
Nama ǀ O = Stink, ǀ O-B = stench. About -bees' to Coetzee in TVV 25 / 3-4 July-October 1969 41 'A small water is' gas ', a large water is' beef ',' given as Bushmans. Dr. Vedder in a letter 22 3 1950; 'The syllable -bis andbes at the end of a name means that the word is a place name ...' The name Stinkfontein is therefore a literal translation. The grade square is fixed n.a.v. Stinkfonteins River and Stinkfontein Mountains, which both originally returned to a Khoekhozen fountain name, and n.a.v. Eksteenfontein as stated on topographical series 1974 sheet 2816 Alexander Bay. Further details under Ogas. We are not sure if Mr van Heer's memory did not play here, in the sentence, namely that he had given up the old name as Ogas and not obese; T.O.V. The translation he looked ('Stinkfontein'), also in the fact that the old name was Khoekhens, but in the form he had uneven, we said.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2817 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Stinkfontein, nou Eksteenfontein
eng Of Herd Piet, of Springbok, in a private letter 1965 'O'bees; -beace is Bushmen for water; The o 'means bad or stinking. The stench came from the decomposing bodies of Bushmen who were involved in a fight. We got to know the place later as Stinkfontein. Then DS Eksteen, minister of Pofadder, came to seek a place for the ticks of the Bushmanland, he chose Stinkfontein for them and then the name was changed to Eksteenfontein '.
afr Van Heerde Piet, van Springbok, in 'n private brief 1965 'O'bees; -bees is Boesmans vir water; die o’ beteken sleg of stink. Die stank het gekom van die ontbindende lyke van Boesmans wat in ’n geveg betrokke was. Ons het die plek later as Stinkfontein leer ken. Toe ds Eksteen, predikant van Pofadder, ’n plek kom soek het vir die Bosluise van die Boesmansland, het hy Stinkfontein vir hulle uitgekies en toe is die naam verander na Eksteenfontein'.
eng Nama ǀ O = Stink, ǀ O-B = stench. About -bees' to Coetzee in TVV 25 / 3-4 July-October 1969 41 'A small water is' gas ', a large water is' beef ',' given as Bushmans. Dr. Vedder in a letter 22 3 1950; 'The syllable -bis andbes at the end of a name means that the word is a place name ...' The name Stinkfontein is therefore a literal translation. The grade square is fixed n.a.v. Stinkfonteins River and Stinkfontein Mountains, which both originally returned to a Khoekhozen fountain name, and n.a.v. Eksteenfontein as stated on topographical series 1974 sheet 2816 Alexander Bay. Further details under Ogas. We are not sure if Mr van Heer's memory did not play here, in the sentence, namely that he had given up the old name as Ogas and not obese; T.O.V. The translation he looked ('Stinkfontein'), also in the fact that the old name was Khoekhens, but in the form he had uneven, we said.
afr Nama ǀo = stink, ǀo-b = stank. Oor -bees se NA Coetzee in TVV 25/3-4 Julie- Oktober 1969 41 '’n Klein watertjie is ‘gas’, ’n groot water is ‘bees’,' aangegee as Boesmanwoorde. Dr Vedder in ’n brief 22 3 1950; 'Die lettergreep -bis en -bes op die end van ’n naam beteken dat die woord 'n pleknaam is...' Die naam Stinkfontein is dus ’n letterlike vertaling. Die graadvierkant is vasgestel n.a.v. Stinkfonteinsrivier en Stinkfonteinberge, wat albei oorspronklik teruggaan op 'n Khoekhoense fonteinnaam, en n.a.v. Eksteenfontein soos aangegee op Topografiese reeks 1974 vel 2816 Alexander Bay. Verdere besonderhede onder OGAS. Ons is nie seker of mnr Van Heerde se geheue horn nie hier parte gespeel het nie, in die sin naamlik dat hy die ou naam moes opgegee het as Ogas en nie as Obees nie; t.o.v. die vertaling het hy gelyk ('Stinkfontein'), ook daarin dat die ou naam Khoekhoens was, maar in die vorm het hy ongelyk gehad, meen ons.
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