm naroep le the 'nouroepmen'. It seems pretty sure Nouroep and naroep should be changing pronouncements of the same sound and that the -p of naroep point out that the farm name originally relied on the mountain. The -b of the ml. Ekv. is an indication of river names and also, like here, from mountain names.
afr Tier of luiperd is in Nama jgarub (Rust 1960 DNW resp. 61 en 39). Met inagneming van die bestaanbare variabiliteit van g- en n- (TH A* 46 by 5 D 4) is die verklaring van mnr Agenbag taalkundig goed. Hierdie Naroep is dan plaas Nam. Q. 7-18, distrik Namakwaland, suidoos van Goodhouse, naby die ou Ramansdrift. Presies hierdie plek noem l Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 170 ook. maar hy skryf Naroep in Nama as 'INarub', d.w.s. met ’n serebrale schnalz vooraan. Vreemd genoeg verklaar hy hierdie INarub nie, hoewel hy die Namanaam anders konsekwent verklaar waar hy die betekenis weet. Mens kan net aflei dat hy die betekenis nie van sy bediendes kon uitvind nie. Moontlike verklarings van ’n INarub het ons in TH A** 867 probeer opspoor. Die konsensus is dat INarub in verband met 'n boom te bring is soos die swartebbenhoutboom. Hierdie boomsoort was inder- daad volop in hierdie streek, trouens, die Namanaam van die Klein-Pellari- vier het juis hierop berus, vgl. TH A** 1003. Dit lyk vir ons of prof. Schultze se ouer dokumentasie tog die voorkeur verdien. Opvallend dat omringende plase hier boomname dra, soos DABENORIS en HOUNIAMS alwaar. Op die plaas Naroep le die 'Nouroepberge'. Dit lyk taamlik seker dat Nouroep- en Naroep wisseluitsprake van dieselfde grondwoord moet wees en dat die -p van Naroep daarop wys dat die plaasnaam oorspronklik op die berg betrekking gehad het. Die -b van die ml. ekv. is 'n aanduiding van riviername en ook, soos hier, van bergname.
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