
In th a ** 604 we have the name of farm No Nam. Q. 6-7 on the authority of our peasies associated with Nama ǀ Khawi- = 'Stitch Grass' (Rust 1960 DNW 58), a sp. Aristida. This farm lies on the west side and adjacent to naroep. On this naroep is a place 'Loerkop' earlier Mr FR Agenbag 1978 Boer questionnaire per C Burger Principal The following comment makes: 'Loerkop is a look at dunes when sought wild or cattle'. 'Look' in Nama Gawi (Rust 58) of which Kabi is the frequent exchange ruling. Kabis can therefore be the name in Nama of what is in Afrikaans 'Loerkop'. This agreement, not only linguistically but also geographically, makes it possible that the farm name kabis just coincidence with 'stitch grass', but in fact 'burden' means ' , on the basis of an increase. On the farm Ab-basas bordering on the west side of Kabis is 'Kabiskop'. This point name is likely to be translated into respect of its first element as 'Loerkop'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2818 CD/2918 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng In th a ** 604 we have the name of farm No Nam. Q. 6-7 on the authority of our peasies associated with Nama ǀ Khawi- = 'Stitch Grass' (Rust 1960 DNW 58), a sp. Aristida. This farm lies on the west side and adjacent to naroep. On this naroep is a place 'Loerkop' earlier Mr FR Agenbag 1978 Boer questionnaire per C Burger Principal The following comment makes: 'Loerkop is a look at dunes when sought wild or cattle'. 'Look' in Nama Gawi (Rust 58) of which Kabi is the frequent exchange ruling. Kabis can therefore be the name in Nama of what is in Afrikaans 'Loerkop'. This agreement, not only linguistically but also geographically, makes it possible that the farm name kabis just coincidence with 'stitch grass', but in fact 'burden' means ' , on the basis of an increase. On the farm Ab-basas bordering on the west side of Kabis is 'Kabiskop'. This point name is likely to be translated into respect of its first element as 'Loerkop'.
afr In TH A** 604 het ons die naam van plaas nr Nam. Q. 6-7 op gesag van ons segsliede in verband gebring met Nama ǀkhawi- = 'steekgras' (Rust 1960 DNW 58), ’n sp. Aristida. Hierdie plaas le aan die westekant van en grensend aan Naroep. Op hierdie Naroep is ’n plek 'loerkop' waar- oor mnr FR Agenbag 1978 Boer Vraelys per CR Burger Skoolhoof die volgende opmerking maak: 'loerkop is ’n uitkyk op duine wanneer daar na wild of beeste gesoek is'. 'loer' is in Nama gawi- (Rust 58) waarvan kabi-die frekwente wisseluitspraak is. Kabis kan dus die naam in Nama wees van wat in Afrikaans 'loerkop' is. Hierdie ooreenkoms, nie net taalkundig nie maar ook geografies, maak dit moontlik dat die plaasnaam Kabis net toevallig met 'steekgras' ooreenstem, maar in feite 'loerplek' beteken, op grond van 'n verhoging. Op die plaas Ab- basas wat aan die westekant aan Kabis grens, is 'Kabiskop'. Hierdie kopnaam moet waarskynlik ten opsigte van sy eerste element as 'loerkop' vertaal word.
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